under fire

Chapter 970 The friendly army surrenders to the enemy

Chapter 970 The friendly army surrenders to the enemy
The battlefield is changing and unpredictable.


As the Ninth Battalion headed west, the sound of gunfire gradually ceased.

The team stopped at a col.

Hu Yi held up his binoculars and looked east carefully.

The big dog looked down at the series of footprints on the ground and muttered, "Mr. Hu, this is weird. When we came here, they said they were retreating into the mountain, but these footprints were all facing out of the mountain."

Hu Yi didn't see anything unusual: "This was originally a position of the friendly army, but no one saw it. They left for a short time, but there shouldn't be even a guard."

Hu Yi looked at the footprints. The leather shoes and cloth shoes were messy, which was undoubtedly left by the friendly army. He continued: "It is very likely that the new five armies are gathering."

"Fuck, the team should be dispersed after entering the mountain. They gather at this time. Are they trying to fight the devils?"

Ma Liang was puzzled: "Going into the mountain can also take advantage of the favorable terrain to deal with the devils. What are they doing together?"

Hu Yi shook his head: "They are not the opponents of the devils and puppet army."

Next to her, Xiao Hongying said surprisingly: "Could it be that they are preparing to surrender?
The big dog curled his lips: "How is it possible? Why are they fighting the devils so fiercely at noon?"

Hu Yi straightened up, looked east again, and was silent for a while, facing the mountain wind: "We can't get involved in this matter, let's go back to the regiment first."

It's getting dark.

Deputy Division Commander Jing led three regiment leaders under him and walked into a village in a depression halfway up the mountain.

The headquarters of the New Fifth Army is hidden here.

In the afternoon, I received a notice that all the people above the regiment went to the military headquarters for a meeting.

He faintly felt that something was wrong, the battle was imminent, and it was very abnormal to call all the heads of various ministries together.

The accompanying guards stayed in the courtyard, chatting with the familiar military guards and quickly mixed together.

At the door of the main house of a certain rich family that was requisitioned, two military commanders and guards had submachine guns across their chests.

In the middle of the main room, there is a long table. The military commander and the commander of the third temporary division are sitting on the side of the table.

Opposite the table sat the only two division commanders and staff officers in the entire army.

Behind the two division commanders sat the three commanders of the Fourth Temporary Division. There were not many people in the room, seven or eight.

Master Jing casually looked at the furnishings in the house. On the wall at the end of the front desk, there was an enlarged photo frame of Prime Minister Sun's bust.

On the table under the photo frame, on the left side is a photocopied letter from Lao Jiang.

In front of the commander-in-chief on the right, there is a rubbing copy of the stone inscription written by Yue Wumu.

The layout of this thing looks more and more like a mourning hall.

Master Jing was a little dumbfounded. Whenever the army commander held a meeting to discuss important issues, he would definitely put up a big photo of Premier Sun.

And the people who greeted the people from Chongqing would replace that photo with Lao Jiang.

If there are other mountain kings visiting, the photo on the wall will be replaced by Song Jiang's portrait.

The blue sky and white flag are not hung on the wall but spread on the table.

There is not even a map on the wall. It doesn't look like a military meeting, but it looks like a rhythm of preparing to run away

Commander Jing's garrison was a little further away, and he just arrived after receiving the notice, and sat down on the chair next to the commander of the Fourth Division who was originally at the military headquarters.

The division commander nodded to Deputy Division Commander Jing, but did not speak.

The place was silent.

After a while, two more came in one after another.

The orderly came to the ear of the commander who was in a daze: "Commander, everyone is here"

The commander-in-chief raised his lonely eyes, glanced left and right, and said in a low voice after a while: "The current situation is difficult, I have called you today, I have something to tell everyone."

No one spoke and sat upright.

Commander-in-Chief is immersed in his own emotions: "My grandson was loved by my brothers. He used to be the commander-in-chief of the Northwest Army and the chairman of Anhui Province. He almost died in the hands of his subordinates when he was in command and the provincial chairman, and he almost died in the hands of the Japanese during the Great Wall War of Resistance.

The Manchus killed three generations of my grandson’s ancestors. I was born late and the Manchus perished early, so I took my brothers to dig the ancestral graves of the Manchurians. After he died, I still killed him!It can be regarded as avenging the hatred of fellow big men, but... no matter whether I am a tomb robber or not, I am finally worthy of my ancestors and my brothers. "

Seeing that the people on the other side were silent, the military commander suddenly smiled: "Hehe, why, you look down on me, Qiu Ba?"

A group leader on the opposite side was taken aback: "Brother, what are you talking about? You can just say what you want to do now. If you want to fight, you want to talk to you."

"Two years ago, the 27th Army looked down on Laozi and started friction with us. Hehe, he was beaten up by the devils and even lost his post as army commander.

I finally understand one thing, in this world, no matter how strong you are, you have more guns than me, and you have a bigger territory than me, it is better to compare who can live longer than everyone else! "

Mr. Jing watched his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose. After the opening remarks, it's time to get down to business.

The Commander-in-Chief coughed: "I have fought against the little devil for ten years. From the first 7 people who were beaten as commanders, to the comeback, the brothers have always followed me. I am very grateful."

"I dare not be ashamed." The deputy commander of the third division quickly expressed his opinion.

"Brother, if you have something to say, just tell me." The teacher next to Master Jing said in a heavy tone.

The army commander nodded: "Everyone knows the current situation. The little devils have assembled an army of nearly 2 around us. Our [-] miscellaneous army is no match for the little devils. Even if we retreat into the mountains and take advantage of the favorable terrain, sooner or later will starve to death”

Having said that, he turned his head and looked at the staff officer next to him: "Guoan, tell me."

Li Guoan, his confidant and staff officer, was sitting next to Lord Commander, who immediately stood up and saluted from left to right: "Everyone here should know that in February, I went to the Luwang Cemetery with Brother Maeda, the devil, to have a peace talk with him. "

Master Jing felt a little bitter. This matter had been reported to his superiors long ago. After many discussions, the superiors finally came to the conclusion that the Eighth Route Army could not stop it.

The superior knows the news in advance and can only make targeted arrangements

"Commander Wen, Senior Staff Officer of the Military Commission and Commander of the Eighth Column of the Hebei-Chahar War Zone, is currently in Commander Pang's army." Having said this, Staff Officer Li took out a document from the folder next to him: "This is the secret order of the chairman. Everyone, take a look."

Master Jing saw the above content clearly at a glance. In fact, he knew this would be the result, but he didn't expect it to be so soon!
The staff put away the document: "Master Maeda promised that in order to save our face, we will not surrender directly to them. Our department accepts the Nanjing Nationalist Government and reorganizes it into the 'Peaceful Nationalist Army'. The designation is still the New Five Army. The troops will be deployed to Kaifeng today garrison."

The commander of the third division was concurrently held by the army commander, and the deputy division commander of the third division was even a little excited about this result. He suppressed his excitement and kept his face unchanged and deliberately asked, "Does Commander Pang know about this?"

"Commander Wen is in his army. They are now on the west side of Taihang Mountain. The situation there is different from ours. If we can fight, we will fight. If we can't, we will make peace."

The army commander who had been a little dazed all the time suddenly said: "Brothers, if you are willing to go with me, you can show your attitude. If you don't want to follow me, I will send him to leave. But if anyone reveals the inside story of this matter, I will tell you the truth." With this oath, he will be in a dilemma between life and death."

This is not a matter of discussion at all, and the chief officials are called together to prevent anyone from causing trouble at this juncture.

It’s all said and done. If the commander-in-chief’s mouth is to send money away, it’s estimated that those who don’t want to follow him will be sent directly to Xitian.
After fighting against the little devil for ten years, countless brothers died at the hands of the little devil. If he suddenly announced that he would surrender to the little devil, many people would feel dissatisfied.

There are not many stunned youths among the soldiers, and there are many people who are determined to fight the devils.

It is very simple to prevent ordinary soldiers from making troubles, but it is necessary to guard against commanders at all levels of the army.

No one would be so foolish as to object to being able to sit in a meeting at the military headquarters. ,
Therefore, the staff immediately went out, began to arrange Junfang's cronies as guards and gendarmes, and immediately returned to the defense area with the regimental commanders, summoned the chief officers of the battalions and companies, and announced the decision.

If someone disobeyed the order of the military during the process, they were either arrested directly or blood was splashed on the spot immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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