under fire

Chapter 971 A powerful opponent

Chapter 971 A powerful opponent

Night is coming.

Fires were lit all over the foot of the mountain.

The surrendering army was forming up, mules neighing and horses croaking, and they were about to leave the mountain pass.

Perhaps, for most people, surrender does not seem unacceptable.

At least alive.

After leaving this mountain pass, what will greet them will be a completely different fate.

In the future, I will no longer be the National Revolutionary Army, and will become the puppet army I have scolded countless times before!
A group of people waited, each with their own thoughts.

Outside the pass.

Chariots, machine gun bases, and a long line of horses, leaving more than a dozen gaps in the middle for only one person to pass through.

An officer of the Imperial Army was sitting in the back of a motorcycle outside the horse, and was talking to the person in the driver's seat: "Captain Li, I think you are not in a good mood."

"When you make a phone call, I will take the train first, and then I have ridden this thing for more than 100 miles, and I have been blinded by the wind." The driver's face is covered with dust, and the complaining voice can be heard as a dog traitor as soon as he opens his mouth Li Youcai.

"I think you should be very excited to participate in such a grand surrender ceremony."

"They are my compatriots, you slap me in the face for saying that."

"Hahaha, they turned from the dark to the bright, and everyone will build a big **** circle together. In the future, everyone will have food and work. What a wonderful tomorrow."

"I'm just a frog in a well, you really think highly of me."

"If it wasn't for your help, maybe I would have already apologized. For our better tomorrow, you'd better cheer up." Huo Ran who was sitting in the side fight was Shangchuan Chiba who was still at Changgou Railway Station in the morning.

"I'm a little curious, why didn't the surrender ceremony wait until dawn?"

"Hehe, I think you should have heard of the saying that Ye Changmeng has many dreams?"

"It's the middle of the night, if something goes wrong."

"Hehe, as long as they come out of the mountain, there will be no problems!" Chiba Shangchuan smiled: "Even if there is a problem, it is their problem!"

The dog traitor raised his head and looked around. There were teams of the Imperial Army and the Imperial Association Army everywhere. Indeed, if the National Army who came out of the mountain and surrendered really wanted to do something small, the dense machine guns would definitely smash them all into pieces: "There is a thing I don't understand, why did you have to call me here?"

"This is what Mr. Maeda meant. He said that you are a smart person. It just so happens that I agree with him."

"I'm just a straw bag. I said, can't you let me go?"

"If you are an idiot, then I don't think there are many smart people in the world except the imperial army."

"Then you should know the saying that a big tree attracts the wind. Actually, I don't want to come at all."

"Hehe, then you should know the word stand out, you are a smart person, you should have a wider stage."

This is called driving ducks to the shelves. What can I do? Maybe I will be published in the newspapers. The traitor is sad: "You made me travel nearly two hundred miles here just to witness their surrender?"

"Of course not, do you know what we found?" Kamikawa Chiba winked mysteriously, this expressive person is really an authentic China hand, if you don't know his details, it is absolutely impossible to know that this person is a ruthless person little devil.

Li Youcai is not stupid, calling himself over from hundreds of miles away will definitely not be a good thing: "With the relationship between the two of us, can you be more direct?"

"Haha, Li Sang, I can see that you are very impatient now, but this matter is very important to me, and I need your help."

Li Youcai couldn't help being stunned for a moment: "You think too highly of me, I'm not familiar with this place, so how can I help you?"

Kamikawa Chiba took out a few pieces of paper from her briefcase and handed them to Li Youcai: "Have you seen these people?"

The two were talking, and there was a burst of noise and applause from the mountain pass.

Kamikawa Chiba couldn't help turning his eyes to the brightly lit mountain pass.

Li Youcai was not very interested in the teams that were about to come out to surrender. He was a little curious and took the paper handed over by Shang Chuan, and looked at it with the light from the fire next to him, his eyes immediately widened into bull's eyes.

I was so scared that I almost fell out of the driver's seat.

On the farthest piece of paper was a portrait, except for Jiu Lian, the villainous and smoldering one, there was absolutely no other one with the braids on his head.

Quickly turn to the second picture: an eight-way carrying a machine gun, through the ratio of the five big three thick bodies to the machine gun, even on paper...even if the portrait is very ugly, you can see this at a glance.
Li Youcai fell directly from the driver's seat...

Hearing the noise, Kamikawa Chiba looked away from a distance: "Hey, what's wrong with you."

Li Youcai hurriedly got up from the ground, and raised the stack of papers in his hand: "It's okay, I didn't hold the portrait steady just now, it fell on the ground, I'll get out of the car to pick it up"

Kamikawa Chiba didn't pay attention to the dog traitor, and squinted his eyes slightly: "These people are likely to be among the soldiers who are about to surrender, and the object they promised to surrender is the 'Peaceful National Army'. It is inconvenient for the imperial army to come forward now, so I You need to remember the characteristics of these people and find them out."

Li Youcai was stunned for a moment: "You have portraits... Just arrange a few people and you can recognize them. Why me?"

Kamikawa Chiba smiled, "Don't tell me, you haven't seen these people before."

Li Youcai was shocked, and immediately set off a huge wave.

Start thinking about the past.

I helped Hu Yi to apply for a detective team's certificate, this matter is easy to deal with, when the time comes, I will say that I don't know that this guy was originally an eight-way spy.

But I met Luo Fugui in Xinglong Town, so I can check this matter for sure, not to mention, that guy has been put in prison.

portraits of others
The scar on Ma Liang's face, Li Xiang's rotten face, I really underestimated these people before, and the people under Hu Yi are really goddamn gods!
How can he do that?
All born so characteristic!
Once you see it, you will never forget it...

There are more than a dozen portraits, almost all of which are Jiulian's two hundred and five.

No, what does Chiba Kamikawa mean?
Are you going to have a showdown with yourself?
It doesn't look like it. If you want to kill your head, you won't call yourself hundreds of miles away. It can't be that simple.

Thinking of this, he asked cautiously: "If you recognize him later, are you going to arrest him or not?"

"No, I'm only interested in that girl, anyone else, they'll be in charge." Chiba Uekawa sneered at a row of trucks parked next to her, "It's just that I didn't expect it at all. He even dealt with these people.”

"Don't scare me, I've seen them before." The dog traitor's mind was running at high speed, halfway through his speech, he could still maneuver around, so that his forehead began to sweat.

"Don't be nervous, I didn't expect that the people we dealt with in Mei County were all masters." Chiba Shangchuan laughed at himself and regretted: "At that time, I really underestimated them."

"It's not easy to hurt you." Li Youcai accepted Chiba Kamikawa's words casually, how could he not be nervous at this time, he was trying to be calm.

Kamikawa Chiba called herself over, my god...what the hell is it for?
There are five trucks next to each other, each of which can hold at least 20 people, that is to say, there must be at least half a squadron on the five trucks. It has been nearly an hour in this truck, and there is no movement in the truck, thanks to myself I always thought there was no one in the car except the cab.
A flash of light flashed in his mind, Hu Yi almost died at the hands of the advance team, and Shangchuan... was lame and became depressed at that time.

Next to this ex-drunk...

I used to dress up like ordinary people.
The big name advertised in the newspaper took down the advance team of the Eighth Route Army headquarters...

I actually lied to his motorcycle, using his cover to bluff and cheat.
So the people in the truck
Thinking of this, my scalp tingled for a while.

Why did the two hundred and five of the Jiulian, who are not even the main force of the Eighth Route, be targeted by them?

How did the deadly guy offend a powerful opponent who even got rid of his old nest?

Maybe Shangchuan's target is only the troops in the mountains who are about to surrender.
Those two hundred and five of the Nine Companies crossed mountains and ridges like walking on flat ground. Besides, the imperial army did not completely surround the national army.

peace talks

Therefore, he did not believe that Jiulian would come out and surrender among these people.

Dog traitor comforts himself.
"Hey, Li Sang, what are you thinking? They'll be here soon, let's split up and look for the target." Chiba Uekawa said, jumped off the motorcycle, and beckoned to more than a dozen people dressed in black as detectives behind him. wave.

Soon, the men in black spread out to the side of the rejecting horse who had opened the exit, intending to identify the surrendered troops who were about to come out to disarm one by one.

The puppet army guarding the puppet army who is about to accept the surrender of their compatriots after rejecting the horse, seeing these people coming, quickly accompany them with smiling faces and pass cigarettes
(End of this chapter)

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