under fire

Chapter 975

Chapter 975
Activities in the devil-occupied area are very dangerous. In addition to the various checkpoints on the surface, there are also those pervasive detective teams, night raid teams, and traitors from the fake bureau.

Most of the enemy-occupied areas are lined with artillery towers and a network of road ditches, but there are also guerrilla areas or secret bases of the Eighth Route Army everywhere.

After the start of the Pacific War, the number of devils was seriously insufficient.

Coupled with the crazy destruction of various anti-Japanese armed forces, the devils gradually found that it was difficult to manage the county, so it was even more difficult to rule the township and village.

As a result, the township and village-level power in the occupied areas gradually fell into the hands of puppet, miscellaneous, stubborn, and landlords. Various forces that took over the power set up puppet bureaus in townships and villages. Yes, they are called puppet bureaus.

The armed forces of all walks of life rely on the Bureau to control the village-level political power, collect taxes, be responsible for local security, and even manage the organized armed forces. But this kind of power has no supervision at all.

The fake, miscellaneous, stubborn, and local armed forces that had tasted the sweetness began to grab territory, and even fought with each other.

It is even more difficult for the Eighth Route Army to penetrate this kind of place, because the bureau is in charge of the political power based on the village, and even if an old hen in the village has laid duck eggs, it will spread to every corner of the village in less than half a day.

It is impossible for a stranger to break in!

The little devil is not stupid, he suddenly found that the law and order in these places is even better than the model law and order district, so he just doesn't bother to take care of it.

As long as the food is paid on time, simply turn a blind eye to the armed forces in these places.

The puppet governments of the counties even found business opportunities from it, and were happy to pick up ready-made bargains. They directly issued letters of appointment to the villages that established bureaus to replace the previous "Baojia system" of the grassroots ruling system of the Nationalist government!
It's just that the government of the Republic of China would give some small salaries to the security chiefs of the grassroots management, but now, after being changed to a bureau, they can collect money from the grassroots bureau instead, and everyone is happy.

If it hadn't been for the severe drought in the past two years and the common people ran away, maybe these situations would have become climate change directly.

The development of the base areas of the Eighth Route Army was extremely difficult.

What is even more unpredictable is that in order to get the meager rewards promised by the devils and traitors, there are many ordinary people who inform the enemy.

The villagers in the ten miles and eight townships are more or less related to each other.

In addition, many traitors originally came from the homes of these villagers. Villagers with no education will care about your national righteousness of resisting Japan and destroying the country.

The sky is big and the earth is big, and it is the biggest to survive and eat!
What's more, the devils and puppet soldiers spread everywhere that the eight routes are bandits, and anyone who dares to hide them will be arrested and put in prison, or even shot.
If underground workers want to carry out their work, they must first deal with ordinary people, and they must have influence, otherwise, you yourself are an ordinary person, and you say you need a revolutionary ghost to believe you!

The process of building trust takes a very long time.

Therefore, in many cases, underground workers have to endure misunderstandings and infamy from the public. Even their family members have severed ties with them because they wear the hats of "traitors" and "traitors". At this time, they cannot tell their relatives. His true identity can only be endured silently.

If there is no absolute loyalty, it is absolutely unbearable to endure such a painful torture, and underground workers often maintain a single line of communication between their superiors and subordinates, and their real identity information is strictly kept secret. It will always be a mystery, and the traitor hat on his head may never be taken off.

While lurking inside the enemy, they must maintain a high level of tension every day. Every word and every action must be carefully considered. Even when dreaming, you must be careful not to talk in your sleep. Once unfortunately exposed, what awaits them will be the cruelest torture by the enemy. Tortured and questioned, most of them were sacrificed in the end.

The risk of being arrested is ridiculously high, and a large part of the underground workers who died died because of traitors, traitors, and the informants of ordinary people!

Mei Huaizhi, who had just finished the group meeting, was full of fighting spirit, and his vigilance was very high.

Half a night in advance, he had brought his own brother to the junction on the west side of the railway.

If there is no accident, the team to be picked up will arrive before dawn.

The wheels of another night train smashed the rails, rumbling, rumbling, rushing from north to south
After dark, Shi Cheng and his party took advantage of the moonlight to push their bicycles along the embankment to Jiujianfang.

When we parted, we made an appointment to meet in the river south of Jiujianfang Village.


There was no surprise or danger along the way.

The binoculars given to him by Company Commander Ma is really a good thing. When he meets several suspicious people, he finds them in advance and avoids them far away.

Riding a bicycle and running around openly on the plains, ordinary people dare not provoke them at all.

After reuniting with the work team that arrived earlier and several other people, the group was very excited.

They brag to each other about the "great" deeds of how to get rid of the devil's pursuit. It seems that being able to escape from the devil's hand is already the supreme glory of Guangzong Yaozu.

Captain Geng, who also just returned not long ago, looked at the dusty two hundred and five with a dark face, and interrupted their elegant mood: "Everyone be quiet, the Ninth Battalion has passed the enemy's railway blockade before dawn today. Going west to the mountains, Comrade Hongying asked me to take you back to the station via the railway blockade from the North Bypass!"

"Huh? 'Big Force' left us and went."

Captain Geng cut off the voice who interrupted casually: "What do you mean leaving you behind? We have a large number of people, and we should disperse our actions in enemy-occupied areas."

"We're leaving, what about the wounded?"

"You can choose to go with your comrades after they are overwhelmed."

Not long after, a few figures came out from the village: "Hey, I baked some scallion pancakes here, take them with you to eat on the way."

Captain Geng was startled: "Uncle, this is the ration that Battalion Commander Hu left for you, we can't take it"

"Don't talk nonsense, boy, this time I got so much food from the town hall"

"No, the town hall doesn't have much food, does it?"

"You know what. Company Commander Ma robbed the rations of the puppet army and left half of them for us. The little devil entered the village with the puppet army the afternoon before yesterday. He didn't get anything. There are not many people in the village now. I see, I, old man Geng, will be able to bring the whole village to eat until the summer harvest."

Captain Geng knew that what Uncle Geng said was definitely worthwhile, and he held Uncle Geng's rough hand very moved: "Uncle, after we beat the devils, this world will be the world of our poor people, I will definitely let everyone have pancakes every day." .”

"It's good if we have coarse grains to eat, and Commander Hu is also true. The flour he gave us is wasted if we eat it."

"Well, let's not talk about this today, the work team will be stationed in this area soon, and you can tell me directly if you are short of food in the future."

"Then, don't be naughty, let's go." The uncle waved his hand: "By the way, the detective comrade under Company Commander Luo has been sent to the contact point of the underground transportation station according to your request. The bearded man said that this time he will gather about 30 people, and then he will be escorted by the district team to pass the enemy's railway blockade, and it is estimated that he will not be able to go tonight."

"That line, I have to send them to the contact point overnight, and try to pass the railway blockade tomorrow night."

"Baby, it's fifty or sixty miles away. The road is not smooth, so you have to be careful."

"You also take care." Captain Geng stopped talking nonsense, and led a dozen people on bicycles and headed straight north.

The Pinghan Road traffic lines that the work team was in charge of were divided into three, and the Ninth Battalion of the Independent Regiment took the southern route.

He planned to take the rest of the Ninth Battalion to bypass the middle line between Tang County and An County from east to west in Baidaokou Town, and cross the enemy's railway blockade in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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