under fire

Chapter 976 Night Raiders

Chapter 976 Night Raiders

The junction of Hua County and Tang County.

A dark figure sprinted like a mouse into the ditch hidden in the darkness under the moonlight.

More than a dozen members of the night raid team who were hiding in the ditch immediately got up from the ditch, poked their heads out and looked south. In the distance to the south, there was a faint swaying fire. It was a little far away, and they couldn't see anything clearly.

A panting voice called out in the soup: "Brother, here comes a team of torchlighters."

A high-pitched voice asked, "How many people?"

"Uh, I don't know."

"Have we put eyeliner to find out their details?"

"Uh, I don't know."

"You mother, can't you figure it out once and then come back and report? Hurry up and figure it out for me."

"Come on." The black shadow jumped out of the ditch again, tiptoeing southward like a cat with its waist down and a mouse.

The group of desperadoes stared wide-eyed, watching the increasingly obvious torches in the distance, and said in a broken voice: "Brother, I think it is definitely not ordinary people who are traveling in the middle of the night, and it is likely that they are not delivering goods to Captain Wang. Caravan."

There was hesitation in the high-pitched voice: "I also think. They used to deliver goods during the daytime, and the situation is not quite right. Are you afraid of guerrillas at night?"

"Then, could it be the guerrillas who came to feed the people?"

"Probably not, how dare the guerrillas run around with open fire at night?"

"Boss, shouldn't it be the Imperial Army?" Another hoarse voice sounded like a saw.

The shrill voice ended the topic: "You ask me where the hell do I know?"

After a long while.

A lazy voice muttered: "I heard that yesterday morning... before dawn, a group of Tuba Road guerrillas pretended to be the Imperial Association Army and captured Changgou Railway Station in the dark."

The saw voice echoed: "I heard that too, and overturned a railway patrol car of the imperial army."

"Tsk tsk tsk, the point is, he even hit him twice in one night!"

"According to the brothers in the city, an officer of the imperial army cut his stomach for this"

"Shut up for me," the thin voice finished, and he told the other person next to him: "You, hurry up and report to the captain, so that more people can be sent over, so don't really encounter those desperate guerrillas, gutter capsized the boat."

The situation on the plain is complicated. Now that there are people coming from the south, Iron Saw is right. Who knows if they will satisfy those guerrillas pretending to be the Imperial Association Army?


Behind the torch.

Captain Yang was not in a happy mood. He never dreamed that he would do such a thing as escorting the enemy with smoke and soil.

If he didn't know that he could raise part of the funds for the partition, he would have burned these harmful things to the ground.

He always felt that the guy surnamed Chia behind him was unreliable, and that the guerrillas did a lot of marching in the dark, but this was the first time they openly exposed their targets with torches.

As the saying goes, if you walk at night for a long time, you will always encounter ghosts, which means that walking at night is very risky when the world is in trouble.

However, also look at who is walking.

As long as you leave Hua County, cross the bridge on the dry river ahead and enter Tang County, the traitor surnamed Wu can only swallow the fallen teeth.

Chojiu didn't take this blatant robbery seriously at all, and he didn't take it seriously when he was walking at night.

First of all, he has a certificate of good citizenship, and he has the relationship with Wang Jingchang, let alone encountering puppet soldiers, even if he encounters devils, he will not be afraid.

Secondly, I have dealt with ghosts and monsters all over the world for many years, and anyone with a reputation on the road has to sell a few thin noodles from An County Choi Jiuye.

As for the Eighth Route Guerrilla Army, they are completely their own people.

Besides, the eight roads that followed were obviously not ordinary.

As long as he was out of Hua County, he would dare to walk sideways even in broad daylight.

A voice suddenly appeared: "Report to the captain, enemy spies are found ahead."

Captain Yang's voice was calm: "What about other directions?"

"I haven't found it yet, uh."

"Say anything quickly."

"I think some people's ideas are not very reliable."


"Wouldn't it be better for us to sneak away? You have to listen to him to light the torch. Isn't this a clear target?"

The cut nine next to him sneered: "Hehe, you kid dare to arrange me?"

The scout turned his head directly: "I said cut comrades, we are going to leave Hua County soon, do you think we should be more careful?"

Choi Jiu accepted the suggestion humbly: "Of course, it's a big night, so you still have to be careful."

"But, you are lighting a torch and driving a cart, can you be careful?"

"Then what do you say?"

"I suggest, put out the torches and go in the dark."

"Good way, why didn't you say it earlier."

"Uh, didn't you say you want to light a torch and go away?"

"Then tell me, we came all the way here with torches, did we encounter any trouble?"

"Hey, it's true, even the few traitors I met at the entrance of the village, they avoided us when they saw us, and they didn't even dare to ask."

"Then tell me, what's the benefit of walking with a torch in the dark?"

"Ordinary traitors will not suspect us when they see us."

"Isn't that right?"

"But we have also exposed the target, and the enemy will know our tracks sooner or later."

"What you said makes sense, but even if we are discovered by a traitor, and he goes to inform and then transfer people, how long does it take to go back and forth? Do you think everyone has two legs? Let's walk for an hour first. Why should they Follow us?"

"But, they have a phone!"

"Are you confused? Only towns and blockhouses have telephones. You Captain Yang cut off the telephone wires on the roadside poles all the way. Do you think your captain is stupid?"

"Captain, is what he said true?"

Captain Yang gave this subordinate a blank look: "Can you grow your brains, I really don't know how you used to be a platoon leader."

The platoon leader cried and said: "I only know how to fight. How can I understand these twists and turns?"

Kanjiu looked at the darkness in the north and didn't care.

If he meets the eyeliner of the detective team who doesn't open his eyes on the road, with a gun in his hand, he feels that he can strike first.

And An County is the seat of the provincial government, and the Tang County Security Force is nominally Wang Zhiquan's subordinate. Who would dare not give face to Commander Wang's nephew Wang Jingchang?

The so-called authorities are obsessed, but bystanders are clear, and they don't know they are in the situation.

This sentence is often justified.

At least, Yu Dapao of the night raid team would not give Wang Jingchang any face.

Because his uncle was Yu Jingsan who would shake the whole county three times when he sneezed in Tang County!


The staff member, whose eyes were shining with excitement, gestured with the bayonet to the neck of the man he had just grabbed: "Why are you crying, tell me quickly, which part do you belong to?"

"I have seniors and subordinates"

"Stop, stop, stop, no matter how dishonest you are, I'll stab you with a bayonet and two holes in your chest. From now on, your daughter-in-law will be someone else's daughter-in-law. What do you think?"

"I said can you let me go?"

Next to him, Mosuo was holding the pistol he found from the traitor, raised his leg and kicked: "Hey, do you still dare to negotiate terms with me?"

"I said, I said, we are the night attack team under the third commander Yu Jing."

"How many people have come, and where are they?"

"There are only thirteen of them with me. They are all hiding in the ditch on the other side of the river except for asking me for news."

"How dare you play tricks in front of me?" The point of the bayonet had already made a shallow hole in the clothes.

The body on the ground was stiff, and he squeezed back desperately, trying to avoid the stinging pain from the point of the bayonet: "Baye, please forgive me, I really didn't lie, I told you all I know."

"Hehe, then tell me, when will more than a dozen members of the night raid team dare to go out to die? What about the others?"

The snot bubbled on the ground: "You mean our captain and the others? He didn't come out today, and we will meet him in the set. There are only so many people who are stuck at this intersection here. If I have a lie , the sky hits five thunders, and you will never be able to stand up"

"Look at you, you're quite smart! Okay, I'll give you a size today, but we still need a few coolies, hey, get up quickly."

The torches were not extinguished, and the procession continued on.

In the dark, Team Yang began to assign tasks: "I will lead people to pretend to be Wu's traitors from the front to attract the enemy's attention. The first team will outflank from the left, and the second team will outflank from the right. Try not to spend a single shot and take down the enemy." This group of night raiders are coolies."

(End of this chapter)

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