under fire

Chapter 984

Chapter 984

Taihang Mountain is approaching the southernmost point, protruding eastward into a plain.

The protruding mountain is not too high, and the foot of the mountain is almost all cliffs, while the mountain is dominated by hilly landforms.


Temples and Taoist temples will be built on the top of the mountain, the purpose of which is to get closer to the gods in the sky.

It is also to stay away from the strife in the world of mortals, to hide in the deep mountains, not to be troubled by the trivial matters of the outside world, and to practice in peace and peace of mind.

Nenmu Temple is not included.

However, the mountain temple is more down-to-earth. It is either built on the mountain pass or in a place with good traffic on the mountainside. It does not require many huge buildings. The simplest one is even a half-high grotto carved on the stone wall and a mountain god statue along the way.

As early as entering the mountain from here, you can go directly to the Jin Dynasty west of Taihang Mountain, so the scale of the mountain god on the mountainside is slightly larger.

One after another, the puppet soldiers arrived outside the temple halfway up the mountain.

Seeing more than a dozen corpses outside the temple, including the Taijun, his scalp went numb and he was dumbfounded.

There was a buzzing of apprehension and panic.

One of the company commanders seemed to finally understand: "Can you stop mumbling? There must be something wrong with those guys who ran west just now!"

"Yes, it must be their black hands"

"Quickly raise the semaphore and report it." A certain fake platoon leader was not chaotic in the face of danger.

"Then why are you still standing still, let me chase you all." After the false company commander finished speaking, he was the first to take the lead in chasing down the trail to the west.

The puppet soldiers behind, whether they were his subordinates or not, hurriedly followed. The puppet company commander who hadn't run a few steps was very satisfied, and stood directly on the side of the road, waving the small pistol in his hand: "Brothers, come on, catch me!" They have done a great job."

It's a pity that his subordinates are scattered in the mountains, otherwise, why would there be any need to pretend?
He didn't seem to know that this kind of temporary team was very unreliable.

Just on the north slope, there are many roads, large and small, to the west.

There are not many people walking, and the sound of running footsteps is dense.

From time to time, someone kicked the stones on the mountain path, fell down the gentle slope and finally fell off the cliff with a bang.

The clever pseudo-company commander waited for more than a dozen people to run past before finally inserting himself into the chasing team.

The warrior in charge of breaking the rear hid at the corner of the cliff and started fighting directly.

The puppet army at the beginning of "Oops" was unprepared, and rolled down the gentle slope with a strange cry.

Amidst the yelling, that one was lucky enough to stop rolling on the edge of the cliff: "Squad leader, help me."

Then, the puppet army behind who knew him began to think of a way, and those with ropes on their backs began to prepare to go down the gentle slope, and more people hurriedly pressed against the mountain wall, raising their guns to fight back.

The mountain road was narrow, and the puppet soldiers following behind were so anxious that they couldn't squeeze through, so they could only stare blankly.

A few miles ahead.

The pseudo squad leader who was walking in front of Ma Liang stopped: "Hey, why are you firing the gun again?"

Ma Liang pushed the false squad leader: "There are people everywhere over there, even if you catch a few, if you go over now, can you still share your credit?"

"It makes sense to go to the mountains and look for it. When I came, the platoon leader had already found the footprints of someone fleeing westward." The false squad leader nodded, and strode westward without hesitation.

The gunshots seemed to be getting farther and farther away, and there was a fork in the road ahead, and the false squad leader panted heavily: "Hey, where is the platoon leader? You were still here just now?"

Ma Liang looked at the team walking on the edge of the cliff at the bottom of the mountain, and pointed to a slightly flat place at the corner in front: "I said, don't get stuck here, why don't you go there for a while?"

The false squad leader shook his head: "Go and rest, I have to find the platoon leader."

Ma Liang took out a can from an opened box next to him: "Hey, why are you in a hurry, let's eat something first."

The pseudo-squad leader showed joy in his eyes: "Alright."

According to the material management regulations in the military, it is impossible for the heavy soldiers to use the transported materials casually. Look at the idea of ​​​​this man who dares to use canned food.
Either an official or a mallet
The ground is flat, but the view is not very good.

Xiao Hongying, who fell on the mountain road behind, was holding up a binoculars and carefully counting the heads. With such a small amount of belongings, it hurts to lose one
There is a wounded person in the team.
In the past, except for Hu Yi, even if Ma Liang was injured, Xiao Hongying would hardly care about it, and maybe even sneered a few times.

At this moment, she began to worry. She didn't know who was injured.

Suddenly, he felt that something was wrong again, so he quickly raised his finger and shook his head, counting the two classes behind him one by one.

He raised the binoculars again and looked at the big dog and his party who were leading the team at the forefront.

Put down the binoculars, raise the back of your hand to shake your eyes, and then get closer to the binoculars to take a closer look.

It seems that there are eight more?

Xiao Hongying is in a mess, did she count wrong?
Ma Liang took the puppet soldier who was willing to work as a coolie, and went to the front to rest in the open space. There were only two rows behind him, all of them were from his own row, and there were no other people in the middle of the row.
The big dog escorted seven puppet prisoners carrying stretchers, and was approaching quickly.

The pseudo-squad leader, who was bragging to Ma Liang, saw acquaintances among those who came up, and was a little confused, so he yelled at the pseudo-soldier: "Hey, you have wounded, why don't you carry them down the mountain, what are you doing here?"

The leading prisoner of the puppet army saw acquaintances, but found that the strange "puppet army" who captured his party was greeting each other, and shut up wisely.

The pseudo-squad leader in the distance was upset: "What is my question to you? Where is your squad leader?"

The big dog raised his hand and glanced at the puppet army who was screaming mourning with Ma Liang, as if he didn't know him.
Now, except for the two on the stretcher, everyone is wearing a puppet army uniform
Although the colors are different in shades, the military uniforms of the Imperial Association Army have the same virtue, and after washing them several times, this is the result.

Therefore, to keep the military appearance neat and consistent, a false company commander once said that the best way is to wear it without washing it.
The big dog casually threw a satchel to Xiao Hongying: "What you want"

"Who was injured?" Xiao Hongying's face was not very good-looking.

"No, Li Laosan was shot in the arm, don't worry, he didn't hurt his bones"

"I mean who's that on the stretcher?"

"A friendly prisoner captured by the puppet army." After the big dog finished speaking, he ran directly to Ma Liang.

he found the can
Crazy Yang, who had been swaying on the stretcher, could understand.

This group of people seems to be a fake puppet army.

Apparently, they weren't the same brothers who slipped away last night by refusing to surrender.

At a time like this, the people who are brave enough to sneak into the defense zone that the little devils take over, most likely... should be the Rangers.

Unexpectedly, the one who saved him turned out to be the little bastard who never even looked straight at him before.

That's right, for the First Gendarmerie Regiment, the action teams under the Intelligence Bureau are completely unpopular little bastards.

The so-called tiger falls in Pingyang, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Fortunately, now that I still have the status of a soldier, I am not afraid of their investigation.

It's just that I don't quite understand, what are these people doing here?
Just now, Li Laosan, who was disguised as a puppet army, exposed his identity by blatantly attacking the enemy for the sake of a mere camera, completely disregarding the overall situation.

Unexpectedly, the members of the Special Forces have degenerated to such a point in the past two years?

The situation does not appear to be clear.

But now, the brother next to me must undergo surgery as soon as possible
Can no longer play dead.
Crazy Yang held back his nausea and yelled at Youngest Li, "That, Mr. Li."

Li Laosan, who was fighting around Xiao Hongying, seemed to be in a good mood.

The arm that was pierced across the eye and hung on his chest with a bandage didn't seem to belong to him at all.

As for someone calling Mr. Li, Mr. Zhang, how can it have anything to do with him?
(End of this chapter)

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