under fire

Chapter 985 The consequences of not raising your hand

Chapter 985 The consequences of not raising your hand
Seeing that the brother next to him has been in a coma again since he climbed the cliff, if it takes too long, that leg may have to be disabled.

Crazy Yang couldn't help but increase his voice: "Hey, Mr. Li"

Li Laosan was a little impatient, there were enemies everywhere, and some people shouted undisciplinedly, and turned his head with a dark face to quickly glance.

He saw the man on the stretcher shouting, but he thought that this guy might be calling for the wounded man next to him, so he didn't care.

Completely ignoring the pleading eyes of Crazy Yang who was covered in blood on the ground.

As for, Chief Li?

who is it
Maybe it's Li Xiang, what do I care?
Crazy Yang's face became ferocious: "Li Laosan"

Hearing someone calling his name, Li Laosan turned around and looked carefully at the person on the stretcher.

Focusing his eyes, he immediately found that Crazy Yang's eyes had become like wild animals, staring at him.

Subconsciously shivering, he froze for a moment and scolded directly: "Hey, are you fucking calling me?"

Crazy Yang's complexion changed again, and he nodded anxiously. At this time, there is no such aloof state that usually does not exceed three words: "For the sake of the friendly army, can you untie me first? Save my brother?"

"Your brother? The one next to you?"

"Please..." The hero did not flick his tears easily.

Xiao Hongying, who was pulling out the film from her bag next to her, heard the prisoner's words as if she was begging for help... But the tone was definitely arrogant and domineering, Xiao Hongying immediately felt upset, and leaned over to the stretcher to watch Looking at the situation, I was a little surprised: "You still haven't died after bleeding so much?"

Crazy Yang saw that Li Laosan behaved well in front of this man, so he didn't care so much, so he begged directly: "Eldest sister, please save my brother."

"who are you?"

"My surname is Yang"

Xiao Hongying felt pitiful for the nose and tears, so she turned her head and told Li Laosan: "Hurry up and ask someone to bring the medicine box and bandage it."

She will send someone to bandage up the friendly army, but don't think she has any good intentions.

Even Li Laosan's arm is still wrapped with bandages a few times by one of Dagou's soldiers.
The main reason is that the friendly army sent a lot of ammunition to the Ninth Battalion yesterday afternoon.

And today, "tens of thousands" of rounds of ammunition, more than the entire battalion's fingers and toes combined
A few mortars, or boxes of mortar shells, will be delivered tomorrow.
Not sure.

In the open space next to it.

Ma Liang was grabbing canned food from Big Dog: "What are you in a hurry for? Your share is missing."

The big dog yelled: "What the hell if you don't give up, I will do it!"
The pseudo squad leader who was carrying the bullet next to him looked at the rifle on his forehead and raised his hands very cooperatively.

Hey, and this thing, the big dog opened a can with a bayonet, and was about to sit down, when he found the bullet box under his buttocks seemed familiar.

The soldier carrying the box next to him had a happy face: "It's also canned food?"

"Get lost." The big dog pushed the soldier away.

He opened the box directly with the bayonet in his hand, and the three shells reflected yellow light in the sun.

"What the hell is the 81mm one, get rich."

"Oh, there are shells!" A soldier screamed strangely.

Hearing the word "cannonball", the people next to him were stunned for a moment, and immediately gathered around.

Ma Liang, who was next to him, hurried up, looked at the box, and was also taken aback for a moment.

It didn't take long to see what was going on.

When I entered the temple with Lao Li, the light in the temple was dim, and the soldiers who ran away after carrying their loads were flustered and didn't pay attention to what they were carrying on their shoulders.

Besides, before opening the box, who knows what is in the box full of numbers outside?
On the other hand, Lao Li, who was leading the way, looked calm: "I tell everyone, we have to leave now, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time."

West mountain stream.

A soldier in national army uniform ran towards a hidden bush: "Report, there is a Royal Association Army team in the east."

The second lieutenant squatting next to the radio waved his hand: "How did the Imperial Association Army search here? Immediately send a report to ask them to suspend their search to the west."

The ghost in the uniform of the National Army whispered: "Send the report now, the news may not be delivered to the Royal Association Army for at least an hour or so, and the time is simply too late."

"Then hurry up and reveal your identity, and order them to return immediately, and then, wait for the advance team to come over, and then kill them all." The second lieutenant said here, making a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Yes!" The devil trotted east and disappeared.

The second lieutenant asked the radio soldier next to him, "Have you translated it?"

The radio soldier put down his pencil and his face was a little dignified: "Report, the latest news from the headquarters, we ask our department to assemble immediately after completing this sweep."

"Say it's useful."

"The captain enters the mountain westward from the northern line before dawn, and will arrive at the designated location in an hour"

"The advance team's current position?"

"With the support of the air force, the national army's mountain pass position has been taken. It will take at least five hours to get here."

The search team saw the soldier in the blue uniform appearing in front of them, and immediately raised their guns.


"hands up"

The devil who was about to step forward to ask the puppet soldiers to go back hurriedly waved: "Don't shoot."

The devil was careless, and he didn't know what was going on in his head, but he didn't directly change into a military uniform to show his identity.

Let him raise his hand, when will the imperial soldiers raise their hands?

Seeing him waving his hand, the puppet army at the front trembled and pulled the trigger directly.

Gunshots pierced the silence of the mountain stream.

The devil didn't seem to believe that the Imperial Army, who looked like a quail in front of him, dared to shoot at him!
He took two steps back suddenly and fell to the side, holding his chest and twitching, whispering something in his mouth.

Blood was pouring from his chest to the ground.

The puppet army who fired the gun ran forward quickly: "How dare you disobey my command!"

Lieutenant Guizi, who heard gunshots ahead, also realized that there might be an accident: "Enemy attack, prepare to fight"

The false platoon leader who was watching from the back was shocked when he saw the movement in the bushes in the mountain stream: "Call me."

After finishing speaking, he raised the muzzle of the gun and pulled the trigger towards the bushes on the left.

The creepy gunshots sounded again in the mountain stream.

Dead branches flew across the bushes, and the puppet army machine gunner who had been prepared behind him shook the machine gun stand on a nearby stone, and immediately suppressed the bushes with firepower.

The battle broke out very suddenly. Although the puppet army was not strong in combat effectiveness, they started fighting as soon as they came up and directly gained the upper hand due to their large number of people.

The second lieutenant with a gloomy face raised his seven-nine rifle and aimed directly at the machine gunner.

A bullet directly fired the puppet army machine gunner.

Bang when the machine gun tipped over.

The deputy shooter next to him was immediately put in place, holding the handle and facing the shooter, he hugged the fire.

After one magazine was fired, he immediately shrank back behind the stone, took out a full magazine from his bag and replaced it, and fired at the bushes again.

I was so confused that the opponent's machine gun fired again, and the devils in the bushes no longer restrained themselves.

They all raised their guns and shot.

Almost every two shots were fired, and one person from the search party fell.

"Brothers, shake the grenade and kill these ignorant bastards!" The false platoon leader no longer hesitated. In his mind, these people must be guys who are unwilling to surrender, and it would be a great achievement to capture them back.

Even if you carry the corpse back, you can still get a lot of rewards.

In the valley, gunshots were heard one after another, and several black iron bumps were thrown into the air.

Boom. Boom.
The sound of the explosion echoed in the mountain stream.

On the hillside, Hu Yi was holding a telescope.

It's a pity that I can't see clearly what happened in the mountain stream.

The comrade who sent the letter said that there were enemies in the mountain stream, and Xiao Hongying and Ma Liang took a detour to carry ammunition from the other side. They should not have taken this road.

Frowning, he ordered to Li Xiang next to him: "You stay here, and I will take someone to meet the girl."

(End of this chapter)

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