under fire

Chapter 992 is not unexpected

Chapter 992 is not unexpected
Lao Zhou walked out of the garment shop quickly, and glanced at the bowl that was accidentally turned upside down in front of the beggar squatting on the street.

Looking around again, my heart tightened, and I walked out of the city in a hurry.

Two short and strong men folded their hands in their sleeves, turned around from the corner of the street, and followed closely.

The monkey stuck in the window on the second floor, seeing this scene, hurriedly lowered his voice to the middle-aged man who was cleaning the table in the restaurant: "Lao Zhou is being targeted, you hurry up and take someone to find a way to cover Lao Zhou, I will protect him." Sister Su and the others moved."

"Be careful, make sure Captain Su is safe."

After the two finished a few words, they walked downstairs quickly.

The middle-aged man pulled a cloth-covered basket from the counter on the first floor, and spoke to the shopkeeper.

Walk out of the restaurant quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the chef and the young men who did odd jobs left with their burdens. After going out, under the eyes of a group of traitors, they turned into an alley.

Everything seems to be normal.

The chef looked back and was relieved that no one followed.

He directly raised his hand and knocked on a door in the alley.

The door opened with a creak, and the muzzles of two black guns immediately pressed against his chest: "Hehe, I caught two more."

Lao Zhou, who was rushing towards the gate of the city, was a little anxious. He didn't look back. Xu Xiao had warned him just now. He couldn't figure out how he could be targeted by the enemy.

The two men in black behind are [-]% the traitors who teased him.

Walking in together, Liu Wenxia was standing behind the door of the tailor shop, looking out through the gap between the door leaf and the door frame, and wretched men in black gathered on this street from time to time, stopping at the side of the street and whispering to the peddlers.

She can see the outside from the current angle, but people outside can't see her at all.

As soon as Lao Zhou left, these men in black appeared, and this contact point may have been exposed.

Without further hesitation, he rushed into the back hall in two or three steps, and said anxiously, "Sister Su, transfer immediately."

Su Qing, who was sitting and thinking, immediately got up and picked up the newspaper on the table. The front page of the newspaper was suddenly a photo and accompanying text of friendly soldiers surrendering.

The middle-aged man who was stepping on the sewing machine next to him stood up.

According to the predetermined plan, Liu Wenxia changed into Su Qing's clothes and fled through the back door as a cover.

Liu Wenxia didn't take Su Qing through the back door. Everyone knew that if the enemy was watching at this time, the front and back doors must have been blocked by the enemy long ago.

Liu Wenxia walked up the stairs to the second floor attic, groping eastward in the dark.

After groping a few times on the brick wall of the neighbor's house, a small hole was immediately pushed open in the brick wall: "Sister Su, you go there first, there are people over there to respond, I will stay and deal with the traces."

With the monkeys next door as cover, there should be no problem.

The back doors of the restaurant and the tailor shop opened with creaking sounds almost at the same time.

In the cramped alley, the faces that Xunsheng looked at were full of excitement and surprise.

bang bang bang

The monkey is holding the extended shell gun attached to the holster with both hands and is jumping out of the shell casing.

One by one, they rolled out of the parabola.

The black silk clothes in the alley immediately splashed with blood, and the bullets that missed the action team whizzed and hit the dirt wall, trembling and setting off a cloud of dust.

The bullet casings fell to the ground one after another and clanked, and none of the men in black had time to fight back.

Screaming, crouching, twitching, dodging.
The shell gun magazine is a bit weird, the two magazines are staggered and tied together in reverse, so that the muzzle is a bit heavy.

He emptied the entire twenty-round magazine, took off the magazine with his left hand, adjusted it, and inserted the other end into the magazine supply port.

The monkey's thin body moved forward step by step, and the bullet directly chased after the man in black who was approaching the base of the wall.

Some of the traitors who reacted finally raised their guns, but unfortunately, the killing god on the opposite side didn't give them a chance at all, and they were shot before they raised their guns before firing.

After being shot, the finger still pulled the trigger subconsciously.

For a while, gunfire erupted in the alley.

Every time the thin body takes a step forward, at least two bullets are ejected from the chamber.

There were bullet casings and thick gunpowder smoke all over the road behind him.

A thin body with an expressionless face.

He emptied the magazine again, threw the gun aside, and dangled behind him as the sling pulled.

He also drew a fully loaded shell gun from his waist.

"Reincarnate well in the next life..." After finishing speaking, he began to shoot at the head of the man in black who was still struggling on the ground and screaming for mercy...

There were 16 people in the two action groups of the detective team, all of whom fell in a pool of blood.

The traitor who was watching the wind at the corner in the distance ran away.

The monkey did not load the bullet in the magazine, but put the gun in his waist.

Pick up two good-looking shell guns directly on the ground.

He unloaded the magazine and took a look, then leaned against the wall for vigilance: "Hey, let me tell you, get out of here first."

Liu Wenxia, ​​who didn't fire a single shot, was so excited that she almost snorted: "It would be a pity if we didn't take away so many pistols?"

The middle-aged tailor who was originally carrying the sewing machine threw the sewing machine aside and quickly rummaged through the pockets of the traitors: "What a pity such a fine silk dress!"

The gunshots come and go quickly.

The traitors on Main Street didn't even understand what was going on.

But after hearing the gunshot, a certain traitor leader finally reacted and yelled: "Follow me."

With a group of traitors, he hurried from various places to the clothing store.

The few closest ones looked at the direction the captain was running, and rushed into the door of the tailor shop first.

The leader seemed to be disturbed by something and staggered.

No one noticed the two silk threads that were kicked on the ground.

Two mines fuzed with grenade fuses were smoking in the corner.

Hearing the gunshots, a group of puppet soldiers guarding the city gate immediately ran towards the city.

Lao Zhou, who also heard the gunshots, didn't understand what happened. Seeing the puppet troops coming from the brigade ahead, he hurried to the side to avoid it.

He had already seen the middle-aged man following behind the traitor, and the traitor chasing after him had drawn his gun and blatantly pursued him at a close distance.

My heart sank, and I went straight to a nearby grocery store.

Seeing Lao Zhou entering the grocery store, the two traitors trotted after him.

The middle-aged man with the basket behind the traitor ran along the street, looking back from time to time.

He knew very well that the traitors of the detective team at the clothing store had already started to act.

He wasn't worried about Houzi and Liu Wenxia's skills.

But it is daytime now, no matter how good their skills are, there are only two of them.

When the garrison in the city is dispatched, the final result is also difficult to predict.

In the basket was a sharpened kitchen knife, and the middle-aged man complained in his heart, how can there be a way to get the information points together?

This one place is being targeted by the enemy, and both places have to be abandoned.

The restaurant is the best place to inquire about the enemy's news. This time, it was obviously implicated by the clothing store.

I hope Captain Su and the others are okay...

After flashing through these thoughts quickly, I saw Lao Zhou entered the grocery store next to him, and the two traitors also chased him in.

Hurry up and get closer to the grocery store.

There was a crackling sound and Lao Zhou's screaming from the grocery store.

The middle-aged man hurriedly approached the door, and at a glance he saw that Lao Zhou had been crushed by a man in black.

Another man in black standing next to him was holding a small pistol on guard.

Old Zhou was struggling desperately: "What are you going to do?"

"Don't move, I will shoot you to death if you move again"

There was a violent explosion from the tailor shop.

Definitely not grenades!
The grenade doesn't make that much noise.

The previous gunshots had already caused people all over the street to rush to find a place to hide.

After the explosion sounded, the street under the sun became desolate and empty. Except for the puppet soldiers running from the city gate to the gunshots, there were only black-clothed traitors running on the street.

(End of this chapter)

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