under fire

Chapter 993 Sheriff Li Jurisdiction

Chapter 993 Sheriff Li Jurisdiction

The grocery store was in a mess, and the shopkeeper was hiding behind the counter and shivering, not daring to show his head.

The two traitors looked at a commoner who came in with a basket at the door: "What are you doing, get out of here, or you will be arrested together."

The middle-aged man who was walking into the store shivered: "Hey, I'm leaving now."

While speaking, the one who was about to turn around seemed to lose his footing and fell down.
The traitor with the gun is habitually ready to step forward and kick him out of the grocery store: "Stupid without eyes"

The one who fell on the ground stretched out his hand and pressed on the counter, the action was very similar to wiping the table
A black bone cleaver with a bright blade flashed from slow to fast, and quickly turned into an afterimage from the basket.

The traitor with the gun was slashed seven or eight times in an instant, and the man who was handcuffing Lao Zhou was dumbfounded, and was about to pull the gun just after recovering.

The shadow of the knife was already in front of him.

on the street.

The sharp whistle of the patrol police came and went.

The entire west of the city was caught in a whirl of wind.

Gendarmerie Command.

A devil with the rank of captain smiled sinisterly and said, "Now, start collecting the net!"

Another man in black standing next to him shook his head: "If I remember correctly, according to the plan, the net should be collected after the reorganization of the surrendered army is completed."

"We have already grasped most of the intelligence teams deployed by the Eighth Route Army in the county seat, and started arresting them from the periphery. In the Chinese language, this is called knocking the mountain to shake the tiger.

The man in black sneered: "Maeda Shaozuo went to receive the surrendered army, and he will be back this afternoon. What you are doing now is completely eager for quick success. If something unexpected happens, you cannot bear the responsibility."

"I don't think there is any need to wait any longer. The target is the captain of the Armed Task Force. As long as you catch her, it is equivalent to cutting off the hand of Balu extending into the plain."

"What guarantee do you have that you can catch that woman? If that woman doesn't open her mouth, she won't be able to wipe out all the spies planted in the imperial army by the Eighth Route Army. At that time, even if you apologize, you won't be able to appease the commander's anger."


"I can wait for half a year, so what's the harm in waiting?" After the man in black finished speaking, he looked directly at the captain.

The captain was a little dissatisfied: "Could it be that we just watched them run rampant under our noses?"

Seeing that the captain no longer persisted, the man in black comforted him: "At least, with your authority, you can't mobilize the garrison at all. Even if you catch these people, you will kill a few more in the end. You have to remember that our ultimate goal is to Let the Chinese deal with the Chinese themselves."

County Police Department.

Teams of police officers ran west of the city.

Li Wei led a group of people to follow behind the brigade.

A fat subordinate asked: "Inspector Li, why didn't you see the Taijun from the gendarmerie come out after such a big commotion?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know anything." After only three months in the county, he was promoted to the police chief of the West District. The speed of Li Weiwei's promotion is astonishing.

The subordinates shook their heads: "In this troubled world, everyone has food to eat and clothes to wear, can't they live a good life? I really don't know if those dirt roads are full of food, and some people will jump out to make trouble every few days."

"Hehe, you have to ask Balu about this."

"Brother Li, you haven't been here for long, remember not to come forward later, those eight-way guys are all desperate, be careful not to get shot in the cold"

"It seems... I have to thank you for your reminder."

"You are the police chief, and you are brothers with Captain Li, the celebrity of the gendarmerie. Everyone relies on you to make a little money." The policeman's face was full of sincerity.

"Hehe, you're not bad, you'll be in charge of collecting taxes in the West City."

"Thank you Brother Li."

The garment shop ignited by the explosion is far away.

A large group of black-clothed traitors carrying buckets to extinguish the fire were surrounded by the door.

The police who arrived earlier had already started searching nearby shops.

Constantly beating the closed shops, the closed shops had to open the doors again.

The police immediately rushed into the house, arguing and arguing with the people in the house.

Behind the counter of a traditional Chinese medicine store, a woman in a white dress and hat, with a white mask covering most of her face, is tidying up the medicine cabinet.

A person next to him who looked like a doctor heard the sound of the sky knocking on the door, and hurriedly opened the door.

Three policemen rushed into the house, and two policemen went directly to the backyard and searched everywhere in the attic.

The leading policeman stood directly in front of the shopkeeper who just opened the door and yelled, "Old man Huang, have any strangers come here?"

The old man Huang sitting behind the table, even though he became the shopkeeper of the pharmacy, still looked suspiciously: "Hey, business is terrible these days, and I usually rely on your brothers in the police force to take care of it. Where is there anyone?"

The policeman has a black line. Does this mean that only the police force is sick?

Turning to look at Su Qing: "Who is this?"

"My niece from my hometown has obtained a good citizen certificate in the police force, and she can eat as long as she comes to the city."

The police who searched in the upstairs backyard jumped out: "I didn't find anyone hiding."

The policeman nodded to Su Qing indiscriminately, then turned to the old man Huang: "Remember, if you don't report what you know, be careful to demolish your broken medicine shop."

After speaking, he turned and prepared to leave.

"Master Jun, go slowly." The old man Huang hurriedly laughed along with him, and handed over a pack of Dali Wan
That person was not polite, he reached out to take it, and threw it to the subordinate next to him: "Hurry up, check the next one."

Li Wei just came to the door of the pharmacy.

The three police officers hurriedly saluted: "Good morning, Sheriff."

Li Weiwei nodded: "Thanks for your hard work, how is the situation?"

"It's not hard. This time, the detective team was caught in an ambush by the Eight Routes, and more than [-] people died. Hehe, they dared to grab business in our territory. They deserved it."

Li Weiwei frowned: "How did you talk?
"Hey, if we talk on our own, doesn't it seem natural to be vain?"

"Don't be dazed, investigate quickly." After Li Weiwei finished speaking, he took a sneaky look into the store. It didn't matter if he didn't look, he was shocked.

The woman in the room who was tidying up the medicine cabinet just turned around.

Although he didn't know Su Qing well, but he had met him several times, how could he not know Su Qing's identity?
It seems that this time, those people from Jiulian who are not afraid of death are causing trouble in their own jurisdiction
As for arresting Su Qing, he didn't have the guts yet!
Among other things, the villain surnamed Hu alone is famous for being cruel, not to mention Jiulian's ruthless bastards.

I can't stay here, it's better to take my hands to the scene of the crime
Those guys in the investigation team are good at playing tricks, but for the investigation, they are pure guesses and estimates.

If we really want to talk about criminal investigation, if such a big incident happened, of course the police force must be involved.

Perhaps because of the large number of people, the fire in the clothing store has been extinguished by the police and the traitors of the detective team.

Surrounded by a large circle of traitors from the detective team, there is a lot of discussion.

"It's really tragic." A team member of the detective team looked red-eyed.

"Brother, I must avenge you." A traitor wiped his tears.

The people next to me kept persuading: "Sorrow and change"

Li Weiwei led a group of his men and squeezed in directly from the crowd.

The detective captain and everyone naturally knew the newly appointed sheriff.

Some people even gloated and thought that such a big incident happened in his jurisdiction just after he took office. It is estimated that he, the sheriff, will be directly masturbated by the Taijun before his butt is hot.
The door of the clothing store.

Seeing that the two policemen who arrived earlier were carrying a dead body out, Li Weiwei asked casually, "How's the situation?"

The policeman's face turned pale: "The situation is more complicated. Someone planted a landmine in the house. Five of the six people who entered the house died, and the remaining one is undergoing first aid. It seems to be quite embarrassing."

"Have you investigated the situation at the scene?"

"Not yet, I heard from the investigation team that this is the situation at the Eighth Route. They were going to arrest them, but they were ambushed. By the way, there are more than a dozen corpses in the backyard, all of which were shot in the head. The blood flowed all over the place"

"Is there something wrong with our brother?"

"Hey, we don't want to offend anyone. How could something happen?" The policeman winked and lowered his voice. After speaking, he turned and walked into the house.

Li Tail followed into the house.

The policeman walking in front saw Li Weiwei following up, and quickly stopped: "Inspector Li, I think it's better for you to stay outside. The scene inside is a bit creepy."

"Don't talk nonsense, I haven't seen any scenes before?" Li Wei felt bitter for a while, he didn't expect that Jiulian would pick his own jurisdiction, and he probably would never get better.

As soon as the policeman walked to the door, a smell of blood and feces and urine came to the nostrils.

The sight is even more shocking.

on the ground.

Severed limbs and viscera covered almost the entire store, even on the hooks for hanging clothes on the wall.

Several police officers and detective team members were bandaging a still breathing detective team member on the bloody ground.

Li Weiwei's stomach churned for a while, and he almost vomited out all the food he ate at noon
Outside the garment shop.

A man in black rushed over panting: "Captain, the two brothers who were following the eight-way intelligence personnel were chopped into meat paste."

Another excitedly reported to the vice-captain of the detective team standing in the crowd: "Report, we waited for a rabbit at the contact point in the alley of Eighth Road, and caught two survivors."

The deputy captain said with a dark face: "You kid can still laugh when such a big thing happened?"

This one obviously didn't wink at him: "Isn't this just burning down a shop, what's the big deal?"

(End of this chapter)

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