War of Resistance

Chapter 1000 The Battle of Nantianpu

Chapter 1000 The Battle of Nantianpu ([-])

"Hmph, you're not too stupid after all, but judging from the current situation, there won't be too many Japanese defenders on the second and third highlands. It shouldn't be a problem to take those two highlands. If you can't take them , I will settle accounts with Cheng Jifeng, Han Xingle, Yang Jiquan, and Wang Liang." Zhang Tianhai's face was full of confidence, and he didn't seem to take the Japanese army seriously.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo! I understand!" Xu Xun stood at attention and saluted.


Highland No. [-].

As the commander of the troops who are mainly attacking here, Han Xingle's pressure is not so great. It is the first time for him to command two battalions of troops.

Especially Wang Liang's sixth battalion, which is a veritable recruit battalion, so it is doomed that the main attack can only be undertaken by the fourth battalion.

"Commander Han, why don't we let the sixth battalion go first! My sixth battalion is a recruit unit, and I just stepped forward to carry out the mission of probing and attacking. This will make the best preparation for the fourth battalion to launch a general attack." Wang Liang took the initiative made this request.

To be honest, Han Xingle really didn't like Wang Liang very much, because in his opinion, Wang Liang got his current position because of the appreciation of the group, not because of his real ability.

But he, Han Xingle, is different. How can a serious graduate of the Central Military Academy really value him?

"Yes, but we have to make a decision before we move. This No. [-] highland is different from No. [-] highland. The Japanese army here is well-defended, and we don't have artillery battalions to assist, and we don't have heavy weapons such as mortar companies and small artillery companies. If If we want to fight, we must use a feint attack to cooperate with the frontal attack." Han Xingle said in a deep voice, "Now we don't even know the specific deployment of the Japanese army, it seems that we can only lay down with our lives."

"That's the only way to go." Wang Liangliang nodded without refuting, because he also knew that he was not as good as Han Xingle in commanding operations—indeed, Zhang Tianhai was a good teacher in a certain way, but Zhang Tianhai was a good teacher. Tianhai did not teach him a systematic battle command.

Therefore, Wang Liang was Zhang Tianhai's apprentice, but he was only half an apprentice, not considered qualified.

Therefore, in this regard, Wang Liang could only respect Han Xingle's opinion.

"Battalion Commander Wang, I don't think it's better than this! Your sixth battalion will be responsible for the feint attack mission, and our fourth battalion will be responsible for the main attack mission. We will strive to take down the No. [-] highland as soon as possible." Han Xingle was really not polite, and directly gave Wang Liang Task assigned.

Wang Liang also knew that his sixth battalion was far inferior to Han Xingle's fourth battalion, so the only thing he could do was to obey the arrangement: "Okay, no problem. Battalion Commander Han, you Wherever you point, our Sixth Battalion will fight there!"

"Okay." Han Xingle nodded, and continued to observe Height No. [-].

Height No. [-] is said to be a high ground, but in fact it is not. It is only more than [-] meters above the flat ground. It is difficult to fight, but it is not impossible to fight.

Soon, Han Xingle discovered a location that was more convenient for attacking——

It was a gentle slope, and the rising arc was not large, which can be described by the word "smooth".

"This is a good place. It's impossible for the little devil not to stare at this place. It's best to let the sixth battalion go. For other directions, leave it to our fourth battalion!" Han Xingle murmured.

At this moment, a soldier ran to Han Xingle's side and reported: "Report to the battalion commander. According to the news from the communication squad, the main force of the regiment headquarters has captured the periphery of Nantianpu. The regiment ordered the troops on both wings to contain the enemy." Army! Do not let them reinforce Nantianpu!"

"Okay! This is good news!" This was Han Xingle's first reaction after hearing the report, "Tuan Zuo ordered us to carry out a containment mission, that is to say, it is very likely that this group of Japanese troops will rush Reinforce Nantianpu. If we can lay an ambush on the road, it will be very easy to wipe out this Japanese army."

This Wang Liang is not a fool either, he said: "Captain Han, what do you think about this ambush mission?"

Han Xingle turned to look at Wang Liang and said, "Battle Commander Wang, I have an idea. Let me talk about it now. I want to hear your opinion."

"But it's okay to say, Wang Liang is willing to listen to good opinions." Wang Liang said bluntly.

"Okay." Han Xingle nodded, "My opinion is that your battalion should carry out the containment task. After all, your battalion is newly established, and it is definitely not as good as our fourth battalion in terms of combat effectiveness. You are positively containing them. They must not dare to act rashly, if they want to hit you, they will also suffer certain losses."

After speaking, Han Xingle paused, and he looked at Wang Liang's expression.

After realizing that Wang Liang had no other thoughts, Han Xingle continued, "Therefore, the chances of them attacking you are not high. Even if they want to attack you, you can use the existing conditions to attack them violently."

"Well, what Battalion Commander Han said is reasonable. I have no objection. It is the most appropriate way to fight like this." Wang Liangliang nodded, "Our sixth battalion has only been established for a few months, and it is not as good as it is in terms of training and actual combat. For the Fourth Battalion, it is no problem to fight a defensive battle, just to practice your hands."

Wang Liang was an upright person, so what he said must come from his heart. What's more, it was the truth, and it was the most suitable arrangement for a new battalion like their Sixth Battalion.

"Well, let's arrange it like this for the time being!" Han Xingle nodded, and then continued: "Then, Battalion Commander Wang, you will lead your troops to take over our position and monitor the Japanese army. Our fourth battalion must go to the Japanese army." Set up an ambush along the way."

"All right! Let's arrange it like this!" Wang Liangliang nodded, then turned around and said, "Brothers of the Sixth Battalion, take over the position immediately! Brothers of the Fourth Battalion, give up the position immediately, this is the order of your Battalion Commander Han."

"Brothers of the Fourth Battalion, gather immediately and set off with me!!" Han Xingle also issued an order, very crisply.

"Yes! Sir!!" The officers and soldiers of the fourth and sixth battalions responded, busy.

All this made the commander of the Japanese army on the mountain dumbfounded: "Nani? What are these Chinese troops trying to do? They withdrew nearly half of their troops. Could it be that they want to attack Nantianpu?"

It is precisely because of this preconceived idea that the movement of the national army officers and soldiers at the foot of the mountain made the Japanese commander Kawashima Danka on the mountain make up a lot of content by himself...


And the No. [-] Highland on the other side seems to be quite different from the No. [-] Highland——

Cheng Jifeng, the commander of the second battalion, and Yang Jiquan, the commander of the third battalion, were born in the No.13 Army at the same time, and they are also excellent students who graduated from Whampoa, and their troops are quite well equipped: at least much better than the No.13 Army at that time .

Both of them have not made any military achievements since they entered the first regiment of the security guards, and they are both violent. If it was someone else, it might not be like this, but it happened to be the two of them.

Why do you say that?Because the battle has already begun.

Cheng Jifeng was also aware of Yang Jiquan's strength, and Yang Jiquan was also aware of Cheng Jifeng's situation, so they started a "competition".

Why is it called a game?Because they made a bet that they were going to attack from two directions, betting on which battalion would be able to attack the No. [-] Heights first!

PS: Updates are coming!

It was originally said that there would be a second watch that night, but when I was returning home, I was hit by an electric car that ran a red light, and I was dealt with until three o'clock in the middle of the night.

Sorry, everyone.Tomorrow, prepare the materials and prepare to sue the driver who caused the accident.


Thanks to Qiqidian book friends Li Geshen, Nine Level Taihao, Kailong 183, and Mu Yige for their rewards of 100 points each!

(End of this chapter)

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