War of Resistance

Chapter 1001 The Battle of Nantianpu

Chapter 1001 The Battle of Nantianpu (Fifteen)

It was precisely because of the bet between Cheng Jifeng, the commander of the second battalion, and Yang Jiquan, the commander of the third battalion, that the current situation was created.

What's the situation?
Of course, the officers and soldiers of the two battalions were all working hard, and they all wanted to take down the No. [-] highland as soon as possible.

If Zhang Tianhai were here, everyone would have to slap hard on the back of the head: "Is there anyone who plays like this? Each battalion fights one side, and both sides are the main force. This is completely out of order!"

What's the situation now?The camera switches back to the front of No. [-] Highland.

There are many mountains in the south. Although they are not rugged, they are generally the same. For example, the current No. [-] highland is roughly the same.

It is precisely because the No. 40 and No. [-] heights guard Nantianpu like horns, so they were particularly valued by Tanaka Shengdao at that time. The situation here is similar to that of No. [-] heights. They are all hills about [-] meters high with gentle slopes. The machine gun mounted on it can directly threaten the enemy's rear flank.

The attack this time is also very simple. The second battalion will attack the east, and the third battalion will attack the west. The two sides will attack the Japanese army as much as possible.

In fact, one attacking the east and the other attacking the north may be more effective, after all, they are connected together. However, after repeated discussions between the two battalion commanders Cheng Jifeng and Yang Jiquan, they decided to attack the east and west separately. It is: If the attack is divided into two sides, the gap between the Japanese troops will be widened. Although it may not be possible to completely break through, at least it will cause the greatest trouble to them, and then break through to them.

The time went back to half an hour before the attack on the outskirts of Nantianpu was launched.

"Battalion Commander, our troops have reached the front line, and we haven't launched an attack yet. Should we launch the attack first?" A battalion staff officer ran to the second battalion commander Cheng Jifeng and reported.

Cheng Jifeng adjusted his glasses and said, "Let's go ahead with the original plan. It was agreed that Battalion Commander Yang's third battalion will attack first, and they will attack first, even though we are already prepared."

Cheng Jifeng's idea was not complicated. To put it simply, he waited for Yang Jiquan's third battalion to prepare before attacking. This would be an excellent result for both sides.

If their battalion attacks first, it means that they have to bear all the firepower of the Japanese army alone, and only the third battalion will take advantage of it.

"Yes! Battalion Commander!!" The staff officer responded.

After the staff officer left, Cheng Jifeng turned his eyes to the distance, thinking to himself: After the battle at Nantianpu is over, what kind of attack will the national army have on the Japanese troops who have been besieged in the Wanjialing area?Also, where will the first guard regiment be located?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that in the battle of Nantianpu, the first regiment of the guards will definitely win-no matter from which level it is a victory, even if the Japanese army mobilizes a large number of troops to defend Nantianpu, it is also a military victory.

Because if the Japanese army mobilizes a large number of troops to defend the village, it means that the decisive battle in Wanjialing will be ignited by Nantianpu.

However, this place of Nantianpu has neither particularly dangerous terrain nor particularly important strategic significance. Obviously, the Japanese army will not mobilize the main force to defend this place. That's all.

Therefore, Cheng Jifeng is full of confidence in this place.

15 minutes, whether it is long or short, is just a while.

It didn't take long for the battle to the west to start.

Under the command of battalion commander Yang Jiquan, the officers and soldiers of the third battalion of the first security regiment are advancing rapidly, and they want to attack here in the shortest possible time.

In the first battle, Yang Jiquan didn't invest many troops, just a company. This was a tentative battle. He had to find out the details of the Japanese army before launching a general attack.

"Give me the order, the machine gun company will press closer!" Yang Jiquan said in a deep voice. For him, the machine gun company's close is to prepare for the next wave of attack.

"Yes! Battalion Commander!!" The orderly next to him responded.

Yang Jiquan joined their first company this time, which is a full company with a total of more than 200 people!
As for the second wave of offensive echelon, Yang Jiquan is also ready - it is their second company and machine gun company!

As for the third company, it is the reserve team, which is Yang Jiquan's last bargaining chip!

A tough battle requires more troops to attack in order to contain the enemy and increase the odds of winning.


On the mountain, Koyuki Nomoto, the commander of the Japanese garrison, was already a little anxious.

"Reporting, Commander, a large number of enemy troops have appeared on our east and west sides. They are not small in size, about 600 people, but their weapons and equipment seem to be relatively sophisticated. If we fight You may suffer!" A Japanese soldier ran to the commander Nomoto Koyuki and reported.

"There are five to six hundred people on both sides, that's more than 600 people. We also need to guard other areas. Otherwise, if their other troops touch it, we will feel very uncomfortable." Said, Nomoto Xingyu He took a deep breath.

For the Japanese army on the No. [-] Highland, what was before them was indeed a cruel thing: How long did it take for the No. [-] Highland to be taken by the enemy?It proved that the group of enemy troops they encountered in front of them was not a good person.

They all knew the sound of the enemy's attack on Height No. [-], and the rumbling formation of the artillery proved that they did have artillery battalions with such fierce firepower.

"Then... Your Excellency Commander, what should we do? Just wait for them to attack?" the soldier asked.

"No, we can't sit still." Koyuki Nomoto said in a deep voice, "Move the heavy machine guns on the other two sides to the east and west!"

In fact, there are not many heavy machine guns on this mountain, that is, four, plus other light machine guns and grenade launchers, the weapons and equipment are generally not bad, at least not weak for fighting.

With such a mobilization, at least the Japanese army still has a certain advantage in defense-two heavy machine guns, eight light machine guns, and eight grenade grenades.

If they are equipped with such weapons to face other troops of the national army, then these troops will definitely suffer a lot, but this time is different. What they met was the number one guard in the ninth theater, which is currently the best equipped in the national army. group.

"Warriors! Listen up! Wait for the enemy to approach us before attacking!! Don't expose our position!!" The Japanese commanders at the grassroots level were shouting, and they had to fight with the strongest posture. Ensure the sustainability of operations.

If you want to ask why the Japanese army uses such a frugal method to fight, the reason is also very simple-because the Japanese army has no reinforcements, including no weapons and ammunition support. It will soon face the embarrassment of running out of ammunition.

So, they had to.





A high-pitched response echoed, as if telling their comrades in arms that they hadn't lost yet!


PS: The update is here, there will be a second and third update later!

Thanks for the 600 point coins reward at the end of the wind! !
(End of this chapter)

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