War of Resistance

Chapter 1007 Junro Matsuura's Decision

Chapter 1007 Junrokuro Matsuura's Decision
It has to be said that Sakurada Ryozo is a very talented person, and he is a military talent, which can be seen from his judgment.

At least he can analyze the results of the facts to be the same as the actual situation, can't he?

"According to Sakurada-kun's analysis, our headquarters in Nantianpu is indeed very likely to be destroyed by enemy artillery fire." Junrokuro Matsuura nodded, "Then according to Sakurada-kun's thinking, how should we proceed?" What's next?"

"If I follow my thinking, that is, we must send reinforcements to support Nantianpu as soon as possible, otherwise our living space will become less and less, and by then, we will really be doomed." Sakurada Liaosan According to the analysis, his distinctive scrub mustache is particularly obvious under the illumination of the lights.

"However, we have dispatched 800 troops to garrison Nantianpu, and the [-] soldiers behind us to meet the airborne officers have also stayed there. In fact, we have already invested no less than [-] troops there. Troops, if they can lose the Nantian shop in one day, can we think that it is not suitable for defensive operations?" Matsuura Junrokuro looked at Sakurada Ryozo and asked, his eyes were piercing, obviously he was right The latter is very important.

"According to what I see, neither the enemy army in the north nor the south is as powerful as the enemy army in Nantianpu. If Nantianpu is lost, can it be regarded as a sharp knife has arrived Has it reached our waists?" Sakurada Ryozo helped his round eyes, which combined with his neither tall nor strong body looked gentle.

After listening to Sakurada Ryozo's analysis, Matsuura Junrokuro nodded slightly, and he said: "According to this analysis, we should indeed send troops to counterattack Nantianpu, especially now that it is almost night, and the Chinese army there has been fighting for a whole day. It's been a day, and it's time for us to seize the opportunity to counterattack."

As soon as Matsuura Junrokuro's words came out, it proved that he had already adopted this suggestion, and the next thing was just a question of how many troops to send.

Just then, the shelling began again.

A burst of intensive artillery fire fell from the sky and hit Leimingguliu, a previously unknown village.





The cannonball hit the icy ground of Lei Ming Gu Liu, and deep pits were immediately blown out, accompanied by a burst of shaking.

Even Matsuura Junrokuro's division headquarters was shaken by a burst of dust, and the electric lights were shaking, which looked scary.

But for Matsuura Junrokuro and others who have been bombarded all afternoon, it seems that they are used to it, and they are still discussing the problem without changing their expressions.

"Sakurata-kun, according to your idea, how many troops should we send?" Because there were demands from others, Matsuura Junrokuro began to lower his posture slowly.

"Reporting to Your Excellency General, according to my humble opinion, we should not send too many troops. Four to five hundred people are enough. The key is to have a commander to lead the troops scattered around Nantianpu, otherwise we It will be a very sad day." Sakurada Liaosan said seriously, "In addition, I believe that the more important thing than Nantianpu should be Zhanggushan near Leimingguliu where we are!"

"Well, what Sakurada-kun said is very reasonable. Zhang Gushan is indeed the focus of our army's defense. In addition, we also need to organize troops to strictly guard this place. I also have a hunch that the Chinese army will send the main force to attack Zhang Gushan!" Matsuura Chun Liulang analyzed, "I have also been here a few days ago in Zhang Gushan. The mountains here overlap and are subject to the control of Minshan Mountain. It is difficult to defend here. Therefore, we have to send a considerable number of troops here The troops are on guard."

"The commander's move is wise." Takano Bacheng, who hadn't spoken for a long time, finally said, "Although Zhang Gushan is difficult to hold on here, it is the exit to the Nanchang path. If this battle is lost, the It will be our last exit."

Although Takano Bacheng's words are not pleasant, they are not rough, and everyone here knows that this is the truth.

All the Japanese officers present already had a bottom line in their minds: the odds of winning this battle are not great, to put it bluntly, the loss rate is as high as [-]%!

"Then send about [-] troops to defend Zhang Gushan! In addition, select [-] troops overnight to support Nantianpu. If our troops lose Nantianpu before the support, we don't need to support it!" Matsuura Jun Liu Lang gave an order, and he was very clear about the latter order, if he could cut off the wrists of a strong man, it would only be a refueling tactic.

At this point, how much damage will it do to them if it is used as a refueling tactic?Originally, there were not many soldiers left. If they were still wasting like this, then they would really be lighting lanterns in the toilet-looking for shit!

"Hay!!" The surrounding Japanese officers echoed.


Time passed by every minute and every second, and seeing that he encountered a difficult problem at the last level, Zhang Tianhai was indeed in an unusually irritable mood-seeing that the task would be completed soon, so there was such a mistake, when the time came, How to explain to the General Command of the Corps?

"Tuan Zuo, in my opinion, it's better to report the situation to the Corps Department according to the facts! It's not realistic to win here in a short time. Listening to the gunshots from the village, we can know, I'm afraid here There are no fewer than 600 Japanese soldiers alive. Even if we spend the night with them, we still need a certain amount of time, and I am afraid it will be difficult to complete the task today." Li Yinglun, the deputy head of the regiment, persuaded him.

"Okay, let's do it like this!" At this moment, even Zhang Tianhai had no choice but to do it. After all, he was just an ordinary person, not a god.

"Xiao Xu, just report to the Corps Headquarters like this!" Zhang Tianhai sighed and waved to Xu Xun.

"Yes! Group seat!" Xu Xun responded.

As soon as Xu Xun left, Li Chunfei, who was already the chief of staff, said, "Sir, why don't we take a break first, the brothers have been fighting for a day, and it is indeed very difficult to let them go to the battlefield hungry. You can't even be a full ghost, can you?"

Hearing this, Zhang Tianhai looked at the sky and felt that what Li Chunfei said was indeed very reasonable.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai said: "Yes. But we can't relax for a moment in our attack on Nantianpu. Let the other troops eat first! When those troops are full, it's time to rotate them."

"Yes! The group seat is wise." Li Chunfei complimented.

In fact, Zhang Tianhai knew in his heart that there were nearly 600 or [-] little devils hiding in the village. Even if they had already controlled nearly half of the territory, they would not be able to take it all at once.

Some things are prioritized. What is urgent is not urgent, and what is slow depends on the time.

Sometimes, isn't it a good thing to take a break?


PS: The third one is sent!

As for the fourth change, maybe I have to let the pigeons go. Kawen’s card is too serious. I am writing very anxiously and have no ideas.

It's late at night now, maybe I should rest, and I'll finish it tomorrow!
Feel sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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