War of Resistance

Chapter 1008 Responsibility?

Chapter 1008 Responsibility?

The report telegram from the First Regiment of the Guards of the Ninth Theater quickly reached the desk of Xue Yue, Commander-in-Chief of the First Corps Command.

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief, an emergency telegram from the First Regiment of the Theater Guard." A combat staff officer knocked on the door of Xue Yue's office and reported.

"Oh? Zhang Tianhai's regiment?" Xue Yue raised his head, "Come in and report. I want to see what new achievements this Zhang Yulin has made."

"Yes! Sir!" The staff officer responded, then strode into Xue Yue's office, and then walked to the latter's desk.

"Report to Chief Xue, you may have been disappointed by the results of the first regiment of the theater security guards this time." The staff reported truthfully.

"Oh? What happened this time?" Xue Yue touched his nose, as if a little surprised.

The staff officer didn't say much else, but just opened the telegram and read: "Commander Xue Yue, Commander-in-Chief of the First Corps of the Ninth War Zone Commander-in-Chief Jun Jian, under the command of the commander, Yu was ordered to launch a fierce attack on the Nantianpu line early this morning. , the Ministry of Staff was lucky enough to take down one of Nantianpu's outskirts, No. 53, and No. [-] highlands successively. A total of more than [-] enemies were wiped out. Now they have entered Nantianpu and fought with the remnants of the enemy. The loss was heavy. I hope the commander will allow half a day for the staff, and give some weapons, ammunition and food support. The staff will definitely fulfill its mission and take down Nantianpu on time! Issued by the first regiment of the guards of the ninth war zone at [-]:[-] p.m., issued by: Zhang Tianhai .”

"Oh? This is really Zhang Yulin's style!" Xue Yue said with a helpless smile, "This kid is still the same, before the soldiers and horses move the food and grass, the decisive battle has not yet been fought, and the weapons are needed. , almost no money."

"Sir, can the humble officer interject?" the staff officer asked for instructions.

"Let's talk! Needless to say, I'm pleading for Zhang Yulin. This kid is really good. Even my staff have interceded for him." Xue Yue laughed.

The old staff officer blushed and said, "Sir, you are really good at predicting things, indeed."

After finishing that sentence, the staff officer went on to say: "I feel that it is understandable to give something to the first regiment of the guards in the theater. After all, they can kill more than 200 people a day, which is really not bad. If they change to other units, the outcome is uncertain. Moreover, reading their literal meaning, the number of enemies they attacked Nantianpu has not yet been revealed."

"Okay! Let's do it according to your wishes!" Xue Yue nodded, "Tell them to capture Nantianpu before tomorrow morning, otherwise, military law will be followed."

"Then...don't hold them accountable for not completing the task on time?" the staff officer reminded.

I saw Xue Yue waved his hand and said: "there are more than 200 people, but almost one-tenth of the number of Japanese troops trapped in defense now. If I punish them at this time, then by then, the mission will not be completed, and the mission will be missed." Who should be held accountable if the military opportunity is lost?"

Don't look at Xue Yue who seems careless and doesn't care about things, but in terms of dealing with people, he is very smart, he is not that kind of stupid person.

Such a way of employing people is quite sophisticated.

After hearing these words, the staff officer's face was slightly relieved.

Yes, this combat staff officer also graduated from the seventh phase of the Whampoa Military Academy.

There were not many students who graduated from the seventh batch of Whampoa Military Academy, especially the leaders of the seventh batch of Whampoa like Zhang Tianhai, even fewer.Therefore, from the standpoint of this staff officer, he wanted to keep Zhang Tianhai, and he didn't want anything to happen to Zhang Tianhai.

Sometimes, the friendship between classmates is so simple, without any interest relationship.

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief." The staff officer stood at attention and saluted.

"Let's go! Go out and get busy! As for how much you want, you can ask Zhang Yulin to report a number himself. We can try our best to help coordinate and solve it. If we can coordinate and solve it, we will help coordinate and solve it. He can find a way to go by himself!" Xue Yue waved his hand, and it was regarded as an order to evict the guest.

"Yes! Sir!" The staff officer responded, then turned and walked out.


For Zhang Tianhai, it was a great thing to receive this unexpected telegram. Not only was he not punished, but he got something.

But Zhang Tianhai is also very clear, if he can't complete the task this time, it is conceivable what kind of accountability he will face.

"Order the troops to rest! In addition, we don't want to give Little Japan a chance to rest. Let the special agent company carry out the night's mission!" Slowly folding the telegram in his hand, Zhang Tianhai said to the chief of staff beside him Li Chunfei and his adjutant Xu Xun said.

"Yes! Group seats!!" The two most trusted people around Zhang Tianhai responded at the same time.

To be honest, Zhang Tianhai's battle this afternoon was a setback he had never encountered before - he had never tried to invest an absolutely superior force like this afternoon, and even had a street battle with the Japanese army. It's embarrassing if you can't take it.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai could only adopt this seemingly unrealistic method to try to let the Japanese army rest as much as possible.

The strategy of exhausting the enemy has been very useful since ancient times.

"By the way, let the cavalry battalion and the guard company also carry out night vigilance, and don't let the Japanese troops counterattack or reinforce, and we don't know the situation at all." Zhang Tianhai instructed One sentence, "This order must be issued by the chief of staff himself, just say it is my order."

"I understand." Li Chunfei replied.


At night, it was also very difficult for the Japanese army-because they knew that the enemy army on the opposite side would definitely not let it go.

One-third of the village of Nantianpu has been occupied by the national army, and the remaining two-thirds are in the hands of the Japanese army, which does not necessarily mean that they have the upper hand.

At the very least, the Japanese army had suffered a lot of casualties, and it was not a critical time. The [-] reserve officers and soldiers entered the village, and they might not even be able to hold this place.

The night was pitch black, with only a full moon shining in the endless black sky.

For these Japanese soldiers, the days are sad, but they have to live.

But for the officers and soldiers of the national army, this night is in different forms - some are excited, some are sad, some are tired, and some are even asleep.

But for Lu Shaojie, the commander of the first battalion, and Luo Shian, the commander of the fifth battalion, it was a sleepless night-all the troops won the battle today, but the Nantianpu they attacked could not be captured, and there were still two operating simultaneously.With the addition of artillery battalions, small artillery companies, mortar companies, etc., it still can't be taken down. What does this mean?This shows that the troops of these two battalions are full of wine and food!
No, the two battalion commanders gathered for a meeting overnight and began to review where their troops were not doing enough.

"Commander Lu, I'm sorry, but our Fifth Battalion is holding back this time. The key is that you charge first." Luo Shi'an first reviewed himself.

"Don't say such depressing words. At this point today, no one can escape the responsibility. We can only find a way and call back tomorrow." Lu Shaojie sighed.


PS: The first update is here, and there will be a second and third update later!

Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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