War of Resistance

Chapter 1010 The Fortified Battle of Nantianpu

Chapter 1010 The Fortified Battle of Nantianpu

Seeing that Tuan Zuo's tone is so tough, these two people can't say anything more, they can only choose to obey the order: "Yes! Tuan Zuo!!"

No matter what, the battle of Nantianpu must be put on the agenda: you can't use your head to try whether Chief Xue's gun is hard or not.

Not long after, Xu Xun came back.

When Xu Xun came back this time, he brought a very depressing news: Our army does not have cars in use now, how can there be such a good thing as a gasoline barrel?And no gasoline barrels from the Japanese army were seized.

After hearing the news, Zhang Tianhai let out a long sigh, but there was nothing he could do: It seems that there is only one way to fill it with human life, there is no other way.

Strictly speaking, Zhang Tianhai is definitely a good officer, and a good officer who loves soldiers like his son.

But in the face of this embarrassing situation, Zhang Tianhai has nothing to do: he is still an ordinary person after all.

"Xiao Xu, immediately send someone to the artillery battalion and the military supply department. Look at our artillery, how many shells are still available." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, he has decided to use his shell reserve in exchange for The battle is won.

In short, for Zhang Tianhai, this battle must be won!

This is a promise between him and Chief Xue Yue. If he can't win, then what face will he have to collect this batch of military supplies?

"Yes! Sir!" Xu Xun responded.

Soon, Xu Xun sent two messengers to convey Zhang Tianhai's order.

Not long after, the two messengers came back and brought back two messages to Xu Xun.

After Xu Xun sorted it out, he reported to Zhang Tianhai: "Reporting to the regiment, according to the latest data obtained by the Military Supply Department, our regiment has an average of [-] spare shells for each artillery piece. After shooting, there will be no shells. available."

"Twenty shells on average... That seems like a lot..." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai let out a long sigh.

Poverty is a disease that cannot be cured.Why worry?Only getting rich...

But now that this problem is so naked in front of our eyes, it is impossible not to face it.

There is only one morning left. If you don't give up your money, it will definitely not work.

As for the extent to which this battle will be fought, we can only say otherwise.Anyway, being stingy is definitely not an option.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai also made a very bold decision: to lay down the Nantian shop first, anyway, isn't he already asking the Corps headquarters for money and supplies?As soon as these supplies arrive, everything will be fine.

"Xiao Xu, send someone to the Artillery Battalion immediately and call Battalion Commander Zhao over here! Immediately!" Zhang Tianhai said directly, maybe he forgot to mention something, and then he added: "By the way, put the Let the battalion commanders come over together and make a plan for tomorrow's battle."

"Yes! Group seats!" Xu Xun stood at attention and saluted, his expression very serious.

It didn't take long for these battalion commanders to be called over. Just as Zhang Tianhai thought in his mind, all the battalion commanders who were called were the battalion commanders of the main battle battalion.

For this result, Zhang Tianhai is very satisfied - this kid Xu Xun has finally grown up slowly, at least he can be a qualified adjutant.

Yes, the role of an adjutant is equivalent to the chief's secretary.As a secretary, the first and most important thing to do is to understand the leader's mind.

It's clear that Seo Hoon finally made it.

"According to this time point, everyone is already going to bed! But this time, I called everyone back to discuss tomorrow's battle plan." Zhang Tianhai looked around at the crowd, and went straight to the point.

The battalion commanders present did not make a sound, they were all quietly listening to the commander's speech, because they all knew that the commander must have something to say next.

"Tomorrow morning is the deadline given by the General Command of the Corps. We must lay down Nantianpu before tomorrow morning, otherwise, Commander Xue will directly hold me accountable. So, tomorrow morning will also be our The time for the general offensive is about to begin." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, "This battle is directly related to the outcome of whether the national army can wipe out the Songpu Division in the Wanjialing area. If we can successfully complete the mission, it will I hope that you will pay more attention to our army's defeat of the Japanese army's offensive plan in South China, and make sure to complete the task!"

Although Zhang Tianhai was not a political commissar, as an elite student who graduated from a military academy in the future, he should have such a level of education!

"Yes!! Regiment!!" The battalion commanders in the headquarters responded in unison, looking aggressive.

"Tomorrow morning at 140:[-], our artillery will fire on time, and will tilt [-] shells on the small village of Nantianpu. According to my estimation, when these shells are all fired, Nantianpu will also become a piece of land. The ruins, when the time comes, the main task of our troops going in is to clean up the remnants of the enemy." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, the commander's momentum is still there, "Before that, I ask the troops who have already stationed in Nantianpu to be sure to Get out of Nantianpu before [-]:[-] tomorrow morning."

"Yes! Group seat!!" It was the same sound of agreement. If the people outside the tent didn't know, they would have thought that something had happened.

In Zhang Tianhai's view, all the preparations he has made now are for the smooth launch of the general offensive tomorrow.

"Tomorrow morning, in order to ensure that the general offensive can go smoothly, I will plan the troops to attack in several directions. Remember, there is no main attack this time, and all the troops are the main offensive troops. If you bully me, it will already be sunset. We don’t even have the skills of devils, so let’s all stop doing it and go home and farm! What day are we going to fight?” Zhang Tianhai’s words were very domineering, because he also knew that Nantianpu had already It has been bombed badly by his troops, and counting tomorrow's shelling, is there still a good house in Nantianpu?

"Next, let me announce the order of attack!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, "The first and fifth battalions will form the east attack force; Form the northern offensive force with one of the six battalions; use the fourth battalion as the western offensive force. The cavalry battalion, artillery battalion, machine gun company, mortar company and even the engineer company are also used as battlefield fire support troops. You must give Lao Tzu Get a good score! Otherwise, I only ask you!"

"Yes!! Group seat!!" Everyone responded.

Seeing the confident smiles on everyone's faces, Zhang Tianhai finally felt relieved: If it weren't for this arrangement, with the combat effectiveness of the Japanese army and the lack of offensive experience of the first guard regiment, they would have no way to do anything. Complete the combat mission before tomorrow morning.

No matter what, Zhang Tianhai could only do this.


The high-level members of the First Guard Regiment were busy preparing for tomorrow's battle plan, but what they didn't know was that a 500-strong Japanese army was quietly entering Nantianpu in the night.


PS: Updates are coming!

In the past few days, there is a particularly urgent incident that needs to be dealt with suddenly, so the update is late, don't worry!Will make it up.

(End of this chapter)

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