War of Resistance

Chapter 1011 The Fortified Battle of Nantianpu

Chapter 1011 The Fortified Battle of Nantianpu

This unit was none other than the unit sent by Lieutenant General Matsuura Junrokuro, head of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army, to Nantianpu as a support force.

For the Japanese troops who stayed at Nantianpu, this undoubtedly injected a new force, which greatly increased their confidence.

However, what they didn't know was that this injection of new Japanese forces was essentially useless to them—because from the next day, they were about to be attacked by the national army. The injection of this new force is also futile, it's just that there are more funerary objects.

The strength of the other units of the national army is unknown, but it is perfect in terms of combat effectiveness, weapons and equipment, number of personnel, etc. among the national army.



When the first ray of morning light appeared in the sky, Zhang Tianhai slowly opened his tired eyes.

Because the cock crowed, he also had to get up to direct this decisive battle-in fact, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a decisive battle, because this battle will involve all the capable soldiers of the first guard regiment!
If even all the capable soldiers of the First Guard Regiment were unable to take down Nantianpu, it would be Zhang Tianhai's dereliction of duty: by then, it would be hard to say whether he would be able to secure his position as the head of the First Guard Regiment. .

In fact, Zhang Tianhai knew in his heart that the size of the first security regiment is getting bigger and bigger, and now the second security regiment has also been established, if it weren't for the old man Zheng Boqu, He Yingqin, minister He, etc. behind him. With the support of big shots, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to secure his current position.

It's not bad that he came from the Whampoa Military Academy, but Zhang Yulin was not the only one who came from the Whampoa Military Academy?People like Zhang Lingfu, Hu Lian, etc. are all outstanding.

If Zhang Tianhai's performance was not as strong as before, other forces in charge would have replaced him long ago.

The first regiment of the guards is actually the most elite unit in the country except Chiang Kai-shek's guards and the garrison guards in various theaters in a strict sense. one!

Even if it is a veteran unit like the No. 11 Division, it is still halfway there.

As the old saying goes: You don't need to know how far the future is, but you have to know where you are standing now.

If it weren't for the suppression of various reasons, how could Zhang Tianhai be so anxious?There is more than one pair of eyes staring at him!

Now that he had woken up, Zhang Tianhai didn't intend to go back to sleep. He got up and washed his face with the wash water in the washbasin next to him, and then managed to pull himself together.

This was the face wash that the orderly had prepared for him early in the morning.

After Zhang Tianhai brushed his teeth and washed his face, he started looking for Xu Xun. After all, this guy was relatively easy to use, at least he wasn't an unqualified type of person.

Sure enough, not long after Zhang Tianhai finished brushing his teeth, he saw Xu Xun walking towards the regiment headquarters with two big steamed buns.

"Tuan Zuo, are you looking for me?" Xu Xun asked Zhang Tianhai directly after seeing Zhang Tianhai's staring eyes.

"Well, not bad. I'm looking for you. After you eat two steamed buns, show me to the front line to see if the troops have assembled? I'll have breakfast first, and you will wait for me at the front line post later." Zhang Tianhai You're not too polite, just assign a task.

"Yes! Group seat!" Xu Xun responded.

After setting up Xu Xun, Zhang Tianhai went straight to the cafeteria of the logistics department. Since this is a battlefield, everything can only be kept simple.

After taking two steamed buns, Zhang Tianhai walked to the front line, only to see that Xu Xun was ready to report to work.

"Reporting to the regiment, all the troops are ready to launch an attack at any time." Xu Xun said seriously, looking very serious.

"Okay. Then pass on my order to get the artillery battalion ready for Lao Tzu to fire at any time!" Zhang Tianhai said seriously, with a very serious expression.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Still with the familiar formula, Xu Xun responded to Zhang Tianhai's order.


Ten minutes later, the scheduled combat time had arrived, Zhang Tianhai did not hesitate to order the artillery battalion to get ready.

The muzzles of the 140 guns of the Artillery Battalion have already aimed at the small village of Nantianpu. Today their task is to pour [-] shells on the Japanese army within one hour.

This is an unprecedented heroism. Once it is completed, all the officers and soldiers of the artillery battalion know what the casualties of Little Japan will be-so they are enthusiastic and eager to try.

"Ten shots in a row! Get ready!!!"

Zhao Chengge's hoarse voice sounded in the team, and all the officers and soldiers of the artillery battalion immediately ran to the front of their work stations to make preparations.

Following Zhang Tianhai's gesture, Zhao Chengge stood on a high place, waved the flag down immediately, and shouted: "Fire!!!"





With the sound of cannonball firing, one after another cannonball pierced the sky with golden flashes, and then slammed hard on the Nantian bunk.





A round of shells hit Nantianpu, a small village, and immediately exploded a column of smoke and dust, and the sound of the explosion was deafening!
The officers and soldiers of the main battalion of thousands of infantry in the first guard regiment began to march again towards Nantianpu in an orderly manner...

As for the position that was taken yesterday, Zhang Tianhai had already ordered to abandon it, because it was a violent bombardment. Zhang Tianhai did not want any of his own officers and soldiers to die in this artillery bombardment because of his own decision-making mistakes. come.

Looking at the scene in front of him through the binoculars, a smile began to appear on Zhang Tianhai's face: This battle is already a victory!

Facts have proved that in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are paper tigers. In the face of this well-planned and very fierce general offensive, the Japanese army was defeated.

After a period of arduous fighting, the national army and the Japanese army fought desperately.

In the end, a blue sky, white sun and red flag rose slowly over Nantianpu, and Zhang Tianhai finally set foot on the land of Nantianpu.

The cigarette holder on his mouth was burning slowly, and Zhang Tianhai's face was full of vicissitudes. He said to Li Yinglun and Guo Qiliang beside him: "We have won this battle, but it also exposed the lack of coordination among our troops, etc. We have to sum up these experiences later.”

"Yes! Group seats!" Li Yinglun and Guo Qiliang responded at the same time.

Indeed, this battle was Zhang Tianhai's helpless move. Behind such a magnificent general offensive, there was the loss of countless military supplies and the sacrifices of officers and soldiers. Maybe the battle of Nantianpu wiped out more than 2000 Japanese troops, so what ?Poor!
Just like the saying in "I'm Not the God of Medicine": "There is only one disease in the world, and that is the disease of poverty."

Obviously, Head Zhang has fallen into this difficulty...

It's so difficult...


PS: Updates are coming!

Thanks to starting point book friends Kailong 183 and book friends 202001018234040459 for their rewards of 1500 points each! ! !

Thanks to QQ reading book friend s. Feiying for the reward of 1199 book coins! !
Thanks to Prometheus, a book friend who stole the fire from the starting point, for the reward of 500 points!

(End of this chapter)

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