War of Resistance

Chapter 1012 Xue Yue's Surprise

Chapter 1012 Xue Yue's Surprise

Looking at the devastated ground, Zhang Tianhai also knew that the casualties of his troops would not be too small.

Sorting out the number of casualties is the most important thing in front of you.

"You two, although our regiment has achieved military victory at this stage, it still cannot make up for the established fact that our regiment has also suffered huge casualties. I will leave it to you to count the casualties of the troops and resettle the wounded and sick." Zhang Tianhai turned around, looked at Guo Qiliang and Li Yinglun and said.

"Yes! Regiment!" The two responded at the same time, but then Li Yinglun added: "Regiment, I believe that it is time to set up a field hospital. Relying solely on the medical team of our regiment headquarters, we can deal with major The number of casualties is somewhat difficult."

"Hmm...that makes sense." Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "Have you completed the preparations for expanding the hospital into a field hospital?"

"Report to the delegation, not yet." Li Yinglun said honestly, "But some preliminary work has been done, and we just wait for the delegation to report for approval."

"Oh? I still need to apply for approval?" Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly, "Tell me! What kind of preparation is it? Don't tell me, the nurses are recruited first, but the military salary has not been paid to them."

"That's not true, but I have really recruited a group of people. As long as we recruit some field service corps, we can barely have the scale of a field hospital." Li Yinglun said with a smile.

"The scale is there, but what about the medicine?" Zhang Tianhai asked softly, frowning.

"There is no shortage of medicines for the time being, and there is a batch of medicines among the airdropped items." Li Yinglun replied.

"Well, let's do it like this!" Zhang Tianhai nodded and agreed, "Let the battalions count the casualties! We must also keep up with the supplies, especially after our troops have gone through this battle, the casualties will definitely not be small. , in due course, the establishment may also be compressed.”

Zhang Tianhai's words raised everyone's vigilance: Why did the group seat say such a sentence?Want to compress the compilation?It proves that there may be a big battle to be fought later.

Everyone knows that Captain Zhang has always had a keen sense of war. If he hadn't been certain, he would never have said such a sentence.

It should be noted that the Wanjialing battle may only be halfway through now.

"Yes! Group seats!" The adjutant next to him, Xu Xun, responded. He knew that it was the adjutant's task to upload and distribute.

"The next battle may be even worse, everyone, it's up to you." Zhang Tianhai patted Guo Qiliang and Li Yinglun on the shoulder and said.

"Okay, no problem." Guo Qiliang nodded first in response.

"Regiment, we don't have much ammunition reserves this time. If we fight the next battle, it will be very difficult for us, and the ammunition reserves of our entire regiment will also be a big problem. In this battle, our consumption is too great... ..." Li Yinglun let out a long sigh,

"This is indeed a big problem, but it's not a big problem." Zhang Tianhai said, in fact, he was not confident in his heart, "Anyway, we have already asked for guns, ammunition and food from the General Headquarters of the Corps. Let's take a look. How much can they give!"

"The humble staff thinks that the general headquarters of the Corps will not jam our guns, ammunition, and food, because we are a unit of the Central Army, and even if they jam other troops, it is impossible for them to get stuck on us. What's more, we also It’s not that you don’t want to fight, is it?” Li Yinglun said something, and the words in his words were not so bad.

"That's fine, no matter what. We all have to show our results. Only when we win the battle will the others not gossip, will they?" Zhang Tianhai threw away the stick and burned it out without smoking a few cigarettes. He took a cigarette and lit another one.

"Yes, what the group said makes sense." Li Yinglun said seriously.


Casualty reports from various units came in shortly after.

The battalion that suffered the most casualties was the main attacking battalion, with more than half of the casualties reaching an astonishing 350 six people.

Why is it amazing?That's because the casualties of other troops were not that great at all.

The second battalion suffered 290 casualties;

The third battalion suffered 210 casualties;
The fourth battalion suffered one hundred and five casualties;

The fifth battalion suffered 190 casualties;
The Sixth Battalion suffered 78 casualties;

The spy company suffered 12 casualties.

There were a total of 250 casualties. As far as this number is concerned, the casualties of the first regiment of the guards are really not that big, especially in terms of the number of wiped out enemies.

A total of more than [-] enemies were wiped out, but their own casualties were only about one-third of the enemy's.

In fact, only Zhang Tianhai knew in his heart that if the battlefield was changed, it would be impossible to achieve this record-because the Japanese army came with the mentality of defending Nantianpu.

If this were not the case, it would have been impossible for his artillery unit to show off their power to such an extent and unscrupulously launch fierce bombardment on Nantianpu.

But what made Zhang Tianhai very puzzled was why the commander of the Japanese army knew that this place could not be defended, and let his own artillery carry out the bombing unscrupulously. Isn't this clearly courting death?
Why did the Japanese commander do this?Could it be that one of his shells wiped out their headquarters?Thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai smiled softly: This situation is not impossible.

Zhang Tianhai calculated carefully, the three outer highlands plus the [-] officers airdropped, totaled more than [-] enemies, and Nantianpu Village wiped out at least [-] enemies.

"Xu Xun, report this situation to the general headquarters of the Corps!" Zhang Tianhai said directly.

"Yes! Group seat!" Xu Xun responded.


It didn't take long for this battle report from Nantianpu to be reported to the headquarters of the First Corps of the Ninth War Zone.

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief, an urgent battle report from the First Guard Regiment in the theater!" A senior staff officer stood at attention at the door of Xue Yue's office and saluted.

"Come in!" Xue Yue slowly raised his head, as if he already knew the result.

The senior staff officer strode up to him, opened the report book with the badge of "blue sky and white sun" in his hand, and read aloud: "Report to the commander-in-chief, according to the latest battle report of the first regiment of the guards in the ninth theater, they I have already captured Nantianpu, and created a glorious record of annihilating more than 250 enemies, while our own casualties were only [-]! Please read it, sir!"

Originally Xue Yue was very calm, but when he heard about this record, he became excited. He stood up with a face full of surprise: "What?! They wiped out a total of 250 enemies, and our side only paid [-] casualties?!"

"Yes! Sir!" As he said that, Gao Shen handed the notebook in his hand to Xue Yue, and reported: "But according to the first regiment of the guards, they have already shot out all the shells, and the ammunition consumption is very high. It is huge. The report also said that among the more than 3000 people, the number of officers alone accounted for nearly [-] people!"

"More than four hundred officers? When did the brats have such a high number of officers? There is almost one officer for every eight or nine people. This is amazing! Zhang Yulin must have lied." With that, Xue Yue took the report from the senior staff officer.


PS: Updates are coming!There are two more tonight!

Thanks to the starting point book friend huqiang for the 1500 points reward! ! !

Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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