Chapter 1023

With the two companies of the Reserve Sixth Division joining the battlefield, the balance of victory has tilted again-it has completely tilted towards the national army.

The troops of the first guard regiment suppressed the firepower of the Japanese army, and then the troops of the sixth reserve division launched the main attack.

After a while, the troops of the Sixth Division prepared to board the main position of No. [-] position in Outer Mountain.

For a moment, the sound of killing resounded throughout the valley.

Yoshio Sonoda's headquarters is not too far from the No. [-] Outer Hill position, so he can naturally hear the movement here.

So Yoshio Sonoda walked out of his headquarters and listened quietly to the shouts of killing coming from Toyama No. [-].

"Listen to this formation, the attacking strength of the Chinese army is at least 800 people, if there are no more than [-] people, they will not be able to fight this formation." Yoshio Sonoda murmured.

"Your Excellency, Captain, then shall we send a large number of troops to fight back?" asked the staff officer next to him.

"If we don't fight back, the enemy's cannons will be able to bombard our division headquarters. How can we not fight back?!" Yoshio Sonoda said harshly, "Order the nearby troops to quickly reinforce the No. [-] Outer Hill position!"

"Hay!!" The staff officer next to him responded.


The camera turns back to the No. [-] position in Outer Mountain.

Due to the fierce offensive of the national army, the Japanese troops on the ground began to retreat steadily.

Finally, under the strong leadership of Dashan Kazuo, the Japanese army began to gradually reduce its personnel to only a few people left.

"Sir, we can't stand it anymore, the position is about to fall." A Japanese soldier next to him said to Dashan Kazuo next to him.

"Even if the position falls in the end, we have to hold on! If we can't hold on, the enemy's artillery can directly hit our division headquarters!" Kazuo Dashan shouted excitedly.

"Hay!" After speaking, the Japanese soldier also started to fight back.

It has to be said that the little devil's marksmanship is extremely accurate - I saw that the Japanese army fired two shots in a row, directly hitting two soldiers of the national army.

But this time of luck was only temporary. In the next second, a bullet pierced through his helmet and hit the inside of his head. For a moment, his flesh and blood were bloody, so cruel.

Just when the Japanese army was about to be unable to hold on, reinforcements from that squad of the Japanese army arrived.

As a new force, the arrival of this Japanese team relieved to a certain extent the plight of the Japanese army at the No. [-] position in Outer Mountain.

Regarding the arrival of Japanese reinforcements, Zhang Tianhai also began to realize that something was wrong, so he hurriedly asked a soldier beside him to notify the Division Headquarters of the Sixth Division of the Reserve, and told Division Commander Ji Zhangjian and Deputy Division Commander Shangguan Zhiyun that reinforcements were needed here. , the Japanese army is very likely to start a battle around here.

"Yes! Regiment seat!" The soldiers took orders and left after responding, at an unusually fast speed.

The gunshots on the ground were very intense, and the explosions continued in succession. Obviously, both sides were red-eyed.

The No. [-] position on the outer mountain is not far from the headquarters of the Sixth Division of the Preparatory Division. It is only about ten minutes away from running down the mountain.

If the Japanese army knew that the headquarters of the Sixth Reserve Division was set up so close, they would definitely find a way to pull an artillery over and blow it up.

However, the premise is that the Japanese army knows this situation, but the fact is that it is impossible for the Japanese army to know that the frontline headquarters of the national army is so close.


At this time, the headquarters of the Sixth Preparatory Division can be said to be quiet and peaceful, especially the division commander Ji Zhangjian and deputy division commander Shangguan Zhiyun, who are discussing the battle on the mountain.

"Master, what do you think the odds of winning the battle above are?" asked Major General Shangguan Zhiyun, the deputy division commander.

"Brother Shangguan, since you already know the answer, why bother to ask?" Ji Zhangjian grinned, his face full of joy.

"My talent is not very knowledgeable, and I just want to ask the teacher for advice, and I also want to hear the teacher's advice." Shangguan Zhiyun also laughed.

Seeing the faint smile on the corner of Shangguan Zhiyun's mouth, Ji Zhangjian smiled and said, "Okay, since brother Shangguan has already said that, let me analyze it! I think they can't take down the Japanese army's position." Even if they win, they will definitely not be able to withstand the counterattack of the Japanese army. Therefore, they will definitely ask us for help. Although they are the tip of the red-tasseled spear, if there is no gun barrel behind them, they must not be able to break through the main force of the Japanese army. field."

"The teacher is really wise." Shangguan Zhiyun clapped his hands as if flattering, and then said: "I admire you for my humble job."

"Don't talk about it, have you already assembled the pre-24th group?" Ji Zhangjian smiled, as if everything was not enough to worry about.

"Oh? Those who know me are also the master." Shangguan Zhiyun grinned, "The No. 12 Brigade No. 20 Fourth Regiment has been assembled and is waiting for the master's instructions!"

"Okay." Ji Zhangjian said with a smile, "Order the troops to prepare to go up the mountain! Just based on this news, our regiment leader Zhang is going to have a crush on the little devil. Among other things, the main position must be in the little devil position!"

Sure enough, after a while, a soldier of the National Army ran in and reported: "Reporting to Commander Ji of the Sixth Division and Deputy Commander Shangguan, the humble post is a soldier of the Special Service Company of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone, and is now entrusted to our regiment's seat." Order, inform the two officers that the outer mountain positions are in urgent need of support. Hao Dachun, Battalion Commander Hao's team and our special agent company are already engaged in battle with the Japanese army. Now they have basically occupied the main Japanese army position, but some Japanese reinforcements have arrived. If they do not provide support as soon as possible , it is very likely that all previous efforts will be wasted!"

After hearing this report, Ji Zhangjian stood up immediately, and he said: "Okay! Deputy Commander Shangguan, immediately order the No. 20 Fourth Regiment to carry out the scheduled tasks!"

"Yes! Commander's seat!" Commander Zhiyun stood up and saluted. He himself also holds the post of brigade commander of the No.12 Reserve Brigade.

"Okay, go back and report to your regiment commander right away! We are preparing for the sixth division, and a regiment of reinforcements will come forward to support it. Please stand up, regimental commander Zhang!" Ji Zhangjian said seriously, what should be done, what should not be done What to do, he is still very clear.

You must know that the Sixth Division of the Preparatory Division did not capture this outer mountain position after a day of attack.Don't ask why it can't be attacked, the reason is that although the Sixth Reserve Division is a division-level unit, its combat effectiveness is not strong, especially no sharp-edged troops can completely break through the Japanese positions.

This is why although the national army has a 7000-strong army, it took more than ten days to wipe out all the more than [-] people of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army in the Wanjialing area.

You must know that apart from the factors of the Japanese army's own fighting strength, the more important reason is that the national army's combat effectiveness is too weak. Otherwise, how could there be a situation where the Japanese army's regiments chased the national army's divisions?
It is precisely because they are well aware of the shortcomings of their own troops that Ji Zhangjian and Shangguan Zhiyun provided such great support when they learned that the special agent company of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone had come to help.

At the same time, they are also ready to fight the next refueling battle as long as the first guard regiment opens the enemy's breakthrough.

After all, they won this battle, and their greatest achievement was their preparation of the Sixth Division!

PS: The first update is here!

There will be a second update later!
Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

Thanks to the starting point book friend huqiang for the 100 point coins!

(End of this chapter)

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