War of Resistance

Chapter 1024 Reimbursement?

Chapter 1024 Reimbursement?

Therefore, under the order of Shangguan Zhiyun, the deputy division commander and brigade commander, the troops of the No. 20 Fourth Regiment immediately began to reinforce the outer mountain positions.

Of course, in order to ensure the combat situation of the troops on the whole front and fully grasp it, Shangguan Zhiyun also took part this time in person.

In the darkness, the No. 20 No. 2000 regiment with nearly [-] troops began to support the outer mountain position in a mighty manner.

Looking at the torches on the mountain, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help but wryly smiled: Sure enough, these guys preparing for the Sixth Division would take themselves as an opportunity to break through the Japanese positions.

However, what even Zhang Tianhai couldn't figure out was, how could these guys have so much confidence in him?

Of course, this is an unsolved mystery to Zhang Tianhai, but what is certain is that if there is no accident for this reinforcement, the Sixth Preparatory Division will definitely send a deputy division commander or brigade commander to command and supervise the battle. It is impossible for them to trust him, Zhang Tianhai, so much that they can even hand over all the troops to him to command Zhang Tianhai.

So, this time, all Zhang Tianhai could do was wait quietly.

Seeing that there were no members of the secret service company around him, it happened that Xu Xun was also left in the regiment headquarters by him, so Zhang Tianhai could only go and tell the secret service company in person that it was time to retreat.

For Zhang Tianhai, since the main force of the Sixth Preparatory Division had already stepped forward, there was no need for them to continue to hold on: if this continued, his spy company would definitely suffer more casualties.

Don't think that Zhang Tianhai is stingy, or engaging in formalism, after all, his favorite treasure has already been used in this way, if he does something wrong again, the future battle will suffer a lot.

You know, at least in the battle of Outer Mountains, the First Guards Regiment did not feel sorry for the Reserve Sixth Division—without the participation of the Special Agent Company of the First Guards Regiment, it would be extremely difficult for them to open a gap in the Outer Mountains defense line things.

The battle is still going on, Zhang Tianhai has already reached the front line, watching the officers and soldiers of the secret service company still fire fiercely - Zhang Tianhai's heart just cannot bear the pain, these are all wasted money, This burst of bullets is enough for a battalion of ordinary troops to fight a battle.

Do you want to ask Shangguan Zhiyun and Ji Zhang to sell some ammunition?A ridiculous idea suddenly flashed in Zhang Tianhai's mind.

This thought flashed by, that's all, but as this thought flashed, Zhang Tianhai's thoughts became more and more active - he felt that this idea was very feasible.As for the small shells of the grenade, he didn't want to prepare the Sixth Division for reimbursement. After all, it was poor to prepare the Sixth Division, haha, there was no such thing as a grenade.

At this time, Hao Dachun's troops were already fighting fiercely with the Japanese army on the ground, as for the troops of the special agent company, they were only responsible for suppressing firepower.

"Liu Houming, listen to me, boy. After a while, when the main force of the Sixth Division prepares to come up, our special agent company will retreat and let the troops of the Sixth Division prepare for the main battlefield." Zhang Tianhai patted the side Liu Houming said.

"Yes! Group seats!" Liu Houming responded.

Not long after, under the leadership of Shangguan Zhiyun, the deputy commander of the sixth reserve division and the brigade commander of the reserve No.12 brigade, the vanguard of the reserve No.20 fourth regiment successfully arrived at the No. [-] battlefield outside the mountain.

"Shangguan, you are finally here. If you don't arrive quickly, I'm afraid that this outer mountain position will be returned to Little Japan's hands again." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai smiled wryly.

"Mr. Zhang, I have really worked hard for you. If it weren't for you, I guess it would not be easy to open a gap from the outer mountain defense line." When Shangguan Zhiyun said this, he waved his hand to let him The troops stepped forward to support the battle ahead.

And when Shangguan Zhiyun's troops rushed up, the spy company also retreated "in due course", and even pretended to open a hole for reinforcements.

"Sir, sir, you don't know! I fought a tough battle, not to mention the casualties of many brothers. My spy company consumes more ammunition. This battle will take all the ammunition of a battalion. It's all gone, especially the small shells of this grenadier can't be replenished." Zhang Tianhai said with a bitter face, it was obvious that he was pretending.

Seeing Zhang Tianhai's expression, can Shangguan Zhiyun not understand what's going on?It is clear that he is required to pay some "labor fees". To put it nicely, it is labor fees, and to put it bluntly, it is wages.

Shangguan Zhiyun also knew in his heart that logically speaking, the Sixth Division of their preparation had to help reimburse some of these ammunition.

"Teacher Zhang, I know these things too, don't worry! As long as it is within the scope of my authority, I will definitely report it. At that time, Commander Zhang, you can just report the number and we will do it on our own Do it with your ability!" Shangguan Zhiyun was also very polite, because he also knew that without the participation of the first guard regiment, they would have to pay an unknown price to attack this position.

"Okay, then let's talk about this matter later. I will let my spy company step down first, and I will leave the rest to you." Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"Okay, there is no problem at all. We promise not to disappoint you." Shangguan Zhiyun said with a smile.

"Liu Houming, let your troops assemble immediately, and then count the number of people to see how many people have not returned!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Group seats!" Liu Houming replied in a deep voice.

After counting, Zhang Tianhai took the officers and soldiers of the special agent company down the mountain, and the speed of going down the mountain was not normal.

After arriving at the site where the Sixth Division was prepared, Zhang Tianhai asked the spy company to regroup and recount the number of casualties.

It doesn't matter at all, it will be discovered at one point.In this battle, one person was killed, five were slightly injured, and none were seriously injured.

When Zhang Tianhai heard the result, he couldn't help feeling sorry for it: This is a unit he trained with great effort. How could he not feel sorry for the casualties caused by other units?

Reimbursement must be reimbursed, otherwise it will be unreasonable. Although they are all anti-Japanese troops, after this battle, they are not the biggest beneficiaries, but the Sixth Division.

Due to the emergence of this result, Zhang Tianhai felt that he had to speak out, otherwise how could he be worthy of the casualties of the secret service company?
With this in mind, Zhang Tianhai walked towards the headquarters of the Sixth Preparatory Division.


PS: The second update is here!

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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