Chapter 1026

"Liu Houming, come in for me, kid." Zhang Tianhai called out the door.

"Yes! Group seat! I am ordered to report to you!" Liu Houming stood at attention and saluted when he entered.

"Immediately count the number of ammunition consumed in this battle. As for the small shells of grenade launchers, it is enough to calculate the number of two light machine gun magazines per round." Zhang Tianhai said unceremoniously in front of Ji Zhangjian Said with a straight face, but the slightly twitching left eye was already hinting at Liu Houming.

Who is Liu Houming?Liu Houming was Zhang Tianhai's adjutant before, so he still doesn't know Zhang Tianhai's behavior?

I saw Liu Houming standing at attention and saluting: "Yes! Group seat! I will make statistics immediately!"

Not long after, Liu Houming came in, and he reported: "A total of [-] rounds of light machine gun ammunition, [-] rounds of rifle ammunition, if you don't count the bullets exchanged for the grenade shells, it is [-] rounds." Four hundred rounds."

"This time, it took a lot of bullets, and it may cause Chief Ji to bleed heavily. If there is anything wrong, Chief Ji must criticize and correct me." Zhang Tianhai said directly to Ji Zhangjian, with a look of embarrassment on his face look.

In fact, Ji Zhangjian knew in his heart that Zhang Tianhai didn't open his mouth, at least they didn't have those grenades and small cannonballs-it's not like he couldn't hear the offensive formation on the mountain. If you use small cannonballs as a foreshadowing, it is impossible to kill a path so easily.

All in all, Ji Zhangjian felt that the money he spent was worth it. At least, the foreign aid of Zhang Tianhai's army was completely qualified.

"Commander Zhang, you are a little overwhelmed. We are preparing the Sixth Division, which is a force with a total strength of tens of thousands of people. Even if each person shoots one less bullet, we can still get the supplies for you. Besides, It seems that we are not that poor in preparing the sixth division, right?" Ji Zhangjian said quite generously.

"That's fine, Chief Ji. I want to thank you first." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

"Adjutant Zou, you should immediately take Commander Zhang's men to the Military Supplies Department to collect the corresponding supplies. We must not let the brother troops bleed and cry." Ji Zhangjian said to the adjutant beside him.

"Yes! Teacher seat!" Adjutant Zou responded, seeing that he looked like Kong Wu and powerful, and he was not the kind of person who steals, rapes and plays tricks.

"Thank you, Chief Ji." After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai took his people and followed Adjutant Zou to the military supply department.


By the time we returned to the headquarters of the first security regiment, it was almost dawn.

Zhang Tianhai specially granted the spy company a day off, so that the spy company could have a good rest.At the same time, he asked Xu Xun to ask the logistics department to replenish the secret service company with some small shells for the grenadier after dawn.

After finishing all these arrangements, Zhang Tianhai was finally so tired that he lay directly on the chair, thinking about how to make up for the grenadier shells used in this battle.

Once a war broke out, these things were like burning money, and it didn't take long for such a large amount of supplies to be consumed.

You know, what is the real "golden ten thousand taels when the cannon is fired", this is a living example!

He had to earn some money from the next battle, thinking of this, Zhang Tianhai finally fell into a deep sleep.


In the days that followed, Wanjialing was on fire, and many troops launched an attack around the Wanjialing area.

The camera turns back to the headquarters of the Japanese Matsuura Division.

For Matsuura Junrokuro, the failure of the battle of Nantianpu can be said to have poured cold water on his head, so cold that his attitude towards this battle changed directly.

Matsuura Junrokuro felt that he could no longer sit here and wait for death.

Therefore, he set his sights on Biandan Mountain and the direction of the west gate. He had to open breakthroughs from these two directions, otherwise, the [-]th Division would be finished!
At the same time, the Japanese No. 11 Army's planes drawn from various directions have also been assembled.

During the day, the Japanese army assembled a large number of troops to attack in the direction of Biandan Mountain and the West City Gate. The sky was covered by Japanese aircraft!
"Ten rounds of rapid fire!! Get ready!!" The artillery commander of the Japanese army shouted. Since the Japanese army completely controlled the air superiority, they learned the lesson of the last airdrop mistake and dropped a large number of airdropped shells and weapons in the direction of Lei Minggu Liu again. Ammunition, even the officers, continued to deliver.

Therefore, the current [-]th Division has no anxiety about running out of ammunition at all. As long as the sky is still in their hands, weapons and ammunition will be delivered continuously!
In addition, the Japanese aircraft also began to bombard the ground troops of the national army indiscriminately, and even used fighter jets to straf any living targets on the ground.

Following the order of the Japanese artillery commander, the artillery of the Japanese army became busy one after another, either loading shells or transporting shells, and the business was very busy.

Seeing that the artillery on each artillery position was almost ready, the dog-skin plaster flag in the hand of the Japanese artillery commander swung down vigorously, still shouting: "Shoot!!!"





With the artillery salvo of the Japanese artillery, 36 shells sprayed out from the muzzle of the Qiwushan Cannon, and after drawing beautiful arcs in the sky, they slammed heavily on the position of Biandan Mountain.





A round of shells flew through the air, and then slammed heavily on the position of the Biandan Mountain, making bursts of explosions, shaking the entire mountain.

You know, this is only part of the firepower of the Japanese Artillery Wing. If all of them are deployed, there will be 54 artillery pieces!

Continuous explosions sounded on Biandan Mountain, and even the Japanese planes were not idle, leaving aerial bombs one after another on the Biandan Mountain position.

The entire Biandan Mountain became a sea of ​​flames.

Looking at this scene through the telescope in the distance, even Zhang Tianhai, who is used to seeing big scenes, couldn't help being moved: This is a real war, and it is not at the same level as the American blockbusters of later generations!It's no wonder that later generations of rabbits want to develop artilleryism, the scope of truth is within the range of artillery!

"Old Guo, luckily it's not the first regiment of our guards to guard this Biandanshan position. If we were allowed to guard, I guess our regiment would be scrapped after a day's defense..." Zhang Tianhai couldn't help sighing, he was very Knowing the gap between the first regiment of the guards and the Japanese army, the war is not just based on light weapons, heavy weapons are the kingly way to win!
"Who said it wasn't? It's a good thing that we took down Nantianpu fast enough, otherwise, with the dark planes of the little devil, I don't know how many of us could be killed." Guo Qiliang looked at the scene in front of him. , I can't help but secretly feel grateful.

Everyone present knew that the Battle of Biandan Mountain had entered a fierce stage from the very beginning, and it was carried out when the Japanese army had an absolute advantage.

The Japanese army can have aircraft and artillery to bombard them indiscriminately, but does their national army have them?Like the first regiment of the guards, after a salvo of artillery, they can only play a burst of ten rounds, and then there will be no shells.

But the Japanese army did not have this concern at all...


PS: The second update is here!This is to make up for yesterday!
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(End of this chapter)

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