War of Resistance

Chapter 1027 Fierce Battle

Chapter 1027 Fierce Battle

Zhang Tianhai's concerns were not unreasonable, because everyone had seen that in the Outer Mountains that night, preparing for the Sixth Division was almost a complete victory, but the Japanese army's counterattack was fierce the next day.

On the outer mountain position, the Japanese army invested a large number of aircraft and artillery to cover the artillery fire. The entire reserve No. 12 brigade suffered heavy casualties. Even Shangguan Zhiyun, deputy division commander and brigade commander, suffered a shell fragment on his buttocks.

Tragic, not ordinary tragic.

"Tuan Zuo, fortunately we started earlier, otherwise it would be really difficult for us to take on these defenses." Chief of Staff Li Chunfei sighed. Compared with their bombardment of Nantianpu, their bombardment was simply childish.

Why do you say that?Because the Japanese base camp has issued a death order, we must keep the Matsuura Division at all costs!
Under the guidance of this strategic policy, the Central China Expeditionary Command of the Japanese Army and the No.11 Army Command of the Japanese Army have reached a consensus to deploy available troops and fighter planes from other battlefields, mobilize all materials that can be mobilized, and lean towards the Wanjialing battlefield .

If not, how could the Matsuura Division, which was already in a desperate situation, have such a wealthy side?Obviously, this is why the airdrop is sufficient.

"Little devil, you are really rich. It would be great if these shells were given to us. We promise to repay them well." It was obvious that Zhang Tianhai was greedy.

In later generations, Zhang Tianhai would definitely not be so greedy. If someone said this, he would have to mock them: "Why are you a beggar, have you never seen such a shell?"How about seeing more of the world?

Obviously, Zhang Tianhai is the beneficiary of the domestic artillery doctrine in later generations. Not to mention other things, at least in terms of artillery shells, he will never be afraid of not being able to supply them.

But the situation is different now. He is in command of the national army which is extremely scarce in supplies in this era, and even many weapons and ammunition can only be obtained by seizure.

Not to mention anything else, just say that Zhang Tianhai bombarded Nantianpu with a lot of artillery. If it wasn't for the seizure of a large number of Japanese artillery shells and the oolong airdrop, he would not have dared to use these shells so generously.

You must know that the oven is always used wisely, and Zhang Tianhai will not use such a large amount of artillery for a small matter. After all, people in this era are poor, and it is not easy to save some money.

Obviously, Zhang Tianhai is not the kind of prodigal who wastes his family property, what's more, he has accumulated these assets through hard work, and it is impossible to squander them recklessly.

"Tuan Zuo, even you are greedy, it's not easy!" Liu Houming next to him sighed, after fighting with the regiment leader for so long, it was the first time he saw the regiment leader so greedy.

"Nonsense, I'm not a local rich man in Shanxi. How can I have so many assets? We have to find a way to sneak up on the little devil. If nothing else, we must at least make up for the shells we consumed." Zhang Tianhai He sighed and said, but his eyeballs were rolling, obviously, he was playing tricks on the little devil.

Liu Houming moved his lips lightly, and said with some embarrassment: "But, regiment, the frontline troops are fighting fiercely now. Didn't Commander-in-Chief Xue Yue give an order? Let the frontline troops hide from the Japanese artillery during the day, and attack them Carry out blocking operations, and go up to fight them hand-to-hand at night. In this case, what advantage do we have if we go up to fight? What's more, aren't our grenadier shells consumed almost the same?"

"The method is conceived by people. Didn't you say it? How bold people are, how productive the land is. You have to break through your imagination. War is an art, and you have to play with it." Zhang Tianhai earnestly said He taught Liu Houming carefully.

"Who is so bold and rich? I don't think I've heard of such a humble person." Liu Houming was a little confused, and he didn't know where the Tuan Zuo got so many famous sayings, as if he had never heard of many of them. .

"Oh, don't go into these small details. You have to listen to the central idea, which is to free your imagination. To put it bluntly, you have to find a way to infiltrate the enemy's position." Zhang Tianhai started the trainer mode and began to work hard to give Liu Houming went to class to wash his brains.

"Oh..." Liu Houming nodded with a vague understanding.

Looking at the fierce battle on the front line, Zhang Tianhai shook his head lightly: He couldn't do anything like this indiscriminate bombing in broad daylight. Are they really going to fight these little Japanese?Of course, hand-to-hand combat is not impossible, but it seems a bit overkill to put the officers and soldiers of the secret service company on it.

Difficult, not ordinary difficult.

Even if it is a special force from later generations, in this case, Zhang Tianhai has nothing to do, because he is just an ordinary person. If he is bombed by the Japanese aircraft and artillery, can he continue to survive? ?This is probably impossible, don't forget, his wife and children are still waiting for him to go home.

It is precisely because of his concerns that Zhang Tianhai is no longer always on the front line in battle, but uses various advantages to fight against the Japanese army, striving to obtain the greatest victory with the least casualties.

After standing still and thinking for a while, Zhang Tianhai finally had no choice but to say: "Let's wait, wait for the fighter to appear, and then we can act"!
"Yes! Group seats!" Liu Houming responded.


After returning from the front line, Zhang Tianhai continued to rest and replenish his troops.

After all, the fight has reached the current level, and the frontline troops may not be able to last for a long time. To put it bluntly, that is to say, it will be a matter of time before they are allowed to guard the first regiment, so there is no need to rush.

"Commander Zhu, how is the replenishment of our front-line combat troops now?" Zhang Tianhai asked the battalion commander Zhu Shaohong directly when he came to the logistics camp.

"Reporting regiment, our logistics battalion has been working overtime these days to deliver weapons and ammunition, and the weapons and ammunition consumed by the front-line combat troops have basically been replenished." Zhu Shaohong stood up and saluted.

"Okay, since Battalion Commander Zhu worked so hard, I will believe it. Are the weapons and ammunition approved by Commander Xue Yuexue in the rear delivered yet?" Zhang Tianhai is a "money fan". He must keep this kind of thing in mind and never lose money. .

"Reporting to the delegation, this batch of weapons and ammunition has been delivered, and now it has been stored as a reserve for the next battle." Zhu Shaohong replied.


PS: Updates are coming!

After dawn, there will be another update!
Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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