Chapter 1034
"Okay, since Brigadier Zhang has this determination. Then I, Yu, will fulfill Brigadier Zhang's wish and be loyal to the survival of the nation and the party and country!" Yu Jishi's eyes were like eagles, and he said this answer in a deep voice .

(PS: The previous clerical error, Zhang Lingfu is indeed the brigade commander at this time)

"Thank you for your success!" Zhang Lingfu stood at attention and saluted.

"Besides Zhang Lingfu and Brigadier Zhang's troops, is there any comrade who is willing to offer advice and send troops to help the troops of the [-]rd Brigade advance?" Yu Jishi said, his gaze fixed on Zhang Tianhai inadvertently.

How could Zhang Tianhai be that uninterested person?Director Yu obviously wanted to use his special agent company to launch an attack.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai stood up and said, "Report to Chief Yu, I am willing to send the most elite troops under my command to launch a fierce attack on the enemy!"

"Commander Zhang, your troops are the guard troops in the war zone. You are stronger than the general troops in terms of sophisticated weapons and combat effectiveness, especially your special agent company. I hope you can carry forward the Whampoa spirit and lead the troops Launch a frontal attack." Yu Jishi said.

"Report to Chief Yu, I think it's inappropriate to attack by force." Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"Oh? I would like to hear more about it." Yu Jishi said curiously, because in his opinion, Zhang Tianhai has real abilities.

"Brigade Commander Zhang Lingfu's Death Squad is a surprise soldier, a surprise soldier. What they want is to catch them by surprise. If the humble spy company takes the lead in launching an attack, they will definitely startle the enemy, and it will also cause trouble for the Death Squadron of the [-]rd Brigade. Rather than that , it would be better for Zhang Lingfu and Brigadier Zhang to catch him by surprise first, and then we will attack from the front to achieve brilliant results." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, his expression very serious.

After hearing this, Yu Jishi nodded lightly and said, "Mmm... that's very good, let's do it like this!"

"Did Chief Yu agree with the humble officer's attack plan?" Zhang Tianhai confirmed again.

"Yes, we will follow this plan." Yu Jishi said, "Please lead the death squad led by the brigade commander Zhang Lingfu of the [-]rd Brigade to attack the enemy's main position on the top of the mountain from the back mountain; The special agent company, as the vanguard of the strike operation; Wang Yaowu, the commander of the first division, will deploy elite troops to cooperate with the vanguard of the first regiment of the theater guards to expand the results of the attack on the mountaintop!"

"Yes! Military seat!"

"Yes! Military seat (sir)!"

The people present responded immediately, their momentum was like a rainbow, as if they wanted to annihilate the enemy army on the opposite side in one fell swoop, and they would not be soft-hearted.


It's night, the stars are dotted, dotted with the endless dark night sky.

After fighting for a day, both the national army and the Japanese army are already extremely exhausted, and both sides are exhausted after fighting the battle.

Summer nights are always accompanied by the chirping of insects and the chirping of cicadas. Tonight is more like a Sanskrit sound, trying to calm people's resentment towards the summer heat.

It was already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and most of the Japanese troops on the mountain could no longer hold on—if they didn't sleep, they wouldn't have the energy to fight tomorrow. Besides, the enemy hadn't launched a night attack until now, that is There is no meaning of fighting.

Of course, the following words are all the Japanese army's own thoughts.

So the question is, what is the national army doing?Of course it is actively preparing for battle.

Under the moonlight, hundreds of bare-chested death squads from the [-]rd Brigade were ready, led by the brigade commander Zhang Lingfu.

"Brigade Commander Zhang, please pay attention to your safety. We will surely win the final victory and return safely. My [-]rd Brigade is still waiting for you to bring it back." Yu Jishi patted Zhang Lingfu on the shoulder and said.

"Xie Junzuo for your concern, in this battle, if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent!" Zhang Lingfu promised.

"Confidence is a good thing, you have to persevere." Yu Jishi nodded.

"Next, it depends on the cooperation of Captain Zhang. If we can cooperate well, Zhang Gushan will surely go down." Zhang Lingfu looked at Zhang Tianhai very seriously and said.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Zhang, I will definitely do my best to capture Zhang Gushan." Zhang Tianhai also assured that this was the greatest guarantee he could give.

"Okay, with the words of Captain Zhang, I'm relieved." As he said that, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Lingfu's mouth. No one knew what it meant behind this smile. .

Maybe it's relief, maybe it's relief.

After saying a simple farewell, Zhang Lingfu waved to the officers and soldiers of the Death Squad under his command, signaling them to set off. At the same time, he took Yao Nong with him.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Tianhai knew that he had witnessed Zhang Lingfu's fame battle "Flying to seize Zhang Gushan", but whether he could survive this battle is still another matter.

Yes, for this battle, Zhang Tianhai will lead the spies in person!

No.70 The brigade commanders of the Fourth Army were all on the stage, and Yu Jishi's eyes also placed certain high expectations. There was no reason why Zhang Tianhai could not be on the stage, because he was on the stage this time, representing the troops of the First Guard Regiment.


Half an hour later, under the leadership of Yao Nong, Zhang Lingfu and others finally appeared at the foot of the back mountain of Zhang Gushan.

"Action!" Zhang Lingfu waved his hand and started climbing immediately.

It has to be said that the officers and soldiers of the [-]rd Brigade immediately began to climb after seeing the brigade commander so courageously leading the way.

On the other side, Zhang Tianhai and the officers and soldiers of the spy company were ready.

Before setting off, Zhang Tianhai had clearly told the officers and soldiers of the secret service company that this battle must be fought on behalf of the first regiment of the guards, and it was to be seen by the No. 70 Fourth Army.

The people behind Zhang Tianhai and the spy company are the officers and soldiers of the 70rd Brigade of the No. 70 Fourth Army. They want to kill after the spy company opens the enemy's defense line. , or their No.[-] Fourth Army.


The night was as quiet as ever, with cicadas chirping and birds chirping.

Under the still bright moonlight, Zhang Tianhai looked at his watch and saw that 10 minutes had passed.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhai waved his hand, made a tactical gesture, and then stepped forward to take the lead.

After Zhang Tianhai gave the order, the officers and soldiers of the spy company also followed the regiment leader, but they did not surpass the regiment leader, because this was the regiment commander's order.

But while Zhang Tianhai was acting, the No. 70 Fourth Army did not act—according to the pre-planned plan, it was to wait for the troops of the first guard regiment to attack, and then the follow-up troops would follow up and open the breakthrough.

Why do you want to do this?According to the consensus reached by Zhang Tianhai and Yu Jishi, if the follow-up large troops keep up, it is very possible.It will alert the Japanese army in front of the snake, and then all previous efforts will be wasted.

But if only the officers and soldiers of the first security regiment special agent company came forward, there is a high probability that the Japanese army would not be alarmed, because Zhang Tianhai had already given Yu Jishi a guarantee, which meant that his well-trained troops would not disturb.

Therefore, in theory, Zhang Tianhai had to personally lead the team forward, which was also one of the reasons.

The night is silent, but full of infinite murderous intent, the battle to attack Zhang Gushan is imminent!

PS: One update will be delivered!

Try to complete the second shift before [-] o'clock, I will not go to work tomorrow, it is self-willed~ hum!
Thank you for the 300 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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