Chapter 1035
Just like this, Zhang Tianhai led the special agent company, and slowly moved up.

When he was halfway up the mountain, Zhang Tianhai stopped, and at the same time he signaled the officers and soldiers behind to stop.

Just as he expected, the officers and soldiers behind him did not make a single movement, this is what they wanted.


For the Japanese army, this was a peaceful night, because they took back Zhang Gushan, they finally had a way to escape, otherwise, they would be in despair.

Seeing that it was past twelve o'clock in the evening, the enemy still hadn't launched a surprise attack. According to the commander Ino Chaoyang's thinking, the Chinese army had no time to mobilize such a powerful force to encircle them.

"Mr. Koizumi, I will trouble you to work harder. I will rest for two or three hours, and then you can wake me up! Tomorrow's combat mission is still very difficult, please understand!" Ino Zhaoyang said to the staff officer beside him, Koizumi Said.

"Hay! I'm happy to serve Chief Ino!" Staff Officer Koizumi bowed his head and said, although he was only one rank lower than Ino Chaoyang, there was nothing he could do.

But don't forget, in the Japanese army, such a strict class system prevailed. If it weren't for this, how could there be supremacy?Well, the "February [-]" coup was a concrete manifestation of the rise of supremacism.

After seeing Staff Koizumi's agreement, Ino Zhaoyang also lay down on his hammock, and after a while, he purred, which was not usually obvious.

Koizumi saw that Ino was sleeping so soundly. To be honest, he was also a little sleepy. After all, Ino was not the only one who was tired, he was also very tired...

The entire position seemed to have fallen into a sleeping world, and only a dozen or so sentinels did not sleep.

Seeing this situation, Koizumi yawned, and decided to find a place to sleep secretly—it was enough to have these ten or so people watching here. If you don't respond, you might as well get a good night's sleep.

With this thought in mind, Koizumi also found a corner to lie down, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

However, at this time, a dozen or so Chinese soldiers with bare upper bodies and rifles and bayonets on their backs climbed to the top of the mountain along the cliffs of the back mountain.

Ten, twenty, thirty...

Everything was going on in an orderly manner, and the Japanese soldiers were all sleeping. The remaining Japanese sentries also focused their attention on the direction where the main force of the Chinese army was. No one paid attention to the back mountain at all.

When the number of people approached a hundred, Zhang Lingfu dared to order the troops to slowly approach the enemy's position, but don't disturb them.

When the number reached 200, Zhang Lingfu ordered the troops to charge.

Many Japanese soldiers who were still asleep were killed by the swarming Chinese army before they woke up.

"Enemy Attack! ~Enemy Attack!~"

With the sharp cry of a Japanese sentry, there was a gunshot.

At this time, the Japanese army in the entire position came to life, including Ino Zhaoyang and staff officer Koizumi.

"The enemy is in the back mountain! Go! Kill me!" After Ino Chaoyang woke up, he was startled and angry, and was about to lead his troops to charge.

At this time, the Chinese army had already entered the Japanese army's position, fighting with the Japanese army, and the leading brigade commander Zhang Lingfu took the lead.


The movement on the mountain naturally did not hide from Zhang Tianhai and others who were hiding on the mountainside waiting for the movement, but Zhang Tianhai's combat method was somewhat different from the attack of Zhang Lingfu and others.

I saw Zhang Tianhai waved his hand, and said to the officers and soldiers behind him: "Brothers, light machine guns and rifles will press the front for a while, and when the grenade bombs explode two rounds of little devils first, our troops in front are charging the enemy. Note Hold on, it’s still the old rule, if you can knock down with a gun, you won’t fight hand-to-hand!”

There was no loud response, only gestures of "ready" one by one, they were waiting for the order from the head of the team - if there were no accidents, this would be another big victory!
For this kind of action, the officers and soldiers of the special agent company are already used to it.

"Let's go!" Zhang Tianhai made a gesture, and the officers and soldiers behind him immediately followed.

Following Zhang Tianhai's order, the company moved into action, while the officers and soldiers of the No. 70 Fourth Army at the foot of the mountain watched this scene and began to climb the mountain slowly.

Gong Zhen, acting head of the [-]th Regiment, watched the actions of the spy company, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "Damn it, this Tianhai is quite good at playing tricks. If such a company is used well , It’s not a problem to take out a military department.”

"Deputy Commander Gong, are you too pessimistic? Take our No.70 Fourth Army as an example. Our guard battalion is not in vain, right? This is the most elite unit of our army." Chief of Staff Tang Shenghai said something.

After hearing this, Gong Zhen shook his head and said, "Pessimistic? No? If there is a war, do you think Zhang Tianhai will go head-to-head with the guard battalion? They are designated to play sneak attacks. I have observed that their The company is almost half the size of our battalion, and we can't defend against it. With so many light machine guns and grenades, as long as the firepower is concentrated, it can tear apart a line of defense forcefully, and it will not take long. Too long."

"Whether this is the case, let's find out after a while?" Tang Shenghai said with a smile.

As they imagined, the battle started very quickly. In the dark night, the officers and soldiers of the first regiment of the guards, who were also shirtless, rushed to the front line first, but the fight did not start.





With the sound of inconspicuous small projectiles hitting the base of the projectile, one after another small projectiles drew beautiful arcs in the night sky.





There were bursts of explosions, and the flames generated by the explosion made the mountain suddenly illuminated.

"Go!!" Zhang Tianhai roared, and at the same time made a charge gesture, and charged first with a light machine gun.

At this time, the Japanese army was completely disrupted. Only a burst of enemies appeared in the back mountain, and another group of enemies appeared in front. How can we defend this?Front and rear pinching, will be sandwiched into biscuits!
The covering bombing of the grenadier shells also killed the Japanese army who was in charge of defending the frontier positions, making it easy for the light machine guns of the first regiment of the guards to reach the forefront of the position.


Zhang Tianhai fired first, and a long tongue of flame shot out from the muzzle of the machine gun, which was very scary.

Soon, many tongues of flame spread like this, and the fierce firepower made it impossible for the Japanese army to raise their heads, and those who had almost raised their heads would be hit by machine guns.

Taking advantage of this gap, many officers and soldiers of the special service company with rifles began to enter the trenches of the Japanese army, and they wanted to occupy the forward positions.

"Tuan Zuo, shall we rush up and fight head-to-head with the little devil?" Liu Houming asked the group leader next to him.

"What are you going to do? My spy company is all treasures! If they are all gone, what will we do in the next battle? Let the No. 70 Fourth Army go!!" Zhang Tianhai roared angrily.


PS: Make up for last night's second update.

Sorry, I underestimated my willpower, I fell asleep at two o'clock. . .

Not finished. .

Thanks for the 500 points reward at the end of the starting point book friends and so on!

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

Those ones
(End of this chapter)

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