Chapter 1038

Yes, in view of the harsh situation on the Wanjialing battlefield, combined with the existing measures that can be implemented, it seems that there is really no other better way than throwing officers and soldiers there.

There are already 3000 fewer people than in history, and the officers who threw it last time have not been implemented. The current situation is that people are needed, and there are a lot of people!

Drawing on the experience of last time, the six generals of Toshiro Hata ordered the aviation unit to throw accurately, accurately and quickly, otherwise the predicament of Wanjialing would not be saved.

In the middle of the night, all the agencies and units near the airport behind the Japanese army blew their assembly whistles.



"Assemble! Assemble!!"

With the sound of this sharp whistle, various grassroots officers of the Japanese army also began to shout. This is an urgent death order from General Hata Junliu, commander of the Central China Dispatch Army, and they must complete the assembly in the shortest possible time.

Soon, the Japanese army completed their assembly, and at the same time, there were also Japanese soldiers.

Because of time constraints, it is absolutely impossible for them to notify the officers first and then the soldiers. They must be done simultaneously!
Three hundred officers is by no means a small number, and five hundred brave soldiers are needed. This is a scale of nearly a thousand people. It is not an easy task—especially when the frontline planes are in such a shortage, it is not an easy task. .

However, this is the death order from Hata Junroku, and it is the will of Emperor Hirohito. This is a task that must be completed!

"The warriors of the sunrise, after receiving the order of the six generals of the Central China Dispatch Army Hata Toshi, and in conjunction with the will of His Majesty the Emperor, we gathered here in the middle of the night today, in order to select elite officers and brave soldiers to support Wanjia Ridge front line. Today in our squadron, we want to select three officers and ten brave soldiers, are you ready?!" The leading lieutenant officer roared loudly.


All the Japanese officers and soldiers on the field were shouting, as if it was a supreme honor to be sent to the front line to die.

The same thing also happened in various units of the rear of the Japanese army.

The Japanese army had nearly one million troops in China, and the deployment of troops in the rear was about 20, of which about 13 were in North and Central China, and only about 7 or [-] were near the airport.

It is indeed not a small number to select 7 officers out of [-] people, and [-] brave soldiers are required, which is a limitation.


It didn't take long for the Japanese army's various agencies and troops to set off from the station, go to their nearest airport, and then prepare to take off to Jiujiang Frontline Airport.

It was busy.


Look at the front line of Wanjialing again.

Since Zhang Gushan was captured by the No.70 Fourth Army at night, Matsuura Junrokuro has assembled all the troops he can muster, and he is going to launch the final attack!
If this place is not captured again, the last retreat of the Japanese army will be cut off.

For this kind of result, Matsuura Junrokuro couldn't accept it anyway, he didn't want to die yet!

"Aoki-kun, how this battle goes is up to you!" Matsuura Junrokuro said, looking at Major General Aoki Keiichi in front of him.

Yes, due to the sharp decrease in the number of commanders and combatable personnel of the Japanese army, Junrokuro Matsuura had to let his general, Keiichi Aoki, the brigade commander of the [-]th Brigade, lead the charge in person.

In addition, it is enough to see how much Matsuura Junrokuro placed high hopes on this battle.

"Hay! I promise to complete the task! Please rest assured, Your Excellency the division commander!" Keiichi Aoki stood at attention and saluted, with a serious expression on his face.

"Yoxi! Aoki-kun, please complete the task! Whether the [-]th division can break through is up to you. If you can break out, I will definitely tell His Majesty the emperor that Aoki-kun is the first!" Matsuura Junrokuro said loudly, and patted Keiichi Aoki on the shoulder earnestly.

"I have written about the great love of your Excellency, Division Chief, and I will set off first, please wait for the good news, Your Excellency, Division Chief!" Aoki Keiichi's gaze was full of respect.

After finishing speaking, Keiichi Aoki turned around and said very seriously: "Warriors of the sunrise, please set off with me and fight for a chance for the survival of the division! Long live the Emperor~!"

"Long live the Emperor!!!"

"Long live the Emperor!!!"

The Japanese soldiers next to them with dog skin plaster turbans wrapped around their foreheads and their shirts off were shouting that nearly 500 Japanese soldiers participated in this wave of counterattacks, and they were all the best troops that Matsuura Junrokuro could produce.

Seeing the fighting will of these officers and soldiers under him, Aoki Keiichi also nodded with satisfaction: 10 minutes later, it will be time for the general offensive, and he seems to be able to see the beacon smoke burning from the top of Zhang Gushan.


Looking at the national army, the defense positions on the mountain have been completely taken over by the national army.

But the unit that took over was the No.70 Fourth Army's unit, not Zhang Tianhai's first regiment of guards, so Zhang Tianhai could only watch the changes on the mountain quietly at the foot of the mountain.

Having slept for more than three hours, Zhang Tianhai has no desire to sleep anymore, because he knows that because of the battle he fought at Nantianpu, the enemy's vital strength was greatly crippled, and the Japanese army is already at the end of their battle .

"Mr. Yu, it won't be long before the Japanese army will launch a fierce attack. If we can't hold our position, the enemy army will probably take the opportunity to break through." Zhang Tianhai calmly analyzed, and he also knew in his heart that the Nantianpu area He took advantage of the battle.

If it hadn't been for the Japanese officers' throwing site, there would have been fierce bombing from the Japanese aviation; if it hadn't been for that time when the Japanese army had thrown it in the wrong direction, the combat effectiveness of the Japanese frontline troops would have been qualitatively improved; if it wasn't for their artillery After bombarding the headquarters of the Japanese army, it was impossible for the Japanese army to conduct such chaotic command.

Zhang Tianhai had made countless assumptions. If he hadn't been so lucky, he would not have achieved such a great military victory in Nantianpu.

What's more, in that battle, their combat speed was indeed not so fast, and the battle was resolved in almost a day. If it weren't for this, how could the Japanese army not react?
Indeed, taking down a village guarded by more than 3000 people in one day cannot be said to be very fast, and it is still under the situation that the Japanese army is preparing to fight desperately.

"Don't worry! I believe my troops can hold on. With the fighting these days, the casualties of the Japanese army have gradually increased. They must be eager to break through. I know this." Yu Jishi nodded and said, His expression was very determined.

"It's good for Chief Yu to know, and he can rest assured of his lowly position." Zhang Tianhai nodded in the same way.

In the next second, a shell first pierced the sky and hit the top of the mountain, and a column of smoke exploded from the mountain.

Next, more dense shells began to cover the entire hill.





Intensive explosions came from the top of the mountain, deafening. At this time, the mountain has become a cloud sea of ​​smoke and dust!




There was also a dense roar of bomber engines in the sky. Zhang Tianhai looked far away, but saw dozens of Japanese aircraft flying from a distance!

"This is a fucking general attack!" Zhang Tianhai's pupils shrank slightly, and he came to a conclusion.


PS: The first update is here!The second update after twelve o'clock!
Thanks to QQ reading book friends for rewarding 588 point coins before nine yuan in their pockets!

(End of this chapter)

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