Chapter 1039

The addition of the Japanese Air Force brought the bombing on the mountain to a new level——

Seen from a distance, Zhang Gushan's mountaintop looks like cola that has been added with effervescent tablets. There are churning bubbles everywhere, oh no, it's fireworks!





The continuous explosions on the mountain resounded all around, which was very hateful and annoying.

Looking at the scene on the mountain, Zhang Tianhai's fists were lightly clenched—if his first regiment of guards was on guard, how much loss would he suffer?After half an hour, the troops of the two battalions may be reimbursed for this.

When Zhang Tianhai turned his head to look at Yu Ji, he found that the latter's fists were clenched tighter than his: that's because the defenders were troops from the No.70 Fourth Army!

Everyone who watched felt heartbroken, not to mention, this is their own army - whoever's army feels distressed...

"Mr. Yu, do you want the humble troops to gather first? I feel that this may be a general attack by the Japanese army. If we can't hold it, the Japanese army will most likely break through." Zhang Tianhai made an opinion.

"No need." Yu Jishi rejected Zhang Tianhai's request, "The harder the Japanese army fights, the more anxious they are. I will not use your troops unless it is absolutely necessary. With the strength of our No.70 Fourth Army , absolutely possible!"

In fact, it's not that Yu Jishi wants to save face and suffer, but he really thinks it's unnecessary. It's reached this moment, and the glory belongs to the No.70 Fourth Army. He doesn't want others to say that he has to guard the first regiment to participate Make sure the position is still in hand.

It's about the honor of the soldiers, Yu Jishi never wants the main force of the First Guard Regiment to intervene as long as he can hold on.

"Understood, sir!" Zhang Tianhai responded.

"Well, Commander Zhang, you should go back and have a good rest! There is our No.70 Fourth Army unit on the front line, they can withstand it." Yu Jishi said seriously.

Seeing that Yu Ji had already issued an order to evict guests, Zhang Tianhai also knew that he shouldn't stay here anymore. His mission has been completed, and his mission is to wait for the call.

"Yes! Sir!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted.


After returning, Zhang Tianhai assembled the main officers of his regiment headquarters.

"Comrades, the battle on the mountain has already begun. I believe you all know how fierce the explosion was on the mountain. I am going to catch up. If there is any situation, my only request is that when I issue an order, You must complete the assembly as soon as possible, and be ready to support the battle on the mountain at any time." Zhang Tianhai said, looking around the crowd.

For Zhang Tianhai's order, no one in the first security regiment said no, because they all knew that there was only one commander in the first security regiment, and that was Zhang Tianhai, regimental commander Zhang!

Only regiment leader Zhang can fully command the troops of the First Guard Regiment.

"Yes! Regiment!!" The officers present responded at the same time, very neatly.

Zhang Tianhai was no stranger to this scene, and was even a little accustomed to it.

Dragging his tired body, Zhang Tianhai walked to the hammock, and fell asleep listening to the bombardment on the top of the mountain.

A night of fierce fighting has already made Zhang Tianhai exhausted. He is not a god, he is also just an ordinary person, he is also hurt, and he will also be tired and tired.

On this day, Zhang Tianhai had a strange dream——

In the dream, this was a land that was besieged on all sides. He led his troops to hold on to the top of the hill, and the surrounding hills were already filled with dog-skin plaster flags that symbolized the country of Japan.

Quickly order to break through!If you don't break through, this place will be surrounded by little devils! "A lieutenant colonel with a face full of black and gray came forward and reported. Zhang Tianhai took a closer look. Isn't this the bastard Liu Houming? When did he become a lieutenant colonel?
"Where is this place?" Zhang Tianhai asked, he was looking around blankly, as if he was very unfamiliar with everything around him.

The fluttering Japanese military flag, and our own red flag still standing on the top of the mountain, everything is familiar but strange, Zhang Tianhai looked at the military rank on his collar badge,

"The front line of Zhijiang... is it the Xuefeng Mountain battlefield?" Zhang Tianhai murmured, his whole body seemed to be dazed, muttering.

"At the critical moment, don't hesitate, have you forgotten?" In the dream, Liu Houming was hysterical.

In the distance, a Japanese artillery officer shouted: "Fire!!!"

Dozens of shells swarmed towards the top of the mountain, like beautiful rainbows piercing the sky, but the death was murderous. The Japanese planes in the distance were as orderly as flying geese. They wanted to bomb this place. hill.

"Am I really going to die? I don't!!!" Zhang Tianhai looked up to the sky and screamed in his dream.


At this moment, Zhang Tianhai was awakened suddenly, looking at everything around him, familiar yet unfamiliar.

Suddenly a world away.

"Liu Houming, how is the situation on the mountain? Report to me right away!" This was the first sentence Zhang Tianhai said after waking up. Obviously, he still couldn't forget the situation on the mountain.

Among other things, through the dream just now, Zhang Tianhai has realized how desperate the brothers on the mountain are.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" It was not Liu Houming who spoke, but Adjutant Xu Xun, "Report Tuan Zuo, the mountain has fallen into a fierce battle. The brothers of the No. 70 Fourth Army are strangling with the Japanese army. Officer Yu at the foot of the mountain This is the fourth time that reinforcements have been sent up the mountain, otherwise the troops on the mountain would have been unable to withstand it long ago."

"Did Chief Yu ask you to notify us to assemble?" Zhang Tianhai asked anxiously.

"No for the time being. According to Chief Yu's intention, our first regiment of security guards should watch them fight this battle carefully." Xu Xun reported.

"Okay! When they send reinforcements for the sixth time, let's assemble the troops directly!" Zhang Tianhai said seriously.


PS: The second update is here!There are so many things!

Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

Thanks for the 200 points reward at the end of the starting point book friends and so on!

(End of this chapter)

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