War of Resistance

Chapter 1072 Supplement Arrives

Chapter 1072 Supplement arrives (33, please subscribe!)
It is precisely this kind of thinking, so Zhang Tianhai does not intend to reject their kindness: "Okay, then on behalf of the first guard group, I will once again thank the people of Yueyang for their enthusiasm. Thank you!"

"Okay, then let's stop talking so much nonsense and let the guys from the chamber of commerce bring in all the supplies! Brothers, haven't you been waiting for a long time?" It was still Zhang Zhihe who smoothed things over, and the county magistrate still deserved it. of a certain level.

"Yes! I can't wait!" Li Danquan and others echoed.

Zhang Tianhai nodded with a smile, then turned around and said, "Immediately send my order to open the gate and let the supplies come in. Also, immediately notify Li Chunfei, Chief of Staff Li, to come over!"

"Yes! Sir!!" A soldier next to him responded.

Soon, the door opened, and Li Chunfei also arrived at the scene after a while.

To the surprise of Zhang Tianhai and others, the materials sold by the bosses of the Yueyang Chamber of Commerce were really not ordinary lavish—the rice came in by the cart, and even the spicy salted fish came in by the cart, and the Those buckets of fresh Dongting fish also came in.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianhai's heart became eager: To be honest, if it weren't for the decision-making arrangements already made by the superiors, he really wanted to lead the troops to practice here and live a good life.

"Major Zhang, look, your Yueyang County is really enthusiastic. There are so many supplies, enough for the first regiment of our security guards to eat for a long time." Zhang Tianhai's words are not false, after all, the things they sent are real. Also too much.

"This is the treatment that heroes should have. You fought in Jiangxi and won the battle, and De'an is not too far away from us. If you win the battle, it will also delay the fall of our Yueyang to a certain extent. I This county magistrate can work longer. From this point of view, it is also helpful to me, Zhang Zhihe." Zhang Zhihe is also a straightforward person, and he said it straight to the point, without hiding anything the meaning of.

"Then I, Zhang, will accept this batch of materials calmly." Zhang Tianhai cautiously tested Zhang Zhihe.

"This should be accepted." Zhang Zhihe sighed, "To tell you the truth, my eldest son was once a member of the national army, but he died in Nanjing later. Whenever I think about this, I can't wait to put these little Japanese It's a pity that Zhang Zhihe is a literati with little ability, and he can do the work of governing the local area, and he is not capable of leading troops to the battlefield. After all, he is too old..."

Just when Zhang Tianhai was about to talk, Zhang Zhihe went on to say: "So, you troops who have won the battle, I really want to do my best to make your life better. You killed so many little Devil, you have avenged me Zhang Zhihe, and looking at the soldiers under your command, I thought of my eldest son who died in the defense of Nanjing. This is what it should be..."

Hearing Zhang Zhihe's words, Zhang Tianhai felt deeply moved - he was also one of those who escaped death in the Nanjing Defense War, and he also knew how desperate Nanjing was at that time, so his feelings were so deep.

Looking at Zhang Zhihe's slightly aged face, Zhang Tianhai also knew that he had underestimated the mind of the county magistrate.

Anti-Japanese is the anti-Japanese of the people of the whole country. These folks and elders are looking forward to defeating Little Japan and living a peaceful life.

"Okay, we accept." Zhang Tianhai nodded.


On the first morning of the next day, after receiving a telegram from the Training Office of the Commander's Department of the Ninth War Zone, Zhang Tianhai learned that the Changsha First Security Regiment under the Hunan Security Corps was less than [-] kilometers away from Yueyang.

"Xiao Xu, immediately upload my order to ask Deputy Head Guo, Deputy Head Li, and Chief of Staff Li to gather in my office immediately and hold an emergency meeting!" Zhang Tianhai got up and buttoned up his shirt. Button said.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Xu Xun responded, hearing his voice, he just finished brushing his teeth and washing his face.


15 minutes later, the office of the head of the first security regiment.

Restricted by objective conditions, Zhang Tianhai's head office is not very big. It is just an old table and an old chair, plus a not-so-old Eight Immortals table as a conference table. None of the dowels.

As for the circuit, the design here is quite good, at least there is a light bulb above the conference table that is not bright enough to emit light, and the surroundings look very old.

At this time, Guo Qiliang, Li Yinglun, and Li Chunfei had already taken their seats, and they were waiting for the head of the group, Zhang Tianhai, to start the meeting.

Judging from their expressions, they didn't know what the meeting was about before they came.

"Everyone, it is estimated that our supplementary troops will arrive in half a day. It is the Changsha First Security Regiment under the jurisdiction of the Hunan Security Corps. The total number of people is about 200. Now we need to hold a meeting on the issue of supplementary troops. , like now." Zhang Tianhai looked very serious, he was already holding a pen in his hand, and the meeting minutes were ready.

Regarding this meeting, only the four of them participated, and even the door of the office was closed, and Xu Xun was in charge of guarding outside the door.

This is an emergency meeting about the future direction of the entire first security regiment, and the degree of secrecy must be high.

"Now, the first issue is, which battalion should we give priority to replenish. Now let me listen to everyone's opinions on this issue." Zhang Tianhai directly cut to the chase. After all, the time given to him by the higher authorities is not much. For him, perhaps getting straight to the point is the most direct and good way.

"About this question, let me talk about it first!" Li Yinglun opened the mouth first, "The main infantry battalions of our regiment are already in a state of being disabled. , then for the other battalions, it will be extremely harmful. More importantly, after we complete the replenishment in Yueyang, we will have to go north to Wuhan immediately. If there is only one battalion left in our regiment to fight, The other battalions are in the state of new barracks, so I think the situation of bombing the battalion may easily happen? I'm done."

"I agree with Deputy Commander Li's opinion." Guo Qiliang said, "Now there are only about [-] veterans left in the main infantry battalion of our regiment. This is something we cannot tolerate. It will be very troublesome if the battalion is really blown up. I suggest that the veterans be gathered together and assigned to each battalion, and then give priority to replenishing the infantry Main camp. I'm done."

Then there was Li Chunfei, who said: "I agree with Deputy Commander Guo and Deputy Commander Li, but I think the supplementary aspect of the secret service company must be the top priority. After all, the performance of the secret service company in previous battles, all of us We have all seen that in addition to steadily improving the combat effectiveness of each battalion, we should also hold a sharp knife in our hands to ensure that it can be used at critical moments."

"Chief of Staff Li spoke very well. Is there anything else that needs to be added?" Zhang Tianhai asked.


PS: The third update is here!Ahhh, how can I update so fast?It was agreed to update at eleven o'clock, but now it's finished? ? ?
Ah, thank you for the 100 point coin reward from the book friend Legacy of the starting point! !

(End of this chapter)

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