War of Resistance

Chapter 1074 Call from Garrison Command

Chapter 1074 Call from the Garrison Command (15, please subscribe!)
For Nong Zizhou, he has never seen a regiment-level unit that can be equipped with a cavalry battalion as standard, and this unit has won big victories in the Battle of Xuzhou and Wanjialing, so he is also very interested in the first regiment of the guards. full of curiosity.

"Commander Zhang, your troops are very strong. I have never seen a regiment-level unit equipped with such a well-equipped cavalry battalion as standard. I think your regiment has more cards that have not been shown." Zhang Tianhai walked side by side on the streets of Yueyang, Nong Zizhou sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"Indeed, the sharp knife of our regiment is not the cavalry battalion. The existence of the cavalry battalion is an emergency support force. I came out to meet you this time. I only brought the first company of the cavalry battalion, and the second and third companies. You go and have a look. Look at the elite of our first security regiment." Zhang Tianhai's face was filled with confidence.

"You, go and inform your battalion commander to immediately assemble the second and third companies of the cavalry battalion!" Zhang Tianhai casually pointed to a cavalry soldier behind him.

"Yes! Regiment seat!" The cavalry led the order and left.


Yueyang County is not big, even if Zhang Tianhai led Nong Zizhou and a group of officers and soldiers into the city slowly, it would not take long to reach the camp in the north of the city.

It has to be said that Wang Yongcheng's actions were still very fast. After receiving Zhang Tianhai's order, he immediately assembled the two cavalry companies.

In the big playground, the horses are already waiting in an orderly manner, while their owners are standing beside them, and there are all kinds of light and heavy weapons on the ground.

Of course, light weapons here refer to rifles and light machine guns, while heavy weapons refer to mortars, grenades and heavy machine guns. It is impossible for a cavalry battalion to be equipped with real heavy weapons such as artillery.

"Master Farmer, this is our Second Cavalry Company and the Third Cavalry Company. Our cavalry battalion has three companies in total. Our first company is the mobile company, which is responsible for combat such as hand-to-hand combat with the enemy; the second company and the third company are fire support. Among them, the second company strengthened the light machine guns and grenades on the basis of the equipment of the first company, but it was only a small proportion. The third company would strengthen the heavy machine guns and mortars on the basis of the second company." Zhang Tianhai Introduced.

Nong Zizhou is also an old expert from the army. After seeing the equipment scale of the cavalry battalion, he couldn't help sighing: "No wonder your regiment can defeat the little devils. The strength of a cavalry battalion can block the attack of two battalions of our ordinary troops." .”

"You're wrong again, Captain Farmer." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile, "The reason why the cavalry battalion is equipped with horses is because it is an assault force. My cavalry battalion has always been used only for offense. The work of guarding is handed over to the main infantry battalion."

"The main battalion of infantry?" Nong Zizhou was obviously unfamiliar with this concept.

"Yes, in our regiment, the battalion-level units are stronger than other local troops in terms of firepower configuration, and they are all full-staffed. That's why they are called the main infantry battalion. We are a reinforced regiment, with a total of six The main infantry battalion. If the company-level unit is the most capable unit, it is the special agent company directly under our regiment headquarters." Zhang Tianhai introduced to Nong Zizhou triumphantly, it felt like an old drunkard was asking his fellow good wine The personages who recommend their own wine collection are average.

"Sure enough, the ace reinforcement regiment of the Central Army is different. I am relieved to be able to hand over these good brothers from our Changsha Security First Regiment to your hands." Nong Zizhou smiled, "I believe that we Xiangzhong Erlang will surely win the battle under your leadership."

"Well, don't worry about this, the head of the agricultural regiment. Our first security regiment has always been a victorious army. There are only deadly battles, and there are no ghosts. When I was on the road just now, I also saw it. Your first security regiment in Changsha It is also a strong army." Zhang Tianhai said.

"But this time, Shangfeng gave an order to let our first security regiment not bring guns, and your first security regiment will supplement." Nong Zizhou explained that this time the troops from their security regiment came It is true that they did not carry guns, that is, except for the regimental commander, deputy regimental commander and the three battalion commanders who carried pistols, the others did not carry weapons.

In fact, there are several original intentions of this order at the beginning of the order-the first is to enable the security regiment to march at a faster speed, after all, the situation in Wuhan is critical; the second is that the weapons and equipment of the first security regiment must be better than The security regiment in Changsha is better, and the equipment of the first security regiment is definitely better than the original equipment of the security regiment.

"I understand all of this. It's also a good thing that you didn't bring any equipment. Our first regiment's own equipment can fully arm the supplementary troops." Zhang Tianhai said, the reason why he asked the troops to retreat All the firearms and ammunition in the battlefield have been cleaned up, and this is the intention.

"Then I understand." Nong Zizhou smiled.


That afternoon, at the invitation of Zhang Tianhai, Nong Zizhou stayed in Yueyang to assist in the formation of the first security regiment.

In order to better coordinate the development of the troops, Li Chunfei, Guo Qiliang, and Li Yinglun have gathered the remaining main battalion officers and soldiers of the regiment and distributed them to six battalions. Most of the surviving grassroots officers and soldiers They have all been promoted, and soldiers with military merit have basically served as squad leader or deputy squad leader according to their ability.

As for the recruited officers and soldiers of the First Changsha Security Regiment, the officers try to supplement them into each company. If they cannot fully supplement them, the rest will enter the regiment headquarters as staff officers. Those who returned to Changsha, as for the soldiers, were basically randomly organized into various combat squads. Some squad leaders continued to serve as squad leaders, while some squad leaders served as deputy squad leaders.

In general, the supplementary work of the [-]st Guard Regiment is progressing smoothly.

It must be said that Nong Zizhou and the three battalion commanders under him all gave Zhang Tianhai great help.

The supplementary mix-up work took a full day and was not completed until October [-]. At this time, the situation in Wuhan became more and more urgent.

The Wuhan Garrison Command, which has been established, called the headquarters of the First Guard Regiment in the Ninth Theater in the middle of the night on the [-]th to inquire about the replenishment of the First Guard Regiment.

After seeing this telegram, Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly, and he said: "It seems that the officials are already in a hurry, otherwise, they would not have urged us to complete the repair as soon as possible."

"The group, what should we do?" Xu Xun asked.

"Respond to the garrison headquarters and inform Chief Luo that our repair work in Yueyang has been completed, but there is still a shortfall of nearly 800 troops in our troops. Please help complete the repair." After a little thought, Zhang Tianhai gave There was a reasonable answer.

"Yes! Group seat!" Xu Xun responded.

Just when Xu Xun was about to leave, Zhang Tianhai added: "By the way, someone will tell the two deputy heads and the chief of staff to come to my office."

"Yes! Sir!" Xu Xun responded again.


PS: The first update is here!

Thanks to Qidian book friends for their earnest reward of 5000 points! ! !

This is the accumulated reward of 10000 points from this book friend. I should add a new one, but I owe it now, and I have to pay off the account of the book friend Jiuye Tianzi first~~
(End of this chapter)

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