War of Resistance

Chapter 1080 Shibie 3rd Day

Chapter 1080 Three Days of Farewell (25)
Not long after, Fang Tian came out of Luo Zhuoying's office.

After Fang Tian came out, he said to Zhang Tianhai: "Commander Zhang, just wait a moment, I will arrange some personnel and take you and your troops to the Hankou Garrison Area!"

"Okay, thank you, Chief Fang!" Zhang Tianhai nodded.

After speaking, Fang Tian left.

Standing in place, Zhang Tianhai was already thinking about the purpose of the position of the Hankou Garrison Commander. The Garrison Commander, whether it is big or small, is similar in nature to the City Defense Commander. The only difference is that there is a Hankou Garrison Commander. After this title, all materials in Hankou can be mobilized. It is also a post at the regimental level, but the power given is the same.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianhai felt that it was too necessary to have a drink with Zhou Fangjie, and even if the city was going to be burned at that time, he would cooperate with him. Only in this way can we advance and retreat together.

It can be seen from this that to be a good leader, you still need considerable outreach skills...

After a while, Fang Tian came back, followed by a major.

"Commander Zhang, this is Staff Officer Cheng, from our staff office. Let him take you to the Hankou Security Zone in a while! Regarding your official appointment, it will be officially issued tomorrow morning." Fang Tian said.

"Okay, sir." Zhang Tianhai nodded.

"Okay, now the situation is time-consuming and the task is heavy, so hurry up and set off! In addition, I want to remind you that most of the people in the three towns of Wuhan have been evacuated, and they are still in the process of evacuation these days. Be mentally prepared." Fang Tian reminded.

"Yes! Sir!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted very seriously.

Seeing that the order and key points had been conveyed in place, Fang Tian didn't say anything more, so he turned and left. As the Chief of Staff of the Wuhan Garrison Command, his task is also very heavy.

When they were leaving, Zhang Tianhai and the others still rode in the same military jeep they came from, and they went back wherever they came from.

It didn't take long for Zhang Tianhai and others to return to Hankou Wharf (a typo in the previous text, it was indeed Hankou Wharf).

By the time they returned to Hankou Wharf, the officers and soldiers of the First Guard Regiment had completed their assembly, and they were sitting around waiting for the commander's order.

"Tuan Zuo, you are back." Seeing Zhang Tianhai coming back, Xu Xun immediately moved forward.

"Adjutant Xu, tell the officers at the battalion level and above to gather immediately, and we're going to have a short meeting." Zhang Tianhai instructed Xu Xun directly.

"Yes! Group seats!" Xu Xun stood at attention and saluted, very respectful.

"Staff Cheng, I'm afraid I'll delay you for a while." Zhang Tianhai said to Staff Officer Cheng next to him, with a trace of apology on his face.

"It's okay, Commander Zhang, you are busy with your work. Anyway, my task is to lead you to the Hankou Security Zone. We are all preparing for the defense of Wuhan." Staff Officer Cheng smiled, his face relaxed He also knew about the situation of the Wuhan Garrison Command. The key people in charge of the military power had to be those three garrison commanders.

There is no way, who made the Wuhan Garrison Command lack troops, the total is barely one division, and there are not even two security regiments. There is only one security regiment that can stand up, and the others are otherwise. Lots of evacuation tasks.

Regarding the security forces of the Wuhan Garrison Command, they are all old troops brought over from the commander-in-chief of the Ninth War Zone. I have to say that Wuhan is short of everything at this stage, especially the troops that can fight!

If it weren't for this, whether it was Luo Zhuoying or the upper and lower members of the Wuhan Garrison, would they still be able to talk so easily?Isn't it for the sake of their special ability to fight in the first regiment of the guards of the ninth war zone, otherwise, can they have this kind of treatment?

I have to say, for the army, the status really has to be achieved with fists...

It was not long before all the officers of the battalion and above were gathered in a small clearing.

Seeing that all the personnel had arrived, Zhang Tianhai said: "Sirs, we have arrived in Wuhan now, and the battle to defend Wuhan City is about to start. I will take over from Chief Luo Zhuoying, Commander-in-Chief of the Wuhan Garrison Command in the Ninth War Zone." According to the order, I have been appointed as the commander of the Hankou garrison, and I am going to continue to lead our regiment to carry out the task of defending Hankou. Now, our station is in the Hankou garrison area, and we will be ready to enter the Hankou garrison area soon. Now I want to remind Everyone, the residents of the three towns in Wuhan have almost evacuated, everyone must be ready to fight at any time, lead and train soldiers well, the time given to us is running out."

Since the selected places are relatively quiet, although Zhang Tianhai's voice is not loud, it can reach the ears of all officers.

"Now, the troops directly under the regiment headquarters will set off first, and all the troops will advance according to the usual marching plan. The target is the Hanyang Garrison Area. Let's set off immediately!" Zhang Tianhai said.

"Yes! Regiment!!" All the officers stood at attention and saluted, and took orders to leave.

As for the arrangements for the troops directly under the regiment headquarters, it was naturally Li Chunfei, the chief steward, who made the arrangements.

Hmm... In the first regiment of the security guards, the role of the chief of staff is indeed somewhat like that of a butler... There is no way, who made Zhang Tianhai, the regiment leader, so capable of fighting?Not only can it fight, but it can also command the battle to a very careful level.


An hour later, the Headquarters of the First Security Regiment officially entered the Hankou Garrison Area.

The garrison of Hankou Garrison District is quite large, and it is located in Hankou Town. Not to mention the reinforced regiment of the First Guard Regiment, even one division is enough.

"Commander Zhang, those jeeps are all prepared for you." After entering the camp, Staff Officer Cheng pointed to four jeep military off-road vehicles parked quietly in a corner and introduced to Zhang Tianhai, This is what Chief Fang ordered, and it must be done well.

"Okay, please thank Officer Luo and Officer Fang for their love." Zhang Tianhai said, to be honest, he really wants to thank these two people. The defense of the army is impossible to fight, and now even though Luo Zhuoying is also in order to implement the decision of the Military Commission and the Commander-in-Chief of the Ninth War Zone, it actually brought him a lot of benefits, didn't it?

Let's not talk about other supplementary guns, ammunition, shells, etc., just talk about the source of soldiers of the Changsha First Security Regiment, which must be a high-quality source of soldiers.What's more, isn't it supplementing various discounts now?
From this point of view, Zhang Tianhai can't be said to be taking advantage of it, but he is taking advantage of it!
As the saying goes, cannibalism has a short mouth and soft hands, Zhang Tianhai, besides receiving the huge benefits of the Wuhan Garrison, besides having to fulfill the corresponding obligations, shouldn't Zhang Tianhai treat people better?At least in attitude, right?

"Okay, I must pass it on to Officer Fang and Officer Luo. If there is no problem, I will leave first, and I will come back tomorrow morning to check the situation." Staff Officer Cheng said.

"Okay." Zhang Tianhai nodded.

After Staff Officer Cheng left, Zhang Tianhai started planning to have a drink with Zhou Fangjie tomorrow afternoon. After all, it's been three days since he left, so he really should look at him with admiration.


PS: The second update is here! !
Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

Thanks to the starting point book friends Qiweiwei and Kailong 183 for their rewards of 100 points each!

(End of this chapter)

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