War of Resistance

Chapter 1081 Exchange

Chapter 1081 Exchange (35)

For Zhang Tianhai, it is relatively difficult to find time for now.

But it's not a big problem. After all, the general direction has stabilized. It's okay to spare an afternoon. It depends on how to operate.

This time, the report that Zhang Tianhai typed up could be said to be a real lion's mouth. Basically, they all asked for a center rifle and a Czech-style light machine gun. Mortar shells, seven-five mountain artillery shells, and one-hundred-five howitzer shells, etc., even the small shells of the grenadier require [-] rounds at a time. Various rifle bullets, light machine gun bullets, and heavy machine gun bullets countless.

Looking at the report handed in by Zhang Tianhai, Luo Zhuoying couldn't help but shook her head with a wry smile: "The first regiment of the guards is indeed strong in combat effectiveness, but it is also a gold swallowing beast. These supplies can arm a regiment. This guy's artillery The battalion is comparable to the artillery regiment, even the [-] heavy artillery. There are so many, I think this kid has gained a lot from fighting all the way..."

"Looking at this data, it's no wonder Zhang Tianhai was able to wipe out [-] Japanese troops in one day at Nantianpu. In my opinion, with their previous strength, it's not a problem to take down a Japanese regiment head-on. "Fang Tian also smiled wryly. For him, when he first saw this report, he was also taken aback. Usually, a division probably only needs so much equipment.

"But it's no wonder. The first regiment of the guards can be said to be the only remaining German weaponry unit. The first-level units of the squad are equipped with Czech-style light machine guns. In addition, this guy has won many victories. I think he must have captured it." There are quite a few grenades. As far as I know, one of the six infantry battalions in his army is fully equipped with daily equipment." Luo Zhuoying said it like a few treasures, obviously, he also did his homework.

"Then he wants these thousand center-mark rifles, it seems that he is going to change his battalion." Fang Tian said.

"I don't think so. In addition to changing the equipment, we should also update the worn-out equipment." Luo Zhuoying analyzed, "I think this kid doesn't like Japanese equipment, so he asks to keep all German equipment. No, I have to make a phone call with this kid. Let's see what kind of tricks the kid is trying to do." Luo Zhuoying said seriously, for him, it was obvious that he didn't trust Zhang Tianhai very much, he always felt that this kid Zhang Tianhai had something to hide Tucked in.

Chief Luo Zhuoying is a man of action. He said that if he wanted to work, he had to do it right away. He immediately picked up the phone and dialed a number, and then said, "Hi, I'm Luo Zhuoying, pick me up in Hankou immediately." The Commander's Office of the Police Command!"

Soon, the phone in Zhang Tianhai's office rang.

At this time, Zhang Tianhai was busy dealing with official documents, when he heard the phone ring, he picked up the phone without thinking, and said, "Hello, I'm Zhang Tianhai, Commander of Hankou Garrison."

"I'm Luo Zhuoying." That brief sentence on the phone almost didn't startle Zhang Tianhai.

I saw Zhang Tianhai shuddered coldly, and said: "Humble Zhang Tianhai, send my greetings to the officer!"

"I read the report you sent, and I found something wrong..." Luo Zhuoying said meaningfully.

"What's the problem?" Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly.

"According to your report, according to the report of our military command department, after your regiment is equipped with a thousand rifles, there will be a batch of Japanese equipment left idle?" Luo Zhuoying said straight to the point.

Seeing that Luo Zhuoying had already spoken to this extent, how could Zhang Tianhai not know what happened: when Zhang Tianhai was about to open his mouth to the lion of the Wuhan Garrison Command, why would the Wuhan Garrison Command not guard against him?Especially in terms of weapons and equipment, he has already figured out the old foundation of the first guard regiment.

Zhang Tianhai also knew that with his strength, it was impossible and incapable of him to talk to powerful superiors like the military commander and the garrison headquarters, so he could only admit it openly.

"Don't tell me, you can't hide from your sharp eyes, Chief Luo." Zhang Tianhai smiled heartily on the phone, but no matter what, there was a trace of bitterness in it.

"Don't think I don't know. Before the battle of Wanjialing, your army had a Japanese equipment battalion, and it was fully armed. You are really rich. Now make a report, trying to deceive me More than 1000 center-positive rifles, plus forty Czech-style light machine guns? Your idea is really beautiful." Luo Zhuoying laughed, and from Zhang Tianhai's tone, he couldn't tell that the boy had a lot of personal interests. goods?
"To tell you the truth, sir, the humble regiment has indeed won a lot of victories along the way, so they searched and searched and hid some supplies. There is no way, we are from poor people, but we are afraid of being poor. It was accidentally beaten back to the prototype. That's why I had to save some savings. It's not like the officer said, trying to carry private goods." Zhang Tianhai is not a little beginner who doesn't understand anything. Only timely complaints can win the sympathy of the chief...

"Then tell me, how much daily equipment does your regiment still have?" Luo Zhuoying was not polite, and got straight to the point.

"No more, no less, exactly two battalions." Zhang Tianhai said rather embarrassedly, but he actually compressed the number.

After all, no matter how you say it, people will always have some selfishness, especially these firearms were won by the brothers after winning the battle on the front line, and they did not fall from the sky.

"So, the thousand Zhongzheng rifles and forty Czech light machine guns you declared are just for changing equipment?" The voice on the other end of the phone raised slightly, and Zhang Tianhai could hear it clearly.

"That's right, I just want to change equipment." Zhang Tianhai must have admitted it right away, otherwise he would check his "private goods" again, and they would all be confiscated. "This little Japanese rifle, although it is easy to hit , easy to aim, but compared to our formal large-caliber rifles, how can it be powerful? Our shot will make the little devil lose half of his leg, but it is more powerful. Haha..."

"Let me tell you, logically speaking, you don't have to lose that much." Luo Zhuoying said very seriously, "This batch of Zhongzheng rifles and Czech light machine guns can be allocated to you, there is no problem. But You kid hides so many private goods, but it’s unjustifiable, especially in the current period of the Anti-Japanese War, when supplies are in short supply. You must provide some equipment to support the cause of the Anti-Japanese War. Especially the daily equipment of your two battalions, change them After you come out, you must hand it over to the Logistics Department of the Garrison Command!"

This time, Zhang Tianhai saw clearly that Chief Luo Zhuoyingluo had already forced him to exchange—all kinds of hats had already begun to be covered.

"Okay! There's no problem with humble positions. After the equipment of these two battalions is changed, they will be handed over to the logistics department of the garrison headquarters immediately!" Zhang Tianhai promised. Honestly, I handed it over early, so that I can still exchange a batch of equipment, if it is too late, it will really be gone.


PS: The third update is here! ! !
It was supposed to be five shifts, but I drank too much to entertain and couldn't make it. The two shifts owed will be returned after dawn!

Thanks to Qidian book friend Jiuye Tianzi for the reward of 9000 points! ! !
Thank you for your support! !

(End of this chapter)

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