War of Resistance

Chapter 1085 Strength of the Second Guard Regiment

Chapter 1085 Strength of the Second Guard Regiment (24)

The fragrance of tea curls up, and a ray of hot air rises from their respective white porcelain cups with a refreshing tea fragrance.

Zhou Fangjie and Zhang Tianhai were sitting face to face. At this time, the door of Zhou Fangjie's office was closed.

"Try it! I have kept this tea for a long time, but I have never been willing to drink it." Zhou Fangjie said.

"Okay." Zhang Tianhai picked up the white porcelain teacup, tasted it lightly, the taste was really full of tea fragrance, and there was a special taste in it, "Good tea! It's really good tea!"

"Good tea is good tea. I have already asked the kitchen to prepare the dishes. I still have a few bottles of good wine here. It is not easy for us to meet brothers. Cherish it." Zhou Fangjie really said heartily and generously.

"There is good tea and good wine, Lao Zhou, I am so envious of your life." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

Seeing this matter, Zhou Fangjie's expression became a little decadent, and he said: "You see that I seem to be very chic, but I am not. In front of the officers and soldiers under my command, I must be invisible to others. If even I panic, the morale of the troops below will be in chaos. My troops are not comparable to the first regiment of the security guards back then. My troops are composed of officers from the security regiment and the agencies directly under the theater. I don’t have any outstanding military exploits. I’m afraid that the morale of the army will be unstable.”

"Your pressure, I understand. After all, I have come this way along the way." Zhang Tianhai also knew that Zhou Fangjie's situation would be more complicated than his before, but in order to comfort him, Zhang Tianhai could only say so .

I saw Zhou Fangjie sighed lightly, and then said: "Actually, the situation in Hankou should be more complicated than that in Hanyang, but when it comes to fighting, our results are almost the same, it must be the whole regiment. Those who died in the city. In no more than a week, the frontline troops of the Japanese army could reach Hankou and Hanyang. You and I served as the garrison commanders of Hankou and Hanyang respectively. We must be the last troops to evacuate, or the last troops to fight. So, today you are here, we must not get drunk, otherwise I am afraid that we will never have the chance to drink together again in this life."

"It's okay to drink, I've made an agreement with you. In case the battle to defend Wuhan does not start, you can't burn Hanyang before the first regiment of our guards has withdrawn from Hankou, so what the hell? It also ruined my way of retreat. Do you know?" Zhang Tianhai laughed, but he didn't have Zhou Fangjie's sad face.

"Okay, there is absolutely no problem. Can I still burn Zhang Yulin's escape route? Really, you boy, you have always thought about problems a few steps ahead of others. In this regard, I am not as good as you. "Zhou Fangjie was also infected by Zhang Tianhai's confidence. Indeed, if he can't fight, he will die together. Anyway, he just escaped by luck in Nanjing.

"Don't tell me you are not as good as me. You are much better than me. Didn't the second guard regiment also upgrade to a strengthened regiment? Tell me, what's the situation now?" Zhang Tianhai asked. Dao, this is also one of the purposes of his coming here. If he doesn't even know the strength of his closest comrade-in-arms and allies, how should he fight this battle and can he retreat safely?
"Yes, it has been upgraded to a reinforced regiment, and the upgrade work has already started before the establishment of the Garrison Command." Zhou Fangjie admitted openly, and he had nothing to hide in front of Zhang Tianhai, "There is no way. , now Wuhan is just like Nanjing in the past, there is a shortage of people everywhere, and there is a shortage of troops everywhere. It happened that Shangfeng thought that I had worked as a deputy in the reinforced regiment for a year, and felt that I was only in charge of an ordinary infantry regiment It’s a shame, so after thinking about it, I upgraded my second regiment of guards.”

"Is the situation okay now?" Zhang Tianhai asked.

"How is the situation? What a fart. Before, there were more than 2000 recruits who had never been on the battlefield. Now it is fine. After becoming a reinforced regiment, there are more than 4000 fucking recruits who have never been on the battlefield. I am going to die now. To train them, I am afraid that after they go to the battlefield, they will lose their lives without even seeing the enemy. The higher-ups also know that our army is mostly recruits, and they did not distribute good equipment to us. The first regiment of your guards." Zhou Fangjie smiled wryly, "It can be said that the current situation is very bad."

After listening to Zhou Fangjie's words, Zhang Tianhai also realized the seriousness of the problem, so he asked again: "Old Zhou, have you ever thought about implementing the strategy of elite soldiers? Although your army has more than 4000 people now , but there may also be a certain degree of unevenness in the number of soldiers, which is similar to my first guard regiment. If the strategy of elite troops is implemented, at least two to three battalions can be ensured to improve their combat effectiveness."

"I really want to, but most of the troops are made in old Hanyang. Only my first battalion can be arranged as it was in the German army. Other troops use mixed firearms. Regarding these, we all know There is a way to coordinate the advancement, but there is no way, especially the troops that joined in later, the equipment is even worse." Zhou Fangjie sighed, he is a hero who is stumped by a penny, and the troops have never fought on the front line , There is no chance to update weapons and equipment.

"Old Zhou, if this is the case, why don't I give you the equipment of the Japanese Armament Battalion in private, and you can use it to deal with it anyway. The equipment of Little Japan is indeed not as good as the equipment of our previous German Armor Division, but in general, it can be better than Hanyang's equipment." Making rifles is much better." Zhang Tianhai said in a low voice, which meant to ask Zhou Fangjie not to talk about it elsewhere.

"What?! You still have stock? I heard about it this morning. You took two battalions of daily equipment to exchange for new equipment from two battalions of the Garrison Command. You still have a battalion of daily equipment. Equipment?!" Zhou Fangjie was really surprised, he knew that Zhang Tianhai was a "money lover", but he never expected that he could hide three battalions of Japanese equipment.

"Nonsense, it's not that you haven't been Laozi's deputy before. When will Laozi be so careless and report all his belongings to the chief? At that critical moment, what will Laozi's troops do?" Zhang Tianhai glared at Zhou Fangjie and said , "But I have agreed, I will give you a battalion of equipment, but I will not give you the grenades."

"Okay, old Zhang, since you are so interesting, is it possible that Zhou Fangjie is the one who waits for the lion to open his mouth? Don't worry, I don't want your grenades and mortars. I have the weapons and equipment of this battalion. I still have a new battalion of new equipment, and I will find a way to get rich, hahahaha..." Zhou Fangjie is really happy, the arrival of this old friend has made his army a lot richer, the key is to solve his problems. One of the most troublesome problems.

"I'll tell you, these equipments are all my old foundation. You have to show up to me, you can't be defeated by the little devil so quickly, and your current army is stronger than the little devil's unit. There are still many people in the team." Zhang Tianhai laughed and cheered Zhou Fangjie up.

"Okay, don't worry! My sixth phase of Whampoa is no worse than your seventh phase of Whampoa. Haha." Zhou Fangjie laughed, very happy.


PS: Make up for yesterday's second update!

Thanks to the starting point book friend!1500 point coins as a reward!

(End of this chapter)

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