War of Resistance

Chapter 1086 Luo Zhuoying Inspection

Chapter 1086 Luo Zhuoying Inspection (34)

Just as the two were bragging, the door opened.

Zhang Tianhai reacted very quickly, and immediately stopped his hand movements. After a closer look, it turned out that the food was ready.

Watching the food come in, Zhou Fangjie also took out the bottle of good wine that had been preserved for a long time, and said, "Old Zhang, you came to my site today, but you didn't return drunk. Since you can come here, it proves that you are The work on the side has been arranged in place. Let me tell you why it took you so long to come out to greet you just now. I knew when the duty room received the call. I have to arrange the work. Let's get drunk with you forever!"

"You, you, don't learn the good ones, but only learn the bad ones, like a fucking rich man digging up other people's cabbages, you have a good plan..." Zhang Tianhai pointed at Zhou Fangjie and laughed, don't mention that scene too much Happy.

"Hey, don't say anything. These skills are all learned from you kid. You don't have to be humble with me. When you plot against the little devil, I will cooperate and cover for you, but You can't turn your back on someone. Haha." After speaking, Zhou Fangjie brought out a jug of wine, which looked really old.

"Don't worry, I, Zhang Tianhai, haven't been that bad yet." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

With three small dishes for drinking, plus a plate of green vegetables and a jar of old wine, Zhou Fangjie and Zhang Tianhai were very drunk and very happy.

When they were drunk, Chief Luo Zhuoyingluo personally led a research supplementary team composed of Fang Tian, ​​Chief of Staff, Chen Zheng, Chief of Logistics, and others to the Hankou Garrison Command.

Several military jeeps and more than a dozen military trucks were parked on the street in front of the Hankou Garrison Headquarters at the same time, looking very imposing.

"Report to Commander Luo, Guo Qiliang, deputy commander of Hankou garrison and deputy commander of the [-]st regiment of the [-]th war zone, reports to you!" Guo Qiliang saluted Luo Zhuoying and others, and the officers behind him did the same.

At this time, Guo Qiliang had already brought Li Yinglun, Li Chunfei and other main officers of the first guard regiment to meet Luo Zhuoying.

"Very good, and your spirits are also very good. You are worthy of being a unit that has won a battle on the front line, so proud!" Luo Zhuoying returned a military salute casually, and then patted Guo Qiliang on the shoulder.

"Thank you, sir, for your compliment!" Guo Qiliang responded.

"Where is your regiment commander?" Luo Zhuoying asked. In his opinion, the title of Zhang Tianhai's regiment commander is similar to that of Hankou Garrison Commander. Anyway, they are at the regimental level, so there is no difference at all.

"Reporting sir, our regiment leader has already gone to the Hanyang Garrison Headquarters to exchange work with the commander of the second guard regiment, Zhou Fangjie!" Guo Qiliang naturally wouldn't honestly say that Zhang Tianhai went to find Zhou Fangjie for a drink.

"Oh? Go to Hanyang Garrison Headquarters so soon? Doesn't he know that I'm coming to inspect the troops?" Luo Zhuoying was a little surprised.

And Guo Qiliang is no longer the honest guy who didn't understand anything. Facing Luo Zhuoying's questioning, he not only excused Zhang Tianhai, but also put the main responsibility on Zhang Tianhai: "Report sir, our team leader knows You are coming in the afternoon, but he said before he left, Chief Luo, you trust him so much, and now the Japanese army is gradually approaching Wuhan, if he can't establish contact with the brother defense area as soon as possible, then he is ashamed of you, ashamed For the party-state."

Guo Qiliang's words seemed impeccable, but in the eyes of old foxes like Luo Zhuoying, they couldn't hide it.

"Oh? They can't communicate on the phone?" Luo Zhuoying asked back.

"Reporting sir, it is indeed possible to communicate on the phone, but before going out, Captain Zhang also said that there are some things that cannot be explained on the phone, so we must talk about them face to face and understand them face to face." Guo Qiliang calmly argued.

"Okay, very good. I'll go to Hanyang Garrison Headquarters later to check the situation." Luo Zhuoying nodded.

Seeing that Luo Zhuoying really wanted to go to the Hanyang Garrison Command, Guo Qiliang immediately turned his head, and the first thing he thought of was to delay the time.

Therefore, Guo Qiliang said: "Report sir, according to your order, our fifth battalion and sixth battalion have carried out a comprehensive refitting. I would like to have the courage to let the chief inspect the equipment together. In addition, what you have done to our regiment Supplement, our group has received it and is now rehearsing!"

Originally, Luo Zhuoying wanted to go to inspect the Hanyang security area, and catch Zhou Fangjie and Zhang Tianhai by the way, but when Guo Qiliang made this request, his eyes lit up immediately.

Luo Zhuoying's previous understanding of the First Guard Regiment was mostly obtained from the paper data on the telegram, but he really hadn't read it seriously about the actual combat power.

"Okay, let's take a look! I don't want to look at your infantry battalion. These troops are newly added, and they can't reflect the direct combat power of your regiment. You just use your regiment with the best equipment and the most combat power." Pull out the strongest troops! For example, your guard company." Luo Zhuoying directly called the name, after all, in the general army, the troops of the guard company must be the troops with the best equipment and the strongest combat effectiveness, because this company is usually The security of the security headquarters, for the national army that often loses battles, the combat effectiveness of the security company is directly related to the safety of the command organization.

After hearing this, Guo Qiliang looked a little embarrassed. He reported: "Sir, in our regiment, the strongest and best equipped troops are not the guard company, but the special agent company and the cavalry battalion."

"Oh? Your regiment is a little strange. The guard company is not the best equipped and most effective force?" Luo Zhuoying said curiously.

"That's right, it's the secret service company and the cavalry battalion. Now the secret service company is undergoing training, and it may be later to assemble. Let the second and third companies of the cavalry battalion gather first! The first company of the cavalry battalion has been taken by our head. Hanyang Police Headquarters went to visit." Guo Qiliang reported.

"Okay...very good, let's gather them together first!" Luo Zhuoying nodded.

But when the second company and the third company of the cavalry battalion of the first guard regiment all assembled and lined up to accept the inspection, Luo Zhuoying was surprised: indeed, he had a lot of knowledge, even the best equipment in the country back then The Tax Police Headquarters has also dealt with a lot, but he has never seen cavalry use it like this. Rifles, light machine guns, heavy machine guns, grenades, and mortars are all available, and the saber that symbolizes cavalry But I didn't see any of them, and some soldiers were even equipped with Nantian pistols used by Japanese officers!

"Deputy Commander Guo, please explain to me why your cavalry battalion is so different?" Luo Zhuoying's eyes became more solemn, this Zhang Tianhai gave him too many surprises, he was simply frightened... …

"Yes! Sir!" Guo Qiliang responded, and then introduced to him the functions of the second company and the third company of the cavalry battalion as an emergency support force.

After hearing this, Luo Zhuoying sighed: "It seems that I'm still old and can't keep up with the reform ideas of these young people. If I use it this way, I can really save the army at the most critical moment. At least I can buy it for two to three hours. It's time for reinforcements..."

"Sir, the reputation is too high. This is just a means for us to protect ourselves. We don't want our position to be broken by the enemy at any time." Guo Qiliang explained, and at the same time gave Luo Zhuoying a step down.

"Is this your best equipped unit?" Luo Zhuoying asked.

Guo Qiliang nodded, and said seriously: "This should be regarded as the best equipped unit of our regiment. To be honest, if it is at night and between the mountains and forests, it still depends on the special agent company of our regiment. Besides, our regiment There are no troops that can be taken out."

What Guo Qiliang said was very honest. More importantly, he didn't want Luo Zhuoying to visit their artillery unit...


PS: The third update is here!This is an update from yesterday.

Thanks to the starting point book friend Shan Hanshuiqing for the reward of 1500 points! !
(End of this chapter)

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