War of Resistance

Chapter 1087 Angry Neiji Okamura

Chapter 1087 Angry Okamura Ningji (44)

For Luo Zhuoying at this moment, he has already been aroused. Since Guo Qiliang admires this special agent company so much, it must be wrong for him not to take a look.

"Okay, then I'll take a look." Luo Zhuoying nodded.


Just as the Wuhan Garrison Command was preparing to defend Wuhan, one person was already in a state of madness at the moment.

This person is none other than Lieutenant General Okamura Ningji, the commander of the No.11 Army of the Japanese Army.

"How could this happen! Order the troops to speed up the attack! Be sure to take the center line and the south line as quickly as possible!" Okamura Neiji cursed fiercely. For him, this time has reached the extreme point of his anger.

Why are you so angry?We have to start with the incident of the Japanese army breaking through Xinyang on the northern front a few days ago.

Time went back to a few days ago. Once the news that the Japanese army's northern front troops, under the leadership of its commander Higashikunimiya Toshihiko, broke through Xinyang in one fell swoop, Okamura Ningji couldn't sit still.

That night, Ningji Okamura suffered from insomnia. He also knew very well what impact this incident would have on him when the troops on the northern front broke through Xinyang. Wanjialing, which can be called "Waterloo", was defeated, but King Renhiko of Higashikuni Palace on the North Road was able to advance all the way, almost unimaginably smooth. Doesn't this mean that there is something wrong with Neiji Okamura's ability? ?

So, Okamura Ningji, who couldn't sleep after tossing and turning, finally decided after some deliberation that he must order the troops to attack Wuhan as soon as possible. The Ministry joined forces in Wuhan.

In the middle of the night, Neiji Okamura ordered the staff to "be sure to come up with the best attack plan for the central and southern troops before dawn, and attack Wuhan as soon as possible at all costs."

I have to say that Okamura Ningji is very anxious in his heart: If he does not show some achievements, let alone the issue of possible dismissal, it is impossible to say that he can improve in a short time up.He never wants to stop his position as the first-level commander of the infantry army!
Looking at the various arrows on the map, Okamura Ningji frowned deeply. Obviously, the progress of the southern route was not smooth, which made it difficult for him to arrive.

"It's time to suspend the battle plan to outflank Wuhan on the south bank of the Yangtze River..." Neiji Okamura muttered, but his eyes were fixed on the north bank of the Yangtze River. "The progress on the north bank of the Yangtze River is still normal, so let's go to the north bank of the Yangtze River..."

After roughly confirming the battle plan, Ningji Okamura looked at Asaburo Kobayashi, who also shaved a "braised egg" head, and said, "Mr. Kobayashi! I think we should postpone the outflanking of Wuhan from the south bank of the Yangtze River The plan is to go straight to Wuhan from the north bank of the Yangtze River, and join forces with the headquarters of the Second Army in the north of Wuhan to directly cut off the retreat of the main force of the fifth theater of the Chinese Army, so as to completely wipe out the main force of the fifth theater of the Chinese Army! What do you think, I Want to hear your opinion."

It has to be said that Neiji Okamura still attaches great importance to the talent of Asaburo Kobayashi, otherwise he would not have consulted his opinion when making major decisions, and he would not have been promoted to the commander-in-chief of the Japanese Army in China When he was an official, Kobayashi Asaburo was still his chief of staff.

"Your Excellency, Commander, I believe that we can switch to the military plan of going straight to Wuhan from the north bank of the Yangtze River. However, we must break the strategic balance. Our troops are still being stubbornly resisted by the Chinese Army on the north bank of the Yangtze River. Therefore, My suggestion is to form a fast column and join forces with the Second Army first!" Kobayashi Asaburo suggested, and his move was done very well, and it can be said that the suggestion touched Neiji Okamura's heart.

The reason Okamura Ningji was in a hurry was entirely because Tokyuimiya Toshihiko took the lead in leading the army to break through the heavy defenses on the northern line of Wuhan and occupied Xinyang in one fell swoop. The position of Chief of Staff, besides his own extremely high EQ, is also inseparable from Neiji Okamura's appreciation and support, so the former is anxious, and he can fully understand it.

If Okamura Neiji, the chief who trusted him so much, can't get along anymore, then the next chief will definitely not trust him so much, and he will even suffer from the dismissal of Okamura Neiji, which is what Kobayashi Asaburo said It's unbearable, and he also doesn't want his career to come to an abrupt end, so he must do his best to help Deputy Chief Nei Okamura to tide over all difficulties!
"Fast column?" Neiji Okamura hesitated a little.

Before Lieutenant General Neiji Okamura could react, Lieutenant General Asaburo Kobayashi continued: "Yes, it is the fast column! Our large troops are now being involved in the front. According to the art of war, this is our The "Zhengbing" of the "Zhengbing", and the fast column we want to form is our "Qingbing". Only when "Zheng" and "Qing" are combined can we exert the greatest effect. As long as we can cooperate with the Second Army in Wuhan If we join forces in the north, theoretically, we have arrived in Wuhan one step ahead of them."

"Yoxi... Kobayashi-kun really deserves to be the chief of my think tank, and his brain is easy to use." Neiji Okamura nodded with satisfaction, "Since you have proposed this plan, then, I want to know, what do you want to use?" Which army is it!"

This shows how much Neiji Okamura attaches importance to Kobayashi Asaburo, and even ask such small questions, otherwise, he would never ask a chief of staff, he can make a complete decision himself.

"Your Excellency, Commander, my suggestion is to be carried out by the troops of the Sixth Division." Asaburo Kobayashi said in a deep voice, "The troops of the Sixth Division are the most capable troops among the troops of the Imperial Army in China. There are 'beasts' The title of "Division", all the soldiers are from Southern Kyushu, where the folk customs are strong, and most of these people are from steel workers, with strong fighting power and strong fighting will. They are the most suitable for this task, and the strength of the troops should not be too high many!"

"Yoxi, Mr. Xiaolin, your suggestion is very good, let's do it this way! There are too many troops, it is inconvenient to move, and there are few troops, and there is a possibility of being surrounded by the enemy. Just call out a brigade of troops to carry out a surprise attack! This brigade must be supplemented first!" Ningji Okamura said in a deep voice, there is no way, he has already been overshadowed by Xue Yue's troops in Wanjialing, and a division that is short of 3000 people is almost full. Annihilated?Among other things, Lieutenant General Junrokuro Matsuura is still lying in a coma in the hospital and has not woken up, let alone the terrible fact that there are less than 30 survivors.

It is also because of this that Neiji Okamura pays special attention to the deployment of troops, for fear that the tragedy of Wanjialing will happen again...

"Hay!" Kobayashi Asaburo responded, and then said: "Your Excellency, if possible, let the No.30 Sixth Brigade carry out this task! The brigade commander of the No.30 Sixth Brigade, Major General Ushishima Mitsuru He is a man with great combat talents, let him go, we can feel more at ease."


PS: Back to yesterday's second update!I wanted to explode, please allow me to update slowly and take a break.

Thank you for the 500 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

Thanks to the starting point book friend Kailong 183 for the reward of 100 points!

(End of this chapter)

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