Chapter 1095

Setting fire to the city is a dangerous job. A little carelessness can cause the fire to break out early and make it fierce, which is very dangerous for Wuhan.

If you don’t believe me, please refer to Wenxi Dahuo, this is the best negative teaching material

Obviously, Zhang Tianhai had to be prepared to prevent such a thing from happening, otherwise he would be nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

No one wants to be a sinner through the ages!

If you have to sum it up, safety production is the first element.

Zhang Tianhai's face softened a lot after all the content of the "Wu" plan had been conveyed. As for how much these supplies came and how to divide them up, that was the job of the staff and logistics department, not Zhang Tianhai. A grand master should have intervened.


"Old Guo, you have to watch this matter for me. I really don't have so much energy to focus on this matter." Walking on the path in the forest, Zhang Tianhai opened his mouth to Guo Qiliang, the deputy head next to him. He opened his mouth and said, "The troops need to update their equipment and quickly form combat effectiveness. These things are what I should worry about. But until now, I found that I can't do anything."

"Old Zhang, don't fucking talk about these things. To be honest, I'm under a lot of pressure to arrange these contents. Like the three battalions I was in charge of, they used to be troops with mostly veterans, but now they're all good. The points are divided into nearly the level of a recruit company. Now you still want me to focus on the overall situation, but I want to focus on the overall situation. But it is really not easy." Guo Qiliang sighed, in fact, he was shirking responsibility.

"Don't fucking talk about these things to me. The most important thing for our army now is to implement the 'Wu' plan. If you don't arrest the army, who will arrest it?! Now Li Chunfei is going to arrest the logistics again. Li Yinglun is basically in charge of the work, you have the nerve to tell me here, who is this, who is this, if not, I will remove you as the deputy head of the team!" Zhang Tianhai's current temper It's really a little irritable, and I can't even tell a joke.

"Okay, okay, stop talking so much nonsense, you let me catch the main work of the whole regiment, I can't handle it, alas, really, I found that you can't take a joke recently." Guo Qiliang Pointing to Zhang Tianhai and said.

"Maybe, maybe it's because I'm under too much pressure. You have to understand my order now, but... But I want to set fire to my own hometown! Who likes to burn their own hometown? You switch places Think about it." Zhang Tianhai sighed, he began to miss the small house on the south bank of the Yangtze River, his home is in the east of Wuchang, he wanted to take his family to see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day, but it is hard to find such an easy way in the world matter?
"Old Zhang, don't talk about it. Actually, I understand how you feel. Maybe soon, we will have to order to set fire to this riddled Wuhan." Guo Qiliang sighed.

"Ask where the canal is so clear, so that there is a source of flowing water. In the future, when we repel the Japanese invaders, we will be able to live this kind of quiet and peaceful life." Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said.

"I hope! I hope we can repel these nasty little Japan as soon as possible, and establish our independent, free, and peaceful country." Guo Qiliang laughed, but he made a lot of preparations in his heart.


Time passed by, and as the materials for burning the city gradually arrived, the houses where the Hankou security zone was located were also covered with burning objects. I believe that as long as their chief gives an order, the whole of Wuhan will be plunged into a raging fire. Among the flames.

As the Japanese army gradually approached, the No.30 Sixth Brigade of the Japanese Army, Ushishima Mansuo, also joined forces with the Japanese Second Army that was heading south from the north in the Xiaogan area north of Wuhan.

At this time, Chiang Kai-shek also believes that the time has come to abandon Wuhan, and the national army does not need to continue to conduct large-scale guard battles around Wuhan.


(End of this volume)

PS: So far, this volume has been successfully concluded. I hope you can continue to pay attention to the plot of the next volume about the Changsha Defense War!
Thanks to the starting point book friends Mo Shu Jinghong and Yimo Shanghuakai for their rewards of 1500 points each! ! !

To be honest, I am very moved. The income of this novel has been getting lower and lower. While I can get everyone's support, I am very grateful to everyone! !
(End of this chapter)

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