War of Resistance

Chapter 1096 Withdraw to Changsha

Chapter 1096 Withdraw to Changsha
The fire illuminated the faces of everyone. On the night illuminated by the raging fire, the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone and the Second Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone evacuated Wuhan. The difference was that the former was by water, while the latter was by land.


"Farewell, Wuhan, wait until the next time you come back. This place will belong to China again!"

The river was surging, and there was a "crash" sound when it hit the shore. Zhang Tianhai looked at Wuhan, which was gradually going away, with a lot of thoughts in his heart.


The loud sound woke up everything around. As the last batch of people to board the ship, Zhang Tianhai felt a lot of reluctance to leave this place.

"Tuan Zuo, let's go! If you don't go, you won't be able to go if the fire burns here." As Zhang Tianhai's adjutant, Xu Xun naturally retreated along the way.

"En." Zhang Tianhai nodded, then boarded the small steamer and headed for Yueyang, which he had only visited a few days ago.


Two days later, Yueyang Wharf.

At this time, the Yueyang Wharf was still full of people's voices, mainly because of the arrival of the troops, which made the place several times busier than usual.

Of course, although Wuhan has fallen at this time, the direction of the Yueyang people's escape is obviously not the direction of the Yangtze River. After all, the lower reaches of the Yangtze River are occupied by Japanese devils.

Walking onto the Yueyang Wharf, where things were changing and people were changing, Zhang Tianhai was filled with emotions. Now his troops are much stronger than when they set off from here, but they were retreated at this time.

If it wasn't for this reason, maybe he might not have a high probability of setting foot on the same pier again.

"Have the troops withdrawn?" Zhang Tianhai asked Xu Xun beside him.

"Tuan Zuo, the front troops have all moved in according to your instructions." Xu Xun said seriously.

"It's good to move in. After we take a short rest, we will go directly to Changsha." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, and he also knew that after Wuhan fell, Yueyang would become very dangerous.

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for the Japanese army to let go of the bridgehead of Yueyang—as long as Yueyang is occupied by the Yangtze River, they will have a pier, and their troops can take warships and continuously release them from the Yueyang pier up.

It's not that Zhang Tianhai doesn't want to guard here, but because the current first regiment of guards can't afford it anymore, and the high-level national army has no plan to guard Yue Yang at all. It will still fall, and his elite troops should not be placed on the banks of the Yangtze River to resist the Japanese naval bombardment.

Out of kindness to the people of Yueyang at the beginning, Zhang Tianhai urgently met with Zhang Zhihe, the county magistrate of Yueyang, and Zhang Zhihua, the commander of Yueyang city defense.

"County Zhang, Commander Zhang, long time no see." Zhang Tianhai saw the two of them in the county magistrate's office.

"How long has it been? It's only been more than a week. We finally hoped for the stars and the moon, and we have brought you back, Mr. Zhang." Zhang Zhihe had a smile on his face, as if he saw his closest relative.

"The situation on the front line is very bad this time, I hope you are mentally prepared." Zhang Tianhai said directly.

"Very bad?!" Zhang Zhihua was a little surprised. He also believed that it must not be an easy thing to say this word from someone like Zhang Tianhai.

"Yes, it is very bad. Now the hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops have occupied Wuhan, and the main force of our theater has been evacuated towards Changsha. The next goal of the Japanese army must be to capture Changsha, and Yueyang is the bridgehead for the Japanese army to attack. "Zhang Tianhai said bluntly.He felt that if he didn't tell the actual situation, the two people in front of him probably wouldn't realize how serious the problem was.

Sure enough, when Zhang Tianhai's words came out, the faces of these two people became a little pale. As the eldest brother, Zhang Zhihe said: "Don't the national army plan to defend Yueyang?"

"We want to protect Yueyang, and we are willing to leave all our personnel here to fight the Japanese army to the death, but the terrain here is too unsuitable for fighting, especially since the Japanese naval guns can hit our position, this is impossible With that said, Zhang Tianhai shook his head.

"Then what should we do now? Is it true that no one is willing to defend our Yueyang?" Zhang Zhihua murmured, which happened to be heard by all three of them.

"If you can, I hope you will give up Yueyang City. Even if you fight a guerrilla with Little Japan, it doesn't matter. If you stay in Yueyang, even if all our troops die here, we will not be able to defend Yueyang, but if If we fight guerrillas, we can effectively kill and wound the Japanese army, and when the national army counterattacks, we can take back here." Zhang Tianhai said very seriously, giving people a sense of trust, rather than drawing big cakes.

"Abandoning Yueyang, where should our family go..." Zhang Zhihua wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zhang Zhihe: "Okay, Mr. Zhang, I listen to you, Zhang Zhihe is a party Parents, the place can be lost and then regained, but if a person’s life is gone, it is really gone. I believe the national army can fight back.”

"Thank you for your trust, County Magistrate Zhang." Zhang Tianhai nodded, "If possible, organize the evacuation of the people in the city as soon as possible! It is best to bring whatever you can with you. The Japanese army will occupy this place soon. Everything you have will be used by the enemy, and I can’t guarantee whether our national army will burn it down here when we evacuate. I hope you can pay attention to it. The lives of these people under our command are the real country.”

"I understand, thank you, Mr. Zhang." Zhang Zhihe held back Zhang Zhihua who was about to say something.

"Magistrate Zhang, Commander Zhang, I tell you that the first regiment of our security guards will soon leave Yueyang and go to Changsha. You must be mentally prepared." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"It's convenient to ask Mr. Zhang, how long are you talking about?" Zhang Zhihe asked very seriously.

"No more than two days at most, so that's why I want you to be mentally prepared. Tomorrow morning our vanguard will set off to cross the Xinqiang River and Miluo River to Changsha. I'm not sure how soon the Japanese army will arrive. .All I can say is that we should act as soon as possible and don't delay any longer." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai left gracefully.

Seeing Zhang Tianhai leaving, Zhang Zhihe and Zhang Zhihua looked at each other, they had already made some decisions.


After leaving, Zhang Tianhai returned to his regiment headquarters. The vanguard he mentioned naturally meant the cavalry battalion. Only the cavalry battalion could go to Changsha so quickly.

As for the pressure on the logistics force, Zhang Tianhai wisely allocated it to the main infantry battalion.

Yes, for Zhang Tianhai, he thought this action was also an exercise - he wanted to exercise the discipline and obedience of his troops, and more importantly, exercise their combat effectiveness.

Zhang Tianhai believes that sharing the logistical pressure this time can be regarded as a long-distance training.

Well... for cavalry battalions too...

For the exercise of the cavalry battalion.It is to exercise their running ability and quick reaction ability. All in all, it is to improve their combat effectiveness.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.


PS: I've been quite busy at work these days. There are a lot of thieves in the big supervisor, and there are many missions going to the countryside. Let's maintain an update first!

Thanks to QQ reading book friend ccn for the reward of 1666 reading points! !
(End of this chapter)

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