War of Resistance

Chapter 1097 Yueyang is in a hurry

Chapter 1097 Yueyang is in a hurry

Changsha at this time is still a quiet and peaceful scene.

Due to the fall of Wuhan, a large number of refugees flooded into Changsha. The total number of residents in Changsha is increasing rapidly. It has changed from 30 residents to 35, and this number is also gradually increasing.

As the metropolis closest to the front line during the Wuhan battle, Changsha was already full of supplies.

And this piece of information, through the spies of the Japanese army, led to the No. 11 Army Command in Wuhan one by one.

"Changsha has accumulated so much material now, if we can get it in time, it will provide a great strength for the imperial army's frontline advance!" Neiji Okamura, the commander of the No.11 Army, is full of confidence, because The smooth march of the Niu Dao Man brigade made him not be held accountable, and he received unanimous praise from the base camp. In any case, the current official position is preserved, and he must continue to lead his troops forward.

"Your Excellency, General, I believe that as long as we take Yueyang, we can continue to march towards Changsha. If we want to take Changsha, Yueyang must be our bridgehead." Said Kobayashi Asaburo next to him.

Neiji Okamura nodded, and said proudly: "Okay, then follow what you said. Send troops to take down Yueyang first!"

"Hay!!" Asaburo Kobayashi nodded, and then he conveyed the order of Commander Neiji Okamura.

Subsequently, the Japanese ground forces and surface forces began to move.





A round of shells sprayed out of the muzzle of the Japanese surface ship, and then hit the shore of Yueyang Wharf. Countless people were fleeing, and the defenders were constantly retreating.

The Japanese marines were charging in kayaks from the Yangtze River towards the shore. The defenders knew that this place might not be able to defend. What would they do in the face of such a fierce Japanese army?Even if you fill in all your lives, you won't be able to keep it.

"Wait for the little devils to charge up before we fight. We will definitely not be able to fight their warships now, and their naval guns are so fierce!" The defenders shouted. I can't run away.

It wasn't because they were timid to fight, but because the Japanese naval guns were too fierce. Once the large-caliber naval guns were fired, half of the basketball court and the like would disappear.

"Hohay!!! Go!!!" These Japanese marines in black battle suits were yelling and charging towards the shore, the yellow kayak cut through the surrounding water splashes, singing and marching all the way.

Finally, they rushed to the shore and charged towards the shore.

Once the news was sent back to Yueyang, the city of Yueyang became tense.

Although the commander of the city defense and the county magistrate have ordered the evacuation of the masses, there are still some people who have remained in the city and have not been able to evacuate. Most of the troops are stationed here. What about Yueyang County?
"Brother, do we want to withdraw? Even if we don't withdraw, the city of Yueyang cannot be defended. Even if we are all dead, the city will still be lost." Zhang Zhihua, the commander of the city defense, was persuading Zhang Zhihe, the county magistrate. After all, they were Two brothers, many things are discussed, they belong to the relationship between lips and teeth, if one falls, the other will definitely not feel well.

"That's right, what Mr. Zhang said is correct. We should burn this place down. Anyway, we can't hold this place anymore. Let's form a guerrilla team!" After making the decision, Zhang Zhihe said to his cousin Zhang Zhihua said: "Immediately tell the Changsha side that Yueyang is no longer able to defend. Yueyang County has decided to implement the scorched earth policy proposed by Generalissimo Jiang. In addition, the Yueyang Security Regiment is going to be reorganized into a guerrilla force to carry out guerrilla operations against the enemy behind enemy lines." .”

"Okay, I'll execute it right away." Zhang Zhihua nodded and said, although he is the city defense commander of this city, it was actually his elder brother Zhang Zhihe who made the decision, because it was Zhang Zhihe who helped Zhang Zhihua to this position. Things are decided by the former, while the latter is more like a puppet.

Soon, this telegram reached Changsha and reached the desk of Zhang Zhizhong, Chairman of Hun Province.

"Chairman, Yueyang is no longer able to defend here. What should we do?" A confidant who looked like Zhang Zhizhong ran to his side and asked for instructions.

"It's going to rain today, and my mother is going to get married. What else can I do? The Yueyang security regiment only has this few people, can we hold it? We definitely can't! Instead of turning this place into a supplementary base for the Japanese army, It would be better to burn it with a fire, it would be more real." Zhang Zhizhong slapped the table and said, after all, he was also a military leader, and he was very clear about the army.

"What does the chairman mean, do you agree to burn this place?" asked the confidant.

"What do you think? Execution is the right thing, don't ask so many questions!" When Zhang Zhizhong said this, he still brought a lot of army ethos, especially in terms of vigorous and resolute execution, which must be carried out to the end.

"Yes! Chairman!" The confidant responded.

Seeing the back of his confidant leaving, Zhang Zhizhong fell into silence. That person was actually his chief of staff.

From the perspective of a high-ranking official, he absolutely does not want Yueyang to be burned down. No matter what he says, he is a member of the party here, and it is his responsibility to guard the soil. This sentence is not just talking.

But from the perspective of the army, Yueyang is also the bridgehead for the Japanese army to attack Changsha. If Yueyang is intact, it will be harmful to the front line but not beneficial.

Therefore, while thinking about it, Zhang Zhizhong still felt that he had to agree to this telegram.


And at this time, what is the protagonist of this book, Zhang Tianhai, doing?

At this time, Zhang Tianhai had already led the troops across the Xinqiang River, and was heading towards Changsha triumphantly. His next stop was to cross the Miluo River.

He has already known about Yue Yang's fall, and this is also the general direction of history, which is inevitable, so he has done his best about everything about Yue Yang.

"Tuan Zuo, we are going to Changsha this time, but we have to rest for a long time. After this time, I'm afraid our army will become a strong national army?" Xu Xun said.

"Could it be, haven't we always been a strong army of the national army?" Zhang Tianhai smiled.


PS: The update is here. I just finished working overtime and I am going to the countryside today. I am too tired, so I will update it.Good night!
Thanks to Qidian book friend Jingbin for the reward of 1500 points! !
(End of this chapter)

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