War of Resistance

Chapter 1106 Okamura Ningji's Preparations

Chapter 1106 Okamura Ningji's Preparations

All the officers present knew that after the Wanjialing battle, the first regiment of the security guards had been seriously injured, especially in the main infantry battalion. Word.

With the retreat of the front-line troops, the Japanese army will eventually point directly at Baishui Town, and if the first guard regiment at that time has neither offensive ability nor defensive ability, then the only thing waiting for them is the whole army It's overwhelmed.

"Now, I'm going to follow the old method before, let the soldiers of the engineering company go to the main infantry battalion for guidance, and also include the second and third companies of the cavalry battalion for training. In addition to the first company of the battalion and the artillery battalion, all units including the supply battalion, mortar company, and guard company must conduct fortification training to strengthen the defensive operations of the troops in emergency situations!" Guo Qiliang waved his hand , which determines the training direction of the first security regiment in the next half month.

In terms of training direction, Guo Qiliang's direction is roughly the same as Zhang Tianhai's training, at least in terms of concept, they can basically achieve the same, but their strengths are different, especially in terms of offense and defense.

Zhang Yulin is good at attacking and Guo Qiliang is good at defending, which are complementary.

Now Zhang Tianhai is in Changsha, and he has delegated power to Guo Qiliang. Zhang Tianhai has done a good job in this regard-at least the troops are moving forward in a direction under the leadership of Guo Qiliang, especially in defensive battles. Working hard, to a certain extent, also made up for the fact that Zhang Tianhai led the troops to pursue offense all the time.

"Yes! Sir!!" All the officers stood at attention and saluted.

In the first regiment of the security guards, at least Guo Qiliang, the deputy head of the group, will always be in the second place. As long as Zhang Tianhai and the head of the group are still the number one officer, this will not change.

Afterwards, Guo Qiliang announced the adjournment of the meeting to prepare for the next training plan-this kind of thing must be completed as soon as possible, otherwise it will be very troublesome.After all, the Japanese army is eyeing the front line, and they may go south at any time. At that time, it will really be a big trouble.

It has to be said that Guo Qiliang's vision is still forward-looking to a certain extent, especially when the combat effectiveness of the main infantry battalion of the first guard regiment has declined sharply, it is not an ordinary long-term one.

"Old Zhang, old Zhang, I will guard this stall for you for now!" After the meeting, Guo Qiliang sighed softly. For him, this is not a difficult task. Know when to call out.


Just when Guo Qiliang was still worrying about whether the Japanese army would go south, Neiji Okamura, who was far away in Wuhan, received a telegram.

This telegram is an order from the Japanese Army Headquarters.

To be honest, Neiji Okamura was not in a good mood after receiving this order, because he took over a dilapidated Wuhan, that is to say, his battle failed in a sense.

Judging from this situation, besides wanting to build Wuhan better, Neiji Okamura is more depressed. At this time, what he must think about is how to further win Changsha.

There are no supplies here in Wuhan, and we must rely on the long supply line from Japan to Shanghai, and then from Shanghai to inland China.

From this point of view, the No.11 Japanese army seemed to be pinched by the big hand of fate, and it was difficult to breathe a sigh of relief.

According to Neiji Okamura's original idea, after taking Wuhan, the next stage of operations will be carried out based on the large amount of military supplies captured, and then the Chinese army will be forced to surrender—forced landing by war. This strategy is for them to carry out the Wuhan operation It's ready.

However, the "scorched-earth war of resistance" implemented by the national government made them achieve most of the established goals, and they lost the motivation to continue their offensive in the next step.

As far as this situation is concerned, Okamura Neiji is not usually annoying...

After the long-term consumption of the Wuhan Battle, not only the troops were consumed by the Japanese army, but also various materials, especially the supplies of bullets and food.

The long supply line made it more difficult for the Japanese army to supply supplies. It was also because the national army left a large number of troops to fight guerrillas in the rear, which made this long supply line even more vulnerable.

Yes, the national army did leave 10,000+ troops to fight guerrillas in the rear, just like Gu Zhutong's third war zone, where all operations were carried out in enemy-occupied areas.

"How can we take Changsha as soon as possible!" Neiji Okamura murmured, this has become a heart problem for him, especially the news from the special high school special agent in Changsha that Changsha has become a "big city" Fat meat" after.

Since then, Okamura Ningji felt that Changsha must be taken. As long as Changsha is taken, the captured materials can be used for the next stage of combat.

According to Neiji Okamura's thinking at this stage, first take down Changsha, and then take down the whole of Hunan. Province, as long as his No.11 Army wins here, and the southward marching troops in South China take Guangdong and Guangxi, then the national government will basically only be left with Sichuan, Kangyu, and Yunnan and Guizhou, which are not considered rich places. , The demise of China is just around the corner!
(Ahem, I want to explain it here, so as not to confuse some readers. At that time, Sichuan was exploited by various warlords. Although there were still many people, they were indeed exploited very poorly.)
Therefore, Neiji Okamura is ambitious, and the heart of China will never die...

As a commander with "ambitious ambitions", it is normal for Neiji Okamura to have such thoughts.

However, this order from the base camp almost made him give up——

"Report to Your Excellency, the base camp is urgent!!" A Japanese lieutenant ran to Neiji Okamura and reported.

Although the Neiji Okamura Headquarters had entered the city at this time, the surrounding walls and so on looked dark, and it still felt like they were stationed in a slum.

"Read it!" Neiji Okamura looked away from the map.

"To your Excellency, Commander Neiji Okamura, No. 11 Army of the Central China Dispatch Army of the Empire of Japan, our army's advance route and combat effects have basically achieved the pre-planned goals. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the next battle, the base camp has initially established the cessation of the war. The cessation line of the war is initially set within [-] kilometers of Yueyang, and the troops will continue to station according to the current situation and consolidate the results of the war. Without the order of the base camp, no crossing the cessation line of the war is allowed.


PS: Overtime, plus Calvin, Wen owes it first!I owe about twenty chapters, and I will pay it back. Let me figure out how to write it down first!

Thanks to Qidian book friend China 丨 Sheng for the 500 points reward!

(End of this chapter)

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