Chapter 1107

Hearing this news, Okamura Ningji's tense nerves were slightly relaxed, and he laughed at himself: "Is it because my pursuit is too high?"

"No, the pursuit of your Excellency, Commander, is not excessive at all. After all, the ultimate goal of our dispatched troops to China is to take down the entire territory of China!" The lieutenant officer retorted. After all, in his opinion, Lieutenant General Neiji Okamura was in his heart. His position is like a god. Now that this "god" wants to deny his actions, how can the lieutenant commander accept it?

"Yoxi, Mr. Xiaochai, what you said is very reasonable. Indeed, our goal is to take over the entire territory of China, and now we have only taken half of the country, which is indeed a little less." Lieutenant General Neji Okamura said in a deep voice , "Since the base camp ordered us not to go beyond the cessation line of the war, then let's wait! Immediately notify Chief of Staff Asaburo Kobayashi to come over!"

"Hay!!" Xiao Chai Zhong Zuo Li responded rightly.

Looking at the back of Lieutenant Zuo Xiaoshiba leaving, Lieutenant General Ningji Okamura fell into deep thought. He was thinking about a question-when will the next round of Changsha offensive be launched beyond the war stop line?

Yes, although the Japanese base camp has given him a suitable reason, Lieutenant General Ningji Okamura's goal is not just that. In his opinion, he must lead the No.11 Army to complete the invasion of Central China. Chiang Kai-shek's government must be completely forced into a local government before he can complete his initial plan.

That’s right, it’s just a preliminary plan. Neiji Okamura’s appetite is not that small. If he really had such a small appetite, he would not be the commander-in-chief of the Japanese invasion of China later.

Compared with the fifth theater troops in Hubei and Henan, Okamura Ningji's strategic center of gravity is more inclined to Changsha. After all, the rich Hunan is much better than the barren northwestern Hubei, especially the grain and abundant materials in Hunan. Coupled with the unique location, it will allow them to attack Guizhou as soon as possible, and then go directly to Chongqing through Guizhou.

Thinking that a huge country was about to perish by his own hands, Okamura Neiji's breath became a little short: Indeed, this idea is very tempting, he wants to make an immortal feat!He wants to let his name Okamura Neiji appear in future Japanese history books, and he will appear in the image of a great character!

After a while, Major General Kobayashi Asaburo appeared in front of Neiji Okamura.

"Your Excellency, Commander, are you looking for a job?" Kobayashi Asaburo bowed his head to Okamura Neiji and said, for him, he was absolutely loyal to the latter.

Sometimes, personality charm is inexplicable, just like some people seem to be born with a leader's temperament and aura, while ordinary people like us are other people's wage earners Aura, cough, cough... that's too much.

Alright, back to the book.

That's right, in Kobayashi Asaburo's view, Lieutenant General Okamura Neji has this kind of leadership temperament, so he is loyal to Okamura Neji and is willing to follow Lieutenant General Okamura Neji.

"Yes, I am indeed looking for you." Lieutenant General Ningji Okamura nodded, "Just now, our base camp issued an order to our No. 11 Army not to cross the cessation line of war. But I know, This order is temporary, we must prepare for the next stage of combat, that's why I brought you here."

Neiji Okamura and Asaburo Kobayashi are also old comrades in arms. There are many things that can be said directly, and there is no need to beat around the bush.

"Hay, as long as the general gives an order, Kobayashi will go through fire and water!" Kobayashi Asaburo assured, as if he had issued a military order.

"Yoxi, it's good if you have this awareness. For this battle plan, you must personally grasp it, so that I can rest assured!" Okamura Neiji patted Kobayashi Asaburo on the shoulder and said, the trust in it was already vivid on the table.

"Thank you, General, for your trust. I will definitely complete it as soon as possible!" Kobayashi Asaburo still looked like a military order, "By the way, may I ask you, Commander, is our combat direction still in the HUN province?!"

"Yo Xi, our combat direction remains the same, it must be HUN Province, but the troops in the fifth theater of the Chinese Army in the northwest of HUB Province and southwest of Henan cannot be let go, although the main target of the troops of the Second Army is them, but We can't give up any possibility!" Neiji Okamura said in a deep voice, his tone was not so serious, after all, who would think little about credit?

"Hay!!" Asaburo Kobayashi assured again.


In the next two days, Zhang Tianhai's life can be said to be very comfortable. Although his main purpose is to see the situation in Changsha, it cannot be denied that he has been enjoying the food and drinking hot food these days, so he is very chic.

While eating delicious food and drinking spicy food, he also found that the atmosphere in Changsha seemed to be getting more and more tense.

Why do you find yourself getting more and more nervous?The reason is that the troops in Changsha have been mobilized more frequently, and those military trucks with oil tanks are coming and going more frequently.

Zhang Tianhai also believed that Changsha had already become a big oil depot at this time, as long as there was a little spark, it would explode here, this is not a joke.

Looking at these, Zhang Tianhai's mood was not usually dull, but he had nothing to do, because this was an act of the state and an act of war, which he could not personally stop.

Zhang Tianhai can only prevent problems before they happen, but he can't prevent them from happening—this is his personal limitation, which cannot be prevented from happening.

"I hope Zhang Zhizhong can listen to what I said to him!" Zhang Tianhai sighed. He also went to the hospital and other places to see them. Unless the troops are mobilized into the city, it is difficult to rescue these people.

But if the troops are mobilized into the city, it is also an extremely dangerous thing for the troops - because when a fire hurts people, it is often not the fire that kills, but the thick smoke.

In such a big fire, if his troops were swept in by the thick smoke and none of them survived, what should they do?
His unit is the most elite unit in the Ninth War Zone, and it is also the "No. [-] Regiment in the World" within the National Army. If such a unit did not lose in the frontline battlefield, but instead lost in the Wenxi fire in Changsha, what should he do? How to explain to these officers and soldiers?

But if he knew of this situation and didn't express it, he must be ashamed of his duty as a soldier.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai decided to do something that ordinary people could not understand at all!


PS: Let’s keep updating every two days!I will return the manuscript slowly!
Thank you for the 500 point coins reward from the starting point book friend Leggeshen! !
(End of this chapter)

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