War of Resistance

Chapter 1110 Preparations

Chapter 1110 Preparations
In any case, the troops of the First Guard Regiment finally had a place to stay.

Zhang Tianhai felt that Chen Huaili was quite interesting, so he decided to treat Chen Huaili to a drink. The point was that he needed to help with some work in the next step, which he couldn't do by himself.

The important thing is that Chen Huaili's territory for the first regiment of the guards is in place, especially in terms of geographical location, just south of Changsha.

Chen Huaili still has the energy to allocate a garrison to the troops, especially a not-so-large garrison.

Of course, he used a lot of his own personnel, but the smooth use of this kind of personnel relationship is more based on the fact that he is looking for a site for the direct line of the Central Army.


In a small Hunan cuisine restaurant in the north of Changsha, Zhang Tianhai and Chen Huaili sat facing each other, while the adjutant Xu Xun acted as the guard of the two and was in charge of the guard.

"Student, you are really interesting. The senior proposes a toast to you." Zhang Tianhai's face was already a little red as the wine poured to and fro.

"Senior, don't be so polite. You are my idol. The first regiment of the Ninth War Zone guards wiped out more than 4000 Japanese troops in one fell swoop on the front line of Wanjialing. How about counting the previous record? What a fucking match It deserves the title of 'No. [-] Group in the World'..." Chen Huaili was really a little drunk, in his opinion, it was really an honor for him to drink with a hero like Zhang Tianhai.

"I'll tell you, in fact, these little Japanese are not that scary at all. They all carry a head on two shoulders. Who the hell is afraid of whom? As long as we are all dedicated to resisting Japan, we can rely on these little Japanese Japan, you still fucking want to destroy China?! Just wishful thinking!" Zhang Tianhai was obviously a little drunk, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to speak so loudly.

"If this came from someone else, I wouldn't believe it, but if it came from your mouth, senior, I would definitely believe it!" Chen Huaili flattered her with extremely high credibility.

"Okay, yes. You're not bad, but to be honest, this mission would not be possible without your cooperation. I've already told Shangfeng about you, and I don't know what's going on now. Anyway, if If the plan is completed smoothly, you will definitely be promoted." Zhang Tianhai patted Chen Huaili on the shoulder and put a bad check.

"Yes, senior. You are very kind, and it is not in vain for me to help you today." Chen Huaili said with a big tongue.

"Honestly, Huai Li, I'm more curious. Why do you trust me so much? What if I'm engaged in other things? Wouldn't this hurt you?" Zhang Tianhai was a little curious, even though he was a little drunk, but The light in his eyes was visible.

"Senior, I'm not afraid to tell you today." Chen Huaili gently handed the wine glass to Zhang Tianhai, "If you are the kind of person who wants to treason, no matter whether you are in Nanjing or Tangtou Town back then, Either in Lanfeng City, or in the previous Wanjialing battle, if you want to rebel, you can just do it at that time, and there is no need to delay it until now."

Chen Huaili's eyes are very firm, which shows that he is good at judging people, at least he is not too bad at judging people. As for believing Zhang Tianhai's nonsense, it is not because the latter's acting skills are too superb, isn't it?

"Then why do you believe that I am Zhang Tianhai based on my military officer certificate?" Zhang Tianhai raised his head and looked at Chen Huaili and said, this is also a kind of test, a test of the latter's resilience.

I saw Chen Huaili smiled and said: "It's not like I haven't seen your photo before. It was already on the headline of our Central News Agency, saying that you are a rising star! Besides, I am not without For those who have been on the battlefield, you have murderous intent in your eyes, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that."

"What?! My photo was also featured on the headline of the Central News Agency?" Zhang Tianhai was really surprised, because he didn't know the existence of this thing at all.

"Oh, senior, stop pretending. If it wasn't for the Wanjialing battle, you defeated all the regiment-level units with practical actions, otherwise the title of 'No. [-] regiment in the world' would fall to your first regiment of security guards." The Central News Agency is bragging about it.” From Chen Huaili’s point of view, it’s impossible for Zhang Tianhai not to know about it, and the rats are just waiting for his flattery.

"Brother, I have to clarify this, I really don't know, because maybe I was still on the front line when the newspaper was published, and I didn't have time to withdraw it. You also know that there is no Central News Agency newspaper on the front line. Let's see." Speaking of this matter, Zhang Tianhai was still a little dazed.

This matter, it’s easy to talk about it, and it’s hard to say it if you don’t say it. Even he was on the Central News Agency’s newspaper, and it’s still the headline in this form. He didn’t see it, um... It’s really a pity.

"So that's what happened. It's really hard to be a senior. I have a senior. It's really hard to lead troops to kill the enemy on the front line." As he spoke, Chen Huaili had another drink with Zhang Tianhai, "Anyway, the title of the first regiment of your guards I got it from the newspapers of the Central News Agency. The title of 'No. [-] Regiment in the World' sounds so arrogant and majestic! If it wasn't the Central News Agency to create momentum there, it really couldn't be your regiment."

After hearing what Chen Huaili said, Zhang Tianhai suddenly understood that it was because his troops were too good at fighting, so he snatched the title of "No. [-] Regiment in the World" from Hu Zongnan's troops.

Indeed, Zhang Tianhai was a bit belated. He never thought that he would be set as a model.

This night, Zhang Tianhai and Chen Huaili were drunk, flattering each other, wearing high hats to each other, and slapping each other with rainbow farts.

All in all, guests enjoyed themselves.


Early the next morning, Zhang Tianhai assembled two infantry battalions and ordered them to enter the city in units of classes to familiarize themselves with the terrain. They must be familiar with the entire terrain of Changsha within two days!
It can't be blamed on Zhang Tianhai's eagerness or something, because the time is already November [-]th, and they don't have much time left.

As for the first company of the cavalry battalion, Zhang Tianhai was used as a mobile force. If the flames were burning, he really needed a force that could always guarantee mobility to rescue them.

After ordering the two infantry battalions to prepare, Zhang Tianhai also trained the first company of the cavalry battalion.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

On the early morning of November [-]th, Zhang Tianhai got up. He took a map of Changsha given by Chen Huaili and began to draw circles. Among them, key areas such as arsenals, hospitals, and key business districts were covered by him. The circles are densely packed, more than [-] circles, and the range is not so wide.

"Xiao Xu, tell me, can we control these places with just these two battalions and a cavalry company?" Zhang Tianhai asked Xu Xun beside him.


PS: The update has been sent, and 22 updates are still owed, and the old man will gradually understand.

There is nothing in arrears!

Thanks to QQ reading book friend ivw/pr for rewarding 100 reading points!

(End of this chapter)

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