Chapter 1111 Internal Response (14)

Hearing these words from the head of the group, Xu Xun couldn't help dripping with cold sweat. He stammered and asked quietly: "Tuan...Tuan Zuo,'t...won't you want to... We people... just... launch... a mutiny, right?!"

"Change your head!" As he said, Zhang Tianhai patted the brim of Xu Xun's military cap angrily. Isn't he so angry... Is he this kind of person?To add to the chaos in this situation?
"Listen clearly, let me tell you now, we are working on a fire plan now!" Zhang Tianhai even spoke a little loudly, after all, this is indeed a bit tricky, he has been his adjutant for so long, and he still doesn't know what he wants to do?
"Yes...yes! Tuan Zuo!" Until then, Xu Xun woke up with a start—it seemed that Tuan Zuo had been doing what the fire-fighting plan should do all along, what mutiny, really burned his head.

Xu Xun is not a fool, and he also knew that the question asked by the Tuan Zuo had not been answered, so he looked at the map and analyzed: "Tuan Zuo, with our current strength of only two battalions, I'm afraid we can't control so many battalions. Areas, we can only prevent and control key areas, such as hospitals and arsenals, as for key business areas, even if both of our battalions enter, we may not be able to control them.”

After hearing this, Zhang Tianhai nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Very good, very good. If there is a fire, it must have happened at night. The key business district here should be closed soon, right? There is no need to prevent and control the school area." , Let’s see how we can keep this place firmly under control. Xiao Xu, I want to hear your thoughts.”

After hearing this, Xu Xun thought for a while, and then said: "Teacher, if we deploy control at the squad level, I am afraid that we will never be able to complete the task of controlling the fire. We must use the platoon as a unit, except for the troops responsible for preventing arson , and firefighters and rescuers, we must at least use the platoon as a unit. If we can use a company as a unit, that is the best. However, our troops here are very limited and we can only conduct scattered operations. "

"Well, very good, what you said makes sense." Zhang Tianhai became more and more satisfied with Xu Xun, and after a period of his training, it was still fruitful, "Then we will use the platoon as a unit to carry out key deployment and control. "

"Thank you, sir, for your compliment!" Xu Xun grinned.

"Okay, then you should immediately draw up a battle plan, focusing on the direction close to the south city gate. There must be no mass casualties due to layout mistakes." Zhang Tianhai directly ordered.

"Yes! Group seat!" Xu Xun responded.


An hour later, Xu Xun drew up a new plan and handed it to Zhang Tianhai.

Zhang Tianhai reviewed the plan, made some slight revisions, and then said, "I will implement it according to my revised plan. In addition, you should immediately copy a copy of the plan to me."

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Xu Xun responded, and immediately started working.

For Zhang Tianhai, the plan he wanted was to find Chen Huaili—in any case, it would be better to have more help.

Due to the special nature of the matter, Zhang Tianhai did not choose to meet Chen Huaili at the Changsha Garrison Headquarters, but at a small teahouse outside.

"Student, to be honest, I really have something important to discuss with you this time." After sitting down, Zhang Tianhai ordered some things, and then straight to the point, for him, there is nothing It's more urgent than this.

"Senior, you are in such a hurry to find me, you must have encountered some difficulties?" Chen Huaili asked.

"It's really urgent, and it's difficult. I have a fire-fighting and guarding plan here. You can have a look at it." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai handed the letter signed by Xu Xun to Chen Huaili.

After Chen Huaili opened it, he began to read it carefully. After a while, his face became very serious. He showed embarrassment, and lowered his voice and said: "Senior, I'm afraid this matter is not easy to handle. This has nothing to do with our Changsha security forces. The plan to be executed by the command does not match."

"Let me guess what your plan is, okay? I guess it's the implementation plan of the Scorched Earth Anti-Japanese War policy?" After speaking, Zhang Tianhai gently put down his teacup.

Hearing this sentence, Chen Huaili fell silent and said, "How do you know?"

"Have you forgotten, what mission am I performing?" For Zhang Tianhai, Chen Huaili certainly did not understand his background, and he must have looked fearful. I mean, don't you understand?"

Hearing this sentence, Chen Huaili fell into deep thought: from the very beginning when he knew Zhang Tianhai until now, he always felt that there was a big hand behind Zhang Tianhai, the senior, as if he wanted to find out some things and control him. Some things, but the strength of these big hands seems not enough.

Chen Huaili took a deep breath and said, "Senior, I don't understand why you did this. The scorched-earth war is the main direction of the national army's war of resistance. If you are doing something like this, isn't it against the general policy?"

"Huai Li, I won't lie to you anymore. This matter is indeed against the scorched-earth war policy. But now the Japanese army is still north of the Xinqiang River, and they haven't even crossed the Xinqiang River, let alone the Miluo River. Yes. Shangfeng is afraid that someone will use this matter to ferment..." Zhang Tianhai said meaningfully.

Soon, Chen Huaili realized that he came here with an intelligence leader like Feng Ti. He lowered his voice and said, "Senior, do you mean that someone will use this to burn Changsha?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Zhang Tianhai nodded very seriously, "Changsha is now a powder keg, a large open-air oil depot, if there is a wrong information at this time, then this thousand-year-old city of Changsha will be destroyed in one fell swoop! "

Chen Huaili thought about countless possibilities, but the result he got was that Zhang Tianhai, the senior, had no evil intentions, or in other words, even if there was, he was absolutely selfless in this matter.

Even if Zhang Tianhai wanted to command the troops to set fire to the city, that would be impossible—the first regiment of the security guards was a party-state army after all, and quite a few of the following commanders were graduates of Whampoa. It may be so stupid that even this order will be executed.

Therefore, Chen Huaili agreed: "I will try my best to help you in this matter. But you have to promise me that your purpose is only to do this!"

"Okay, I assure you, I have absolutely no other thoughts on this matter. If you do, you can report to your superiors, and then let the military commander and the Central Commander come and kill me at the same time!" Zhang Tianhai vowed.

"Okay, then I have confidence." Chen Huaili's eyes revealed a shining light. If this thing is really done well, it will be a great deed, and promotion is by no means a problem.

This time, Chen Huaili bet his treasure on Zhang Tianhai!
As for Zhang Tianhai, getting Chen Huaili's help is like having an internal response, at least there will be no black eyes!


PS: The first update is here!A total of four updates today!
Thanks for the 100-point reward from Qidian book friends and pitiful people!

(End of this chapter)

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