War of Resistance

Chapter 1143 Elite

Chapter 1143 Elite
Following Zhang Tianhai's answer, everyone understood what was going on in their hearts, and stood up one after another to express that they would obey the arrangement.


In the next period of time, as Zhang Tianhai said, his control over the entire regiment reached a very strong level.

However, what can be seen with the naked eye is that under Zhang Tianhai's high-pressure policy, the strength of the first guard regiment is gradually increasing, both offensively and defensively.

In order to allow these troops to quickly increase their combat effectiveness in a short period of time, Zhang Tianhai directly showed the vigor of training the special agent company, which made the officers and soldiers of the main infantry battalion of the first guard regiment utterly miserable.

However, there is no use in complaining about suffering. On the contrary, it increases the intensity of training, at least with Zhang Tianhai, the head of the regiment, this is indeed the case.

Of course, Zhang Tianhai also fully participated in the establishment of the teaching company during this period. Yes, the members of the teaching company must be students, and they must be students with a certain level of education. The key is to select some students with better physical fitness. .

Regarding the training period of the teaching company, Zhang Tianhai made it clear that it was a half-year crash course, which confirmed that the teaching company was the cradle of platoon-level officers of the first guard regiment.

Regarding the nature of the teaching company, Zhang Tianhai didn't say much. He just wanted to further increase the military strength of the first guard regiment, and then be able to pull it to the south bank of the Xinqiang River for training.

Yes, it was training. For Zhang Tianhai, he knew that in September [-] in history, the Japanese army launched the first Changsha invasion, that is, the first Changsha battle.

It is precisely because he knows the repairability and irreversibility of the big wheel of history that Zhang Tianhai dared to take a gamble. He bet that the little devils would not go south easily, because the Japanese base camp was not prepared, and going south rashly would only give them trouble. cause great trouble.

At this point, Zhang Tianhai had seen the little devil's death spot, so he wanted to mobilize troops to harass and harass the Japanese army on the north bank of the Xinqiang River, so as to achieve the problem of training soldiers and running in between troops.

This kind of idea has to be said to be a very bold idea. If it were someone else, it would be unthinkable-as long as the Japanese army dispatched more than one regiment of troops, there would be a risk of being wiped out.

And thinking so far, as long as the combat effectiveness of the troops increases, Zhang Tianhai will order the troops to go north at any time. Of course, this is based on the recovery of the strength of the first guard regiment.

Time passed quickly, and it was almost February day in a blink of an eye. Zhang Tianhai felt that it was time for him to go to the second guard regiment to see how they were doing.

Zhang Tianhai was a man of action. After he had decided on his plan, he went to the second guard regiment to check the situation without hesitation.

Because Xu Xun wanted to manage the troops directly under the regiment headquarters for Zhang Tianhai, so this time Zhang Tianhai directly dispatched a cavalry platoon to accompany him to guard the main force of the second regiment.


In the north of Changsha City, the cold wind blows.

At this time, the tail of severe winter has not left, and the leaves are still withered and yellow. As the cold wind blows, a large piece of withered and yellow leaves falls with the wind, all of which highlight the vicissitudes of life.

At this time, Zhang Tianhai had already put on the cloak that only a general could afford. After getting off the car, he strode towards the gate post of the second guard regiment.

"Please inform me, Zhang Tianhai, the head of the first regiment of the guards in the ninth war zone, wants to see your head." After arriving at the gate, Zhang Tianhai said directly.

The guards at these gates were quite alert. When they saw a colonel wearing a cloak that only a major general was qualified to wear, how could they not understand what was going on?Apart from Zhang Tianhai, the head of the "No. [-] Regiment in the World", who else is so arrogant?
"Yes! Sir!" The platoon leader at the gate responded. Obviously, they are officers and soldiers of the second guard platoon, because it can be seen from the daily equipment in their hands. At this point, the first guard Groups are somewhat similar.

Yes, in order to highlight the division of labor within the first security regiment, Zhang Tianhai did not replace the weapons and equipment of the security company and the gendarmerie company with the official rifles.

Of course, this concept and Zhang Tianhai's personal style have obvious characteristics-in Zhang Tianhai's view, if a unit is going to fight in the guard company and the gendarmerie company, how tight is the strength of the troops?

Furthermore, with the combat effectiveness of the first regiment of the guards, the captured Japanese weapons are completely sufficient for the weapons and equipment of the two companies and their daily use. Even the guards have the conditions to conduct generous live ammunition training. Things that the troops can't even think about.

Of course, the military police company also has this condition, but He Jiye, the chief of the political training section, believes that the military police company's duty is to conduct military discipline within the regiment, and the focus is on political tasks. As for military training, it is enough to ensure that there are daily.

Yes, He Jiye's goal is to train the military police company into a political training cadre company, so that every soldier who walks out of the military police company can familiarize himself with the content. Even the military police company has launched a "literacy campaign" long ago. The soldiers have all become knowledgeable and cultured soldiers, and they are even qualified for the position of cadres.

Zhang Tianhai doesn't care about everything about the Gendarmerie Company - He Jiye is He Yingqin's nail in the First Guard Regiment. Time to get suspicious.

Yes, Zhang Tianhai is also very clear, it is precisely because he understood the situation and did not mess around, which makes the people above feel at ease about him, but if he has any abnormalities, he may be imprisoned.

Seeing this, some book friends may not understand it. Logically speaking, Zhang Tianhai led the army to wipe out countless enemies and made great achievements in battle. He should have no dissent.

It’s just that the upper echelons of the Kuomintang will be worried, because the No. [-] Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone has already been named the “No. Among them, the regiment-level troops with the strongest combat effectiveness, if they are instigated at this time, the consequences will be very serious.

This kind of consequence is not only the loss of military talents and internal strife in the army, etc., but also a slap in the face of the national government.

Just imagine, even Wang Jingwei, the vice president of the Kuomintang, could be instigated, let alone the head of a strengthened regiment.

Therefore, this is why Zhang Tianhai completely ignored what He Jiye was doing - anyway, as long as the latter was not interfering in his own military and political affairs, he would not bother.

Alright, back to the book.

After seeing that the officers and soldiers of the guard company at the gate had gone to report, he was not idle, and kept looking at the surrounding environment and the mentality of the soldiers.

I saw that the gate of this military area is relatively grand, a bit similar to an ancient military camp. Two straight and large log pillars stand on both sides of the camp gate. The fence is also three meters high, and the officers and soldiers of the second guard regiment guard the gate to defend the gate. They have light machine guns and heavy machine guns, and they look like elites.


PS: The first update is here!

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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