War of Resistance

Chapter 1144 New Wall Henan

Chapter 1144 New Wall Henan
"It seems that Zhou Fangjie's troops are still very good this week, and they seem to be very energetic." Zhang Tianhai couldn't stop nodding his head after speaking.

For Zhang Tianhai, the backbone of the second guard regiment also came from the first guard regiment. It can be said that the second guard regiment is a replica of the first guard regiment. The second regiment, it's like looking at your own troops.

Yes, it's like looking at your own troops, as if you are the brigade commander, this is just one of the regiments.

"Report to Commander Zhang, our Commander Zhou invites you in!" A guard ran forward and reported.

"Commander Zhang, please!" As he said that, the platoon leader motioned for everyone to open the gates.

With the roar of a car, a military jeep off-road vehicle sped forward.

Zhou Fangjie's regiment headquarters was set up on the side near the gate, so it didn't take long for them to arrive at the regiment headquarters of the second security regiment.

It was a typical small bungalow, which looked full of European style, with a snow-white body, plus the guards standing at the door, and a blue sky and white sun badge hanging on the front of the building, it looked so serious.

When Zhang Tianhai's car stopped at the door, Zhou Fangjie had already led two officers to wait there. Zhang Tianhai took a closer look and found that one was a lieutenant colonel and the other was a captain. If he guessed correctly, the former was a staff officer. Long, the latter is the adjutant.

This kind of specification is also a normal situation in the national army, but this situation is only used to connect with superior leaders, which shows that Zhou Fangjie attaches great importance to Zhang Tianhai.

"Old Zhang, you are welcome to the second regiment of our security guards. You are really flourishing." Zhou Fangjie went up to exchange pleasantries. Of course, he said this to others, especially his adjutant and chief of staff.

"Old Zhou, there is no need to say these poor words between you and me. If you say it, it will make people laugh. How about it, please invite me to your head's office to have a cup of tea. It's true." Zhang Tianhai laughed and said, he has been the head of the regiment for so long, how can he not know how to deal with these relationships?Anyway, it is others who give me face, and I have to carry it around.

"Okay, no problem. Let's go together! Chief of Staff Xiong, let's go together! Ask the head of our 'No. [-] Regiment in the World', who is also the head of the first guard regiment in our Ninth War Zone, how to manage the troops. "Zhou Fangjie ordered, "Xiao Cao, you lead the way!"

"Yes, group seats!" Adjutant Cao responded.

"Old Zhou, I just saw your troops trained well. Looking at their vigor and vigor, it's like seeing the vigor of the first regiment of our guards when they went to the battlefield. It's pretty good." Zhang Tianhai praised.

"How can it be? If you don't bring the soldiers well, you, Old Zhang, won't laugh at me Zhou Fangjie when you turn back? If you don't take care of it well, you will definitely scold me and say that you saved something from the Nanjing battlefield." Said Then, Zhou Fangjie burst out laughing, looking at his appearance, he is definitely really happy, there is no possibility of cheating at all.

"Hey, let's not talk about that, it's true to go and see your office, Chief Zhou." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

After a while, under the leadership of Zhou Fangjie's adjutant, Adjutant Cao, Zhang Tianhai and his group arrived at Zhou Fangjie's office.

Zhou Fangjie's office is in a corner on the second floor, and the door sign has five big characters written on it—the head's office.

When Zhang Tianhai approached Zhou Fangjie's office, he couldn't help but sigh that his office was simply too aggrieved.

However, this is also a normal phenomenon. Zhou Fangjie, as an officer from a wealthy family, has surpassed Zhang Tianhai by more than one block in terms of enjoyment—I saw that the interior of this house is decorated in a typical Western style, with sofas and coffee tables. The room is also twice the size of Zhang Tianhai's office.

I have to say that people are more popular than people. Zhang Tianhai is an officer with a good style. Perhaps he was influenced by the "Eight Regulations" and "Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces" of later generations. He does not have high requirements for accommodation. Anyway, as long as you can work, rest, and maintain daily operations, that's fine. It doesn't mean that you must pay attention to enjoyment when conditions permit.

But Zhou Fangjie is different, he is the most typical Whampoa officer of this era, he belongs to the kind who can endure hardships when he has no conditions, and must enjoy it when he has conditions.

"How is it, is it okay?" Zhou Fangjie seemed to be showing off his own work.

"It's not bad, but it's much better than my thatched cottage." Zhang Tianhai laughed at himself.

"Hey...Old Zhang, you are wrong to say this. I know that you have a good style and can endure hardships, but from another perspective, we were born and died for the party and the country. Can't you enjoy it when you can?" Zhou Fangjie said.

"Hey, you don't want to do my ideological work. I'm used to it, and I can't change it. Why don't you sit down and have a cup of tea first, and talk about the gap between our two groups and the specific cooperation matters." Zhang Tianhai was not used to this, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Okay, let's have a cup of tea first!" Zhou Fangjie called Zhang Tianhai to sit down, and then motioned to Chief of Staff Xiong to sit down.

"Okay, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient." Zhang Tianhai nodded, and sat down in the direction Zhou Fangjie was pointing at.

After a while, Adjutant Cao came up with three cups of hot tea. Obviously, this was prepared in advance.

"Let's drink tea! Let's talk while drinking." Zhou Fangjie's etiquette is still very thoughtful. Apart from enjoying some things, he really has no obvious shortcomings.

"Okay!" Zhang Tianhai nodded, took a sip of his tea, and said, "Lao Zhou, and Chief of Staff Xiong, we are not outsiders anymore. If you have anything to say, I'll just say it."

"Okay, let's talk straight!" Zhou Fangjie nodded.

"To be honest, I came here rashly at this time because I had something to discuss." Zhang Tianhai said bluntly, "At that time, we also mentioned in private that if we were going to go to the battlefield, we would bring the second regiment of your guards with us." , do you remember this matter?"

"Of course I remember." Zhou Fangjie immediately responded, after all, he was the one who brought this up on his own initiative.

"It's like this. The rectification of our first security regiment has almost been carried out. We plan to apply to Chief Xue to be transferred to the front line in the near future. I don't know what Lao Zhou and Chief of Staff Xiong think, whether they will follow the pace of our regiment. Transfer to the front line together, which is the south bank of the Xinqiang River." Zhang Tianhai directly opened the skylight to speak frankly.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Fangjie said, "I'm here to go to the battlefield. I don't know what Chief of Staff Xiong thinks."

With that said, Zhou Fangjie looked at Chief of Staff Xiong.

"If the two officers don't dislike it, you can just call them by the humble title. Maybe Chief Zhang doesn't know much about humble positions. My name is Xiong Dajiang, and I'm from the fifth phase of Whampoa." Xiong Zhijiang introduced himself.

"Oh? The fifth phase of Whampoa? Speaking of which, he's still our senior." Zhang Tianhai laughed.

"It is precisely because of this that I have always respectfully called him Chief of Staff Xiong, and I have never dared to call him Biao." Zhou Fangjie explained with a smile.


PS: The second update is here!

Thank you Qidian book friend 20211027013123092 for the reward of 100 points!

(End of this chapter)

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