War of Resistance

Chapter 1153 Guan Linzheng

Chapter 1153 Guan Linzheng (23)

Just when Zhang Tianhai was full of pride, a flag bearer was thrown out from Sanjiang Town in the distance, waving the flag in his hand, in order to convey the specific situation of Sanjiang Town.

After a while, a guard responsible for conveying the signal of the standard bearer ran to Zhang Tianhai and reported, "Report to the regiment! No enemy troops have been found ahead!"

After confirming that there were no enemy troops, Zhang Tianhai's heart slowly dropped a little. He said, "In that case, the regiment's temporary headquarters is ready to enter Sanjiang Town!"

Zhang Tianhai's decision is bold. After all, this decision was made before the surrounding enemy troops cleared the field. If there is really an artillery unit ambushing nearby, then Sanjiang Town will definitely be caught in a sea of ​​flames. among.

"Yes! Sir!" Xu Xun responded, and then rushed to deliver Zhang Tianhai's order.

At this time, Zhang Tianhai felt that the young man Xu Xun was getting more and more comfortable, and had a feeling that this young man was suitable to be an adjutant.

It didn't take long for the three battalions of the vanguard of the security forces of the ninth war zone to enter Sanjiang Town.

In Sanjiang Town, the former enemy headquarters of the Ninth War Zone Security Force was directly set up here.

"This town should be able to accommodate all the troops of our first echelon, but it must be ready for combat readiness and duty. Xiao Xu, you should immediately come up with a combat readiness and duty plan. We cannot have troops guarding the periphery." Zhang Tianhai said sternly.

At this time, the former enemy headquarters of the theater security force was set up in the largest courtyard in the middle of Sanjiang Town. Naturally, the lighting conditions were excellent, and the air was fresh and bright.

"Tuan Zuo, now our troops have basically spread around Sanjiang Town. Our six battalions are stationed here. Should you report to Commander-in-Chief Guan Linzheng and the others?" Xu Xun reminded Zhang Tianhai that he I don't want Guan Linzheng to have objections to his team leader because of these trivial matters.

From many perspectives, the interests of Xu Xun and Zhang Tianhai are bound together - one prospers and one loses.

This is no exception in contemporary times. For example, if the previous leader is transferred, then his secretary must be arranged, because the next leader will never use his secretary as his secretary.

Once the emperor and the courtiers, this sentence will never be false.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while and said, "Let the bullets fly for a while! I will report when it's time to report."

"Yes, group seat." Xu Xun replied.

In fact, Zhang Tianhai's inner thoughts are clearer than anyone else - he can report to Commander-in-Chief Guan as soon as possible, but definitely not right now, because he doesn't want to report to Guan Linzheng before he is fully prepared .

In other words, Zhang Tianhai felt that at least in this battle, he had to control the command of the theater guard force, and he didn't want the strength of this force to be wasted on the commander's mistakes.

Not to mention anything else, among these commanders on the south bank of the Xinqiang River, is there any officer whose command art is comparable to Zhang Tianhai?

In an unknown village on the south bank of the Xinqiang River, a national army unit is stationed here. It is heavily guarded, basically meeting the strict requirements of one post at five steps and one sentry at ten steps. A corner protrudes slowly.

Obviously, this is the headquarters of a certain unit of the national army!

"Hello sir!"

"Hello sir!"

A lieutenant general walked through the alley here, and all the officers and soldiers on guard were saluting.

Obviously this is a well-trained team, and the hierarchy is very clear. Looking at the clothes they wear, they are all uniforms of the Central Army!

The leading lieutenant general had a serious face and looked unhappy, but no one around him dared to ask.

I saw that the lieutenant general's nameplate read impressively - Zhang Yaoming, commander of the Second Army of the National Revolutionary Army!
The village itself is not big, and Zhang Yaoming's destination can be reached in a short while.

Zhang Yaoming walked slowly, and after a while, he came to a courtyard. The house number in the courtyard read "No.15 Group Army Headquarters".

Yes, Zhang Yaoming came to report to Guan Linzheng this time, but he didn't know what happened, and he felt a little unpleasant all of a sudden.

At this time, General Guan Linzheng was standing in front of the map looking at the current situation, with a frowning face, obviously the current situation was not good for him.

General Guan Linzheng has a simple and honest face, a lion nose and a wide mouth, and those small eyes are indeed piercing, exuding a frightening light.

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief, Zhang Yaoming, a humble officer, is ordered to report!" Zhang Yaoming and his adjutant reported to Guan Linzheng.

After hearing Zhang Yaoming's voice, Guan Linzheng turned his head, looked at Zhang Yaoming happily, and said in his thick Shaanxi accent: "Brother Yaoming, it's good that you're here, come quickly! Adjutant watching tea!"

Zhang Yaoming is also from Shaanxi, and he and Guan Linzheng are fellow villagers, so it is normal for fellow villagers to have tears in their eyes and be happy when they see fellow villagers.

"Yes, sir!" Zhang Yaoming nodded, and immediately came to Guan Linzheng's side. Although he is Guan Linzheng's confidant and fellow villager, he must pay attention to the hierarchical relationship.

"Brother Yaoming, look, the enemy in front of us, the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army, has been stationed here for several months and has not moved. I am a little worried now...you can analyze it for me too!" Guan Linzheng He pulled Zhang Yaoming to his side, as if he had found his chief of staff.

In fact, it is no wonder that Guan Linzheng was promoted from the position of the commander of the second army to the commander-in-chief of the No.15 army. It can be said that the second army is his base camp. Being able to hand over his base camp to Zhang Yaoming shows how much he trusts Zhang Yaoming .

Zhang Yaoming tidied his hat lightly, and then said: "Sir, I have considered this matter in my humble position. The large Japanese troops at this time have gone through several consecutive battles, and their own casualties are not small. They need certain I need more time to restore my own strength. I was thinking that the Sixth Division must also be waiting for the recovery of the Central China Dispatch Army! The next round of battles should be even more difficult."

"I also thought of this, but I want to break the deadlock. I wonder if Brother Yaoming has a better way?" Guan Linzheng looked at Zhang Yaoming and said.

"If it was before, I didn't have a good way to break the deadlock, but now, wouldn't I have an opportunity?" Zhang Yaoming said with a smile, his expression full of playfulness.

After hearing Zhang Yaoming's words, Guan Linzheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said softly, "Brother Yaoming, you mean that you just arrived at the Sanjiang Town's theater security force?"

"Sir, you are wise!" Zhang Yaoming said, "The security forces in the theater are the essence of the national army. If we can use their strength to open a way, it might not be able to make the Japanese army on the north bank of the Xinqiang River sleepless. their southward march."

After Guan Linzheng heard the words, he nodded and said: "Brother Yaoming's words are reasonable. Let's wait until Zhang Tianhai, the former commander-in-chief of the security forces in the theater, reports to me! This kid is a thief, and he hasn't seen me yet. Headquarters to report!"


PS: Updates are coming!

I still need to make up the debt, hey, I have to work overtime! !Really annoying!

Thanks to QQ reading friend Nan Xiao for the reward of 200 reading points!

(End of this chapter)

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