War of Resistance

Chapter 1154 Taolin Temple

Chapter 1154 Taolin Temple (33)

For Guan Linzheng, Zhang Tianhai's unit clearly arrived at the front line, but did not report to him, which really made him a little upset.

As the commander of the No.15 Army of the National Army and the commander-in-chief of the Xinqianghe front line, Guan Linzheng must be a little concerned, after all, he is still the supreme commander here.

"Sir, what do you mean they haven't reported to you since they entered Sanjiang Town?" Zhang Yaoming was a little nervous. After all, Sanjiang Town was also one of his defense areas, and he knew about the fact that the war zone security forces were stationed in Sanjiang Town.

As for why Zhang Yaoming didn't send troops to Sanjiang Town, it was entirely because Zhang Yaoming didn't regard it as a strategic location at all.

In fact, not only Zhang Yaoming did not regard Sanjiang Town as a strategic location, but Zhang Tianhai did the same, but why did he choose this place as his first stop?That's entirely because there is a certain distance from the Xinqiang River, and the main force of the No.15 Army of the National Army is on the front line. This is the safest place.

It's just that Zhang Tianhai didn't realize that his idea of ​​"reporting later" had already annoyed Commander-in-Chief Guan Linzheng a little.

"Yes, they haven't reported to me. They haven't even reported to me when they set off from Changsha, let alone now. I still don't know what Zhang Tianhai is thinking. If they are not the Central Army, It's the local army, I have to send at least two divisions to keep an eye on their movements." Guan Linzheng said lightly.

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Yaoming was stunned again. He knew that Guan Linzheng was upset that Zhang Tianhai didn't report this time, but he didn't expect Guan Linzheng to be so upset.

But Zhang Yaoming knew after thinking about it. Guan Linzheng was a leader in the first batch of Whampoa, one of the Whampoa students who belonged to Chiang Kai-shek's most confidant, and now he is also a dignified boss of the group army. Of course he has a bit of a temper.

The matter of Guan Linzheng's anger can be interpreted from two aspects-the first aspect is that Zhang Tianhai didn't respect the officer, so he was angry; , and this Zhang Tianhai was on guard against him, any officer would be upset.

"Don't worry! Sir, Sanjiang Town will keep a close eye on the low-level officials. Near Sanjiang Town, there are two regiments of our No.15 Army. We will know as soon as they have any movements." Zhang Yaoming has been Guan Linzheng for so many years How can you not know the latter's thoughts?So report immediately.

"Okay, let's make it so!" Guan Linzheng nodded, and he probably already knew how to use Zhang Tianhai's army.


Two days later, Zhang Tianhai's follow-up troops finally arrived in Sanjiang Town one after another. At this moment, Zhang Tianhai was finally going to report to Guan Linzheng with Zhou Fangjie.

"Old Zhang, this move of yours will definitely make Commander Guan Linzheng very upset. You don't report before departure, and you don't report after arrival, and the location of Sanjiang Town is equivalent to the waist of the No.15 Army. They have been stationed in Sanjiang Town without making a sound, and if it were any other army commander, they would have to be directly surrounded by soldiers." Zhou Fangjie reminded Zhang Tianhai.

After Zhang Tianhai heard Zhou Fangjie's words, he was not moved by it. He said, "Actually, I did it on purpose."

"On purpose? Did you eat a bear's heart and a leopard's gall?" Zhou Fangjie's eyes widened.

"Hey...Actually, after going north to the Xinqiang River, I still hope that our theater guards will maintain a certain degree of independence. I don't want our troops to become a knife of the No.15 Army after we go up. We have to do If you do, do it yourself. Wait until you encounter difficulties and then report to the chief, I don't believe that Guan Linzheng can really see death." Zhang Tianhai's face was indifferent, and there was no wave in the ancient well.

"Then I probably understand what you mean. Did you send this signal on purpose?" Zhou Fangjie nodded.

"Yes, that's what it means." Zhang Tianhai nodded.

"Xiao Xu, immediately send a report to the No.15 Group Army General Headquarters, saying that all the guards in our theater have arrived in Sanjiang Town, and now our main commander will come over and report to the commander immediately. Please indicate the report location clearly," Zhang Tianhai ordered. road.

After completing this series of preparations, Zhang Tianhai and Zhou Fangjie finally set off with the cavalry battalion of the first guard regiment.


A day later, Zhang Tianhai and others finally arrived at Taolin Temple, where the No. 15 Group Army General Headquarters and the Second Army Headquarters were stationed.

Taolin Temple has not yet developed into a town at this time, but is just a small village. From the outside, the village here is not rich.

Leading the cavalry battalion and standing outside Taolin Temple, Zhang Tianhai looked at the whole place with a telescope. Since entering Taolin Temple, the troops of the No.15 Group Army began to check their troops of the cavalry battalion, so they also No one suspected that they were enemy infiltrators or something.

"That's right. It seems that our Chief Guan has a good sense of crisis. He didn't choose a big town close to the front line as the command location, but chose Taolinsi Village, which is not a big target on the map. It can be avoided. The bombing by Japanese planes." Zhang Tianhai praised.

"Don't tell me, we haven't been bombed by Japanese planes since we entered Sanjiang Town in the past few days, and we haven't even seen a trace of Japanese planes. I always feel that this little Japan is actively preparing for war and holding back its big moves. .” Zhou Fangjie analyzed.

"This is inevitable. When the next battle is fought, the target center must be Changsha. As long as Changsha is captured, Changsha can be used as the center to spread rapidly to various places in Hunan, and even Hunan can be used as the rear to cooperate with Jiangxi. The troops on the front line will eat up the main force of our army on the front line in Jiangxi." Zhang Tianhai followed Zhou Fangjie's words, he was not optimistic at all.

"Indeed, from the perspective of the battle situation, their goal must be Changsha. Well, let's take advantage of this opportunity to use the Sixth Division of Little Japan to train troops. Just go and beat him up. , I don’t believe that they will report to Neiji Okamura in Wuhan after suffering a small loss on the front line.” Zhou Fangjie smiled softly, his words were full of provocation.

"I think so too. Such a little devil is not ready yet. It's not bad for us to take advantage of it. What's more, don't guerrillas often fight guerrilla warfare on the north bank of the Xinqiang River? Seize this opportunity and take advantage of it." Seeing that Little Japan is not fully prepared for war, let's try to cut off one of their fingers." Zhang Tianhai chuckled, the smile was full of treachery.

"Okay, then it's settled!" Zhou Fangjie also smiled lightly.

In this way, the combat plan of the Ninth Theater Guard Force on the north bank of the Xinqiang River has been roughly determined.

That's right, what seems to be a high-level strategic direction to the grassroots officers and soldiers is actually just a matter of one or two sentences in front of these high-level officials.


PS: Updates are coming!

I slept until two o'clock in the afternoon, and finally rested. There is another chapter to be updated tonight, and I will try to finish it as soon as possible.

Thank you for the 500-point reward for the friendly words of Qidianshu!

(End of this chapter)

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