War of Resistance

Chapter 1155 Next Action Plan

Chapter 1155 Next Action Plan

"Let's go! Let's not stay here for too long, our friendly troops will regard us as Japanese infiltration troops soon." Zhang Tianhai smiled.


Taolinsi Village, the headquarters of the No.15 Army Group of the National Army.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, Zhang Tianhai, the former enemy commander-in-chief of the theater security force, and Zhou Fangjie, the deputy commander-in-chief, request to meet!" A soldier ran to Guan Linzheng and reported.

"Let them in!" A divine light flashed in Guan Linzheng's eyes, as if he knew it clearly.

"Yes! Sir!" The soldier stood at attention and saluted.

Looking at the back of the soldiers leaving, Guan Linzheng was thoughtful.

After a while, two very tall officers, Zhang Tianhai and Zhou Fangjie, strode up to Guan Linzheng, and they stood at attention at the same time and saluted: "Report to Chief Guan, the former enemy commander-in-chief (deputy commander-in-chief) of the low-ranking theater guards ) Zhang Tianhai (Zhou Fangjie) was ordered to report to you."

I saw Guan Linzheng nodded slightly, then stared at Zhang Tianhai with a pair of eyes, and asked: "Commander Zhang, according to reliable reports, your troops have entered Sanjiang Town in three days, why didn't you report to me directly?" ?”

Facing Guan Linzheng's sharp eyes, Zhang Tianhai was not timid, he just said: "Report to the commander, I didn't report directly on the telegram because I didn't want to expose the whereabouts of the troops!"

"Don't want to expose the whereabouts of the troops? I want to hear your reasons." Guan Linzheng's eyes are still very sharp, as if he can penetrate people's thoughts at a glance.

"Actually, I don't trust the intelligence system of our national army. If the Japanese army can monitor every step of our army's movements, then we will be in trouble. I even don't want the Japanese army to know that we have such a troop going north. "Zhang Tianhai reported truthfully.

"This awareness is indeed good, but Chief Xue has already called me before you set off. His order is that the No.15 Army basically maintains the status quo, and it is necessary to give some support to the theater guards. This order, you Do you understand what I mean?" Guan Linzheng asked.

"I understand, it means that if it is not particularly dangerous, our theater guards will not be supported by the commander." Zhang Tianhai was very bold, and directly stated the chariots and horses.

"Zhang Tianhai, you are very bold and direct." Guan Linzheng's words were not salty, still with a strong Shaanxi accent, "In principle, this is the case, but it is also confirmed that your theater security forces are temporarily under our command. In many aspects, I still have strong autonomy, but personally, I still hope that you can report to me truthfully and form coordination when you act, otherwise, we will not know what happened to you, let alone Don't call it a dangerous situation."

Guan Linzheng's words are very polite, but they still convey a lot of important points. The implication is that you do have the right to fight independently, but you are still under the command of my No.15 Army in name. If you don't even report to us about your actions , Then, at a critical moment, you will not see a single soldier of our No.15 Army.

Zhang Tianhai is not a fool, so he naturally understood Guan Linzheng's implication. He assured: "Please rest assured, Guan, the humble officer will definitely report to the officer before taking action!"

"Okay." Guan Linzheng nodded, "Both of you have remembered what you said today, don't hide it or not report it."

"Yes! Sir!" Zhang Tianhai and Zhou Fangjie stood at attention and saluted at the same time.

Then, Zhang Tianhai continued to report: "Sir, in addition to reporting to you this time, we also have to report our next action plan."

"The next action plan?" Guan Linzheng was a little surprised.

"Yes, it's the next action plan." Zhang Tianhai nodded, and Zhou Fangjie also nodded.

"Okay, then tell me! What is the action plan?" Guan Linzheng asked.

"Sir, our preliminary plan is to send an elite force across the river from a suitable location on the Xinqiang River to find out the situation, and then the main force of our theater guards will slowly cross the river, trying to annihilate all of them at the right time. A Japanese regiment-level combat unit. Cut off a finger of the Japanese Sixth Division." Zhang Tianhai reported in a deep voice.

"Very good, the idea is very good, but the difficulty is, can you annihilate a Japanese regiment-level unit in half a day? I think it is very difficult, and they are the most capable "beast divisions" among the Japanese elite , It is very difficult to annihilate them in a short period of time." Guan Linzheng said in a deep voice, and had to admit that what he said made sense.

"Then what if we adopt the strategic thinking of accumulating small victories into big victories? If we annihilate them one squadron, or one squadron, or even one brigade at a time, their losses will be very heavy within a month. Besides, our Combat ideas, plans, and methods can be changed at any time, and the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. As long as the combat ideas are correct, any situation may change. As long as we can win the battle, it is better than anything." Zhang Tianhai said bluntly.

"Accumulate small victories into big victories? This idea is very good, you can try it!" Guan Linzheng's words were considered finalized. It was his first contact with Zhang Tianhai. During the battle in Xuzhou, they might have heard each other's words. Name, but there is absolutely no communication, so when Zhang Tianhai could say this, Guan Linzheng chose to believe it.

Of course, Guan Linzheng might have doubts if he heard this sentence from other people, but it was said from Zhang Tianhai's mouth. The latter has so many victorious experience piled up there. Has great authority.

"Thank you, sir!" Zhang Tianhai stood up straight and straightened his back.

"You came here this time, what troops did you bring, let me see your troops' equipment." Guan Linzheng made a suggestion.

"Reporting sir, this time I came here with Deputy Commander Zhou, and only brought the cavalry battalion of the first regiment of the guards, not our main infantry battalion, but you can ask the chief to inspect it." Zhang Tianhai reported truthfully. .

"Oh? How dare you use cavalry in this watery Changsha area? I have to say, you, Zhang Tianhai, are very bold. Come on, lead me to have a look!" Guan Linzheng said directly, and it was obvious that he was still in a good mood of.

There is no way, Zhang Tianhai's reasons are too sufficient, there is no excuse for Guan Linzheng to refute, especially the former has come up with a specific action plan, and it is highly implementable.

Seeing that Guan Linzheng was in a good mood, Zhang Tianhai felt that there were some things that had to be resolved while Guan Linzheng was happy, especially the matter of inspecting the weapons and equipment and combat effectiveness of the cavalry battalion.

Following behind Guan Linzheng, a bold idea began to appear in Zhang Tianhai's mind. As for how to implement it and whether it will be successful, it depends on whether Guan Linzheng is not fooled...


PS: Updates are coming!Still an hour late...

Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

Thanks to QQ reading friends Nan Xiao and Mencius.Gaozi for giving 100 reading points each!

(End of this chapter)

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