War of Resistance

Chapter 1166 Bombarded the mouth?

Chapter 1166 Bombarded the mouth? (twenty three)

After hearing this, Shinozuka nodded lightly, and a frightening light appeared in his eyes: "It's the damned China guerrillas again, this is the third one!"

Facts have proved that Liu Houming's approach was very correct. He used the method commonly used by guerrillas to deal with Hakuichiro Onizuka.

However, the detail that everyone has overlooked is that these guerrillas were able to take away one of the Japanese soldiers under the noses of dozens of Japanese soldiers without making any movement, which in itself can explain a certain problem.

However, the Japanese army blamed it on the fact that there were masters among the guerrillas, coupled with accidental factors, that caused this tragedy.


Sanjiang Town, the former enemy headquarters of the security forces of the Ninth Theater of the National Army.

For Zhang Tianhai, he could afford to wait half a day. No, Zhou Fangjie came back in a hurry after receiving Zhang Tianhai's order.

During this half day, Zhang Tianhai also studied many things, such as the topography of Yukou Town.

The location of Yuankou Town is located at the fork of the main stream and diversion of the Xinqiang River, which is similar to the location of a delta. Zhang Tianhai has thought a lot about attacking this army, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

As for whether it can be implemented, Zhang Tianhai feels that he still needs to ask Zhou Fangjie for his opinion. After all, the other party is not only the former deputy commander of the enemy's security forces in the theater, but also his closest comrade-in-arms. If this is not the case, why should he care about him so much? Thoughts?

Zhou Fangjie returned after one o'clock at noon that day.

"How about it, Lao Zhang, I heard from Xiao Xu that you finally have good news here. Let me hear what good news it is?" Zhou Fangjie looked very excited after entering the headquarters.

"Hey, look at what you said, there is no good news, can I suddenly ask you to come back from a long distance? I can tell you, the spy company has gained a lot from this trip!" Zhang Tianhai laughed loudly. , very heroic.

"Oh? You made a lot of money? Is this a brigade that wiped out the Japanese army?" Zhou Fangjie was a little surprised. In his cognition, the strength of the spy company could beat a squadron of the Japanese army. Judging from what Zhang Tianhai said, he probably was Did a brigade in Little Japan or something.

"Look at what you think, can't there be other things? The spy company has a big harvest, but it's not killing a brigade in Little Japan! Guess what good news it will be?" Zhang Tianhai asked with a smile, He did it on purpose.

Zhou Fangjie frowned slightly. After thinking for a while, he said, "Could it be that you have gained great information? For example, you know that Inaba Shiro's headquarters is very high?"

I saw Zhang Tianhai chuckled and said, "I've told you, you're only half right! Now that the spy company is on the front line, it has discovered that the main force of the Japanese army is stationed in Yuankou Town and its vicinity. That is to say, our Artillery, you can bombard across the river!"

While talking, Zhang Tianhai did not forget to point the location of Yukou Town on the map.

Zhou Fangjie looked at the location Zhang Tianhai pointed at, and saw that his brows were furrowed when he saw it, and he said, "Old Zhang, this location seems inappropriate..."

"Oh? Why is it not appropriate? I want to hear your opinion." Zhang Tianhai was a little surprised. After all, Zhou Fangjie rarely raised objections to his opinions, unless they were really inappropriate.

"Old Zhang, look here. It's a typical delta area. Our artillery unit, yes, can easily blast through it. However, it is quite difficult for us to cut and encircle them. The area here It’s so small, there’s no room to maneuver, unless we fight the Japanese army hard. I’m afraid this is not in line with our original intention?”

"You see, the location of Yuankou Town is really good. It is a certain distance from the Japanese army stationed in Gongtian Town on the Eastern Front, and the distance is about [-] kilometers; moreover, Yuankou Town is far from Xitang Town on the Northern Front. The Japanese army is estimated to be [-] kilometers away, and within this period of time, we can do a lot of things." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

"But, Lao Zhang, didn't we go north here for military training?" Zhou Fangjie hesitated, "To put it bluntly, our second guard regiment only has two battalions capable of fighting tough battles. I know you have four battalions on hand. The troops can fight tough battles, but are these troops enough to eat up a regiment of the Japanese army?"

Regarding Zhou Fangjie's concerns, Zhang Tianhai expressed his understanding. He said, "Old Zhou, I understand your concerns. But, for us, we need to hone the military spirit of an army in battle. What's more, I have six battalions that can fight tough battles. In addition to the four main infantry battalions, I also have cavalry battalions, artillery battalions, and my special service company. Here, we have more than [-] soldiers. , if we can make good use of the artillery battalion, I believe there will be no problem at all."

"But, there is no way for us to lure them out? Let's lure snakes out of the hole, and then we will annihilate them through field battles and encounters. We have never tried to fight against little devils... I know, You led your troops to fight a big victory in the Nantianpu area. It was indeed a tough battle, but that was when the enemy army was scattered. This time the enemy army was well prepared and their morale was like a rainbow. How did you win the battle? "Zhou Fangjie said so earnestly, he was afraid that he was a little flustered because Zhang Tianhai had won too many battles.

If Zhang Tianhai was an ordinary person, then he could be careless, but the former enemy commander of the security forces in the theater, the life of this little man is in his hands, Zhou Fangjie will never allow him to be careless.

"It's okay, this is just a preliminary idea. The next step needs to be added. I have an idea that can turn our engineering company and guard company into offensive troops. Do you believe this?" Zhang Tianhai asked with a smile road.

"I know you're powerful and have ideas, but you can turn stones into soldiers? I don't believe it." Zhou Fangjie said worriedly.

"You don't need to believe it, just wait and see. Our preliminary plan is to set it in Yuankou Town!" Zhang Tianhai had a confident smile on his face.

Seeing the smile on Zhang Tianhai's face, Zhou Fangjie couldn't help muttering a little bit, but when he thought of the former's rich combat experience and his elusive moves, he wanted to see what the result would be.

"Then we'll wait and see. Anyway, the thousands of people from the second regiment of our security guards have already been handed over to you. This is the first battle we have to fight..." Zhou Fangjie reminded Zhang Tianhai.

"Okay, let me bet you a drink, we must be able to clean up this outstanding Japanese No.40 Fifth Regiment within two days. If you can't clean up within two days, I will buy you a drink, but I can finish it If so, you must buy me a drink!" Zhang Tianhai bet.

"Okay, then it's best if I buy you a drink..." Zhou Fangjie reminded again tactfully.

"Don't worry! It must be you who invited me. By the way, I've already made up my plan. I'll go back to Changsha in the next two days, and the regiment will let Li Chunfei watch over it. You can continue to lead your recruits!" Zhang Tianhai said.


PS: The second update is here!The third update will be made in a while!
(End of this chapter)

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