War of Resistance

Chapter 1167 Changsha?

Chapter 1167 Back to Changsha? (33)

"What?! At this time, you told me that you want to go back to Changsha?! Are you out of your mind?!" Zhou Fangjie's eyes widened. Waiting for him to take it, in this situation, he actually wants to go back to Changsha? !
No matter whether other people think it's a little weird, but Zhou Fangjie really thinks it's a little weird. After all, the military chief is not on the front line at this time, so it's very dangerous.

"No, no, Lao Zhou, you believe me, I am definitely clear-headed, I must have my reasons when I go back to Changsha at this time, you have been with me for so long, who am I, you still don't know Is it?" Zhang Tianhai patted Zhou Fangjie on the shoulder and said, "My return this time will determine whether we can kill this Japanese army within two days, or even within one day. Now, trust me once, okay?"

Seeing Zhang Tianhai's serious expression, and confirming again that he hadn't had a drink, Zhou Fangjie nodded and agreed: "Then you can go back at ease! I'm here for everything. If the front line changes, then I will Just take over the baton, and we will definitely fight this battle well.”

"Okay, then I can rest assured." Zhang Tianhai nodded.

Zhang Tianhai is a fast-moving person. When it comes to Changsha, he must be on the itinerary immediately.

So, that afternoon, Zhang Tianhai took the cavalry company and his adjutant Xu Xun back to Changsha overnight. So ran away.

Therefore, this time, the main reason Zhang Tianhai wanted to go back to Changsha was that he was going to meet Xue Yue, and only by meeting Chief Xue could he get the maximum support.

Yes, this time, Zhang Tianhai has once again decided to consume his "golden signature".

That's right, it is the honor of the head of the Changsheng regiment plus the head of the "No. [-] regiment in the world"!


Traveling in the starry night should have been exhausting, but for Zhang Tianhai, he didn't seem to be tired at all.

Why is this so?Because the little devil made it clear this time that he wanted him to make a fortune!
Lieutenant General Inaba Shiro, the head of the Japanese Sixth Division who was listening to the music far away in Yueyang City, never dreamed that someone would be so bold as to reach out to his main force and eat it in one bite!
Of course, it was completely crazy to want to eat a regiment of the Japanese army, so Inaba Shiro never thought that this kind of thing would happen to him.


It's night, the stars are shining.

Since Zhang Tianhai was leading a cavalry company and he was galloping all the way, he rushed back to Changsha in only one day and one night.

If it wasn't for the snow melting and the need to rest along the way, Zhang Tianhai might be able to rush back in a day.

After returning to Changsha, Zhang Tianhai rested for a whole night, and he didn't go to see Xue Yue until he felt much better.

Yes, for Zhang Tianhai, this was not so much an interview as a confrontation - he had to get these supplies from Chief Xue.

At ten o'clock the next day, Zhang Tianhai changed into a brand new military uniform, and then set off for Xue Yue's commander's department.

It was still a familiar place. When Zhang Tianhai arrived, Xue Yue had just returned from the grassroots army, and he looked a little tired-obviously, this seat was not as easy to sit as imagined.

"What's the matter? Commander Zhang, shouldn't you be in Sanjiang Town now? Why are you running back all of a sudden?" Facing Zhang Tianhai, Xue Yue was more polite. .

"Report sir, I found something important when I came back to report on my work this time, otherwise it wouldn't be worth my sudden trip." Zhang Tianhai reported truthfully.

"Oh? Tell me, what is the important situation?" Xue Yue was a little surprised. He picked up the cup in his hand and took a sip of the tea.

Zhang Tianhai gritted his teeth and said: "When the humble troops were conducting enemy reconnaissance on the north bank of the Xinqiang River, they accidentally discovered that only the No. 40 Fifth Division of the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army was stationed in Yuankou Town on the north bank of the Xinqiang River. It is a unit of an alliance, so I think that this is a great opportunity, if you want to eat it in one bite, now is an excellent opportunity."

"Oh? Just with your small number of people, you want to eat a whole regiment of the Japanese army? Don't forget, we are not fighting a war of encirclement and annihilation. The enemy has an absolute advantage on the north bank of the Xinqiang River. Fighting at this time , do you have confidence?" Xue Yue asked, he believed that Zhang Tianhai would never just aim for nothing, and he wanted him to come up with a battle plan anyway.

"Sir, I have confidence, but at the same time, I also hope to get the support of the officer!" Zhang Tianhai said tactfully.

"Support? Didn't I already support you very much? I have already given you a reinforcement regiment in the theater, and I don't have any more troops." Xue Yue directly showed his cards. After all, he does not have enough troops now. what……

"Report sir, I don't want troops, I want a batch of gasoline barrels, and a large amount of explosives and gunpowder. With these things, I can guarantee that this Japanese army will be wiped out within two days!" Zhang Tianhai is very serious said.

"Oh? What trick are you thinking of again? Tell me?" Xue Yue was a little curious. After all, he was still very interested in the promise Zhang Tianhai dared to make.

Xue Yue is interested, but what can Zhang Tianhai say?If it is said, let alone other things, at least these gasoline barrels will be absolutely gone.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai played a riddle: "Report to the officer, please forgive me for not having any comment. Anyway, please give the task to the officer, the officer will definitely complete it!"

"Okay, then I'll give you gasoline barrels, explosives, and gunpowder. Tell me how much you want!" Xue Yue is also a bold person. Since Zhang Tianhai is inconvenient to say, and he also needs a shining victory, he He readily approved.

"Report sir, I want as many gasoline barrels as there are. I want ten tons each of explosives and gunpowder!" Zhang Tianhai gave a number directly.

"Good guy, you are really a lion, I will grant you eight tons each! I approve your request for gasoline barrels, but I must see the results of the battle within one month after the supplies arrive!" Xue Yue said aggressively Said.

"Yes! Sir, I promise to complete the mission!!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted.


After walking out of the gate of Xue Yue's office, Zhang Tianhai breathed a sigh of relief: this time the task of coming back is finally more than half completed.

However, no one knew that when Zhang Tianhai walked out from here, his back was covered in cold sweat. He was afraid that the supplies would come in front of Chief Xue. It will become extremely difficult, and the casualties his troops will have to pay will also be huge!

As a regiment commander and former commander-in-chief of an army, Zhang Tianhai never hoped that his troops would suffer heavy casualties in a battle where the initiative was almost in his hands.


PS: The third one is sent!

Well, I still owe 39 more!
Since I have to go back to my hometown tomorrow, there may only be two chapters updated, please don't mind!

(End of this chapter)

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