War of Resistance

Chapter 1171: Way to Win

Chapter 1171 The Way to Win (23)

"The humble job will absolutely obey the commander's arrangement, please rest assured, sir!" Zhang Tianhai assured on the phone.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll issue an appointment immediately. From now on, you will be in command of the Third Guard Regiment. Don't let me down." After speaking, Xue Yue hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Zhang Tianhai was almost overjoyed: only relying on his sharp tongue, he got two thousand coolies for reinforcements.


On the other side, when Zhang Tianhai was still thinking about how to use the two thousand coolies, Li Yinglun was also extremely happy.

Why are you so happy?Because just now, Chief Xue Yuexue sent someone to inform him that he was about to take up the post of the Chief Counselor of the Front Enemy Command of the Theater Guard Force.

Although this position is equivalent to the position of chief of staff, at least I still have a position in the theater security force, not just the head of the third security regiment.

"Officer Xue asked me to tell you that he appointed you to this post entirely because Zhang Tianhai, when Commander Zhang told him, meant to let your troops be in charge of logistics. After taking the post of councilor, you must pay close attention to the purpose of your regiment, and you are not allowed to send it to the battlefield unless it is particularly critical. In addition, the command of your regiment must be handed over to General Zhang Tianhai like the second regiment of the security guards. Commander." The adjutant sent by Xue Yue told Li Yinglun.

"Don't worry! I will do well. Please tell Chief Xue for me. The cultivation of the chief is beyond words." Li Yinglun said seriously.

"Okay. Then I'll take my leave first." The adjutant nodded.

Indeed, this is considered a good thing. At least the third regiment of the security guards has had one and a half battle experience. Although it is responsible for logistics and supplies, for Li Yinglun, it can't be so much. On the contrary, the gain outweighs the loss.

All in all, it's done.


In less than a day, the situation changed a lot. Li Yinglun, who became Zhang Tianhai's deputy again, ran to the station of the first security regiment to look for Zhang Tianhai.

"Commander Zhang, we meet again." Li Yinglun smiled, he looked very happy.

Well, no matter what, it's not Li Yinglun who is going to do coolies all the time, he is responsible for going to the front line to earn credits--following Zhang Tianhai, no matter what counts, he will not suffer.

"Chairman Li. Hahahaha..." Zhang Tianhai also joked with Li Yinglun.

"No, we are fighting side by side again." Li Yinglun stepped forward and patted Zhang Tianhai on the shoulder.

"It's thanks to you. If you weren't willing to go to see Chief Xue, otherwise I would definitely not be able to get you from the iron cock of Chief Xue. Our opportunity is really hard-won. Sit down, I will let you down!" Get the water!" With that said, Zhang Tianhai called the orderlies beside him to work.

"It's not in a hurry, we're here to see you, and we need to find out about our specific arrangements. No, I'm going to the Three Treasures Palace again for nothing. Hehe." Li Yinglun's mood seemed genuine Not bad.

"Hey, you came at the right time this time. I have a very important task for you. You have to lead the soldiers well, otherwise the battle on the front line will not be able to be fought, and it will be quite troublesome." Zhang Tianhai Said very seriously.

"Anyway, you are the leader here, and I just need to obey your command. By the way, you said it is a very important task. How many troops do you plan to let me lead this time?" Li Yinglun said with great interest.

I saw Zhang Tianhai stretched out a slap and said, "Counting the three battalions of your regiment, plus the logistics battalions of our first guard regiment and second guard regiment, there are five battalions in total! Isn't that interesting? "

"Five battalions are used for logistics alone? You Zhang Yulin is really big. Those who don't know think you are the commander of the army." Li Yinglun was dumbfounded. In his opinion, so many troops are engaged in logistics. Some are overkill.

"Anyway, that's the way it is according to the established plan. I'm the commander-in-chief, and you have to obey my arrangements for this matter." Zhang Tianhai said very seriously, he was afraid that Li Yinglun would think she was a fool.

"How many troops did Zhou Fangjie command?" Li Yinglun was a little confused.

"No more, no less, exactly three battalions." Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"Three battalions?! Then you are commanding ten battalions?!" Li Yinglun was really surprised, he couldn't figure out which song Zhang Tianhai was singing.

"Yes, he is currently commanding three battalions. If a fight starts, your three infantry battalions will have to cooperate with Zhou Fangjie's three battalions to form a huge combat force. Only in this way can we win the battle as quickly as possible." Zhang Tianhai He didn't intend to take out all the plans at this time, he wanted to keep it a secret.

The point is, the shadow of the Feilei Cannon has not been seen yet. At this time, it is useless to talk about it!

"Okay, no problem. Everything is for victory." Seeing that Zhang Tianhai was unwilling to say anything, Li Yinglun could only follow the former's words.

"As for our combat mission, it is not yet clear, because the troops of the special service company are still investigating the situation of the Japanese army on the north bank of the Xinqiang River. At present, it is known that the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army is stationed in Yukou Town on the north bank of the Xinqiang River. A complete alliance. For other situations, we still need to wait for a reply." Zhang Tianhai roughly briefed Li Yinglun on the situation on the front line.

"You only found one alliance, and you have engaged in such a big battle. You have ordered so much gunpowder and explosives, and you have ordered so many gasoline barrels. I think you have a big appetite, and you want to wipe out all of them in one fell swoop." The Japanese army in the town, right?" Li Yinglun said with a smile.

"Brother Yinglun, who knows me." Zhang Tianhai laughed loudly, "But the current situation is a bit complicated. There is a division of the Japanese army stationed on the north bank of the Xinqiang River, and it is also known as the "Beast Division". The first elite division, so we must be fully prepared, this is the kingly way to win."

"Okay...our opponent is the main force that participated in the Nanjing Massacre! Lao Zhang, no matter what, this battle must be fought well. A painful lesson for the Sixth Division!" Li Yinglun clenched his fists.

"Oh? Didn't you say that the third regiment of guards doesn't go to the front line?" Zhang Tianhai was a little surprised.

"If you didn't say that, would Chief Xue approve the troops? Besides, the bastards of the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army are absolutely unforgivable. The blood of Nanjing must be paid by their blood. Also, we must teach them a lesson. Take a look at this arrogant division that dares to fight along the north bank of the Yangtze River to Wuhan, and let them see what the elite of our national army is like!" Li Yinglun was secretly ruthless, and even his voice revealed With a murderous look.

The massacre in Nanjing is an eternal pain in the hearts of the Chinese people!
Looking at the murderous look on Li Yinglun's face, Zhang Tianhai nodded involuntarily: He firmly believed that as long as all the soldiers were like this, the Japanese invaders would be repelled soon, and Heshan would be recovered soon.

But even though Li Yinglun said so, Zhang Tianhai did not plan to send the third guard regiment to the front line!

PS: The second update is here!

No, it's too late, I have to go to work at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning, I can't stand it anymore, let's make it up tomorrow!
Thanks to the starting point book friend Mo Shi Jinghong for the 5000-point reward! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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