War of Resistance

Chapter 1172 The arrow is on the string

Chapter 1172

"Don't worry! This matter is absolutely fine." Zhang Tianhai nodded, "In this way, our theater guards will leave Sanjiang Town in two days, and the brothers in your regiment will be required to bring some gunpowder or explosives to Sanjiang Town. After all, the total is sixteen tons, and it may be a bit difficult to rely on the three battalions we have mobilized, but if you add your regiment, it will be very easy."

"No problem. I will issue the task when I get back." Li Yinglun nodded.


Now that the two military officers had reached an agreement, the next thing was naturally very pleasant. Li Yinglun was still the third regiment of the guards who went back after dinner.

At noon the next day, Zhou Fangjie led the brothers from the three battalions to inform Zhang Tian that they had arrived.

Zhang Tianhai didn't take the time to let Zhou Fangjie take a rest, and then began to notify Li Yinglun that he was coming. For them, they had to hold a meeting to communicate the changes in the situation.

The meeting was held at four o'clock in the afternoon, and there were only three people in attendance: Zhang Tianhai, Zhou Fangjie, and Li Yinglun.

At the beginning of the meeting, Zhang Tianhai briefly introduced the current situation, including the battle sequence of the third guard regiment officially joining the theater guard force and the next goal of the theater guard force being Yukou Town.

"This time going north, in addition to transporting the [-] tons of explosives and gunpowder, we must also refine the specific division of labor. For example, Brother Yinglun is now in charge of logistics work, the third security regiment and our first security regiment, The logistics battalion of the Second Guard Regiment was handed over to him to take charge of it, while Brother Fang Jie still brought three recruit battalions. These three recruit battalions are of great use to me, but Brother Yinglun must cooperate with Brother Fang Jie to do a good job. This part of the work. The rest of the main force, I will temporarily conduct command training." Zhang Tianhai said.

"Yes! Commander!" Zhou Fangjie and Li Yinglun responded at the same time.

"Okay, from now on, we don't have the first, second, and third security regiments for the time being. There is only one theater security force. Is it? Deputy Commander Zhou, and our Chief Counselor Li." Zhang Tianhai deliberately smiled and looked around the two of them.

"Hahaha..." The three of them looked at each other and smiled, and the venue was full of joy.

"Okay, let's go into details now. Brother Yinglun's troops are in charge of gunpowder, Brother Fang Jie's troops are in charge of explosives, and my brothers from the 300st Cavalry Company and I are in charge of the more than [-] gasoline barrels. Anyway, when the time comes, We have to gather at Lijiazhuang in the south of Sanjiang Town. Brother Yinglun is in charge of these supplies, and Brother Fang Jie and I are in charge of preparing for the next battle. Do you have any comments, you two?" Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"No comment." Li Yinglun said.

"Agree." Zhou Fangjie replied.

"Okay, since everyone has no objections, let's implement this plan!" Zhang Tianhai nodded.


Two days later, in the south of Sanjiang Town, Lijiazhuang.

Looking at the mountains of materials, Zhang Tianhai was a little stunned: After all, they were all transported by manpower, and they were the main materials for the next battle, so he had to think about the storage plan for the next step. If the little devil dropped a bomb, Isn't this the end of the calf?

"Brother Yinglun, you have to find a way to preserve and protect these materials, otherwise we will lose a big weapon if we want to wipe out the enemy in front of us..." Zhang Tianhai felt a little headache, but he couldn't think of any good way for the time being. It can only be delegated to Li Yinglun. He can only turn a blind eye and close one eye. When it comes time to fight, he just needs supplies.

"Yes, commander in chief." Li Yinglun replied.

The surrounding officers and soldiers were trained with enthusiasm, but Zhang Tianhai felt a little bit of pressure. Since the troops of the third security regiment joined the battle sequence of the theater security forces, the troops in his hand have reached There are an astonishing 3000 people. Judging from the scale, it is already a full-staffed division of the national army.

If there is a slight difference in this battle, the loss will be huge.

After returning to Sanjiang Town, Zhang Tianhai sat in his office chair in a daze for a while. He just wanted to relax himself by letting go of himself.

Staring blankly at the ceiling, Zhang Tianhai felt that his journey was like a dream, very formal but illusory.

"Sir, our army has reached such a large scale now, and we are a temporary army, so the pressure is very high..." Xu Xun said next to him.

"The arrow is on the string." Zhang Tianhai sighed softly.

"Yesterday, according to the news from Company Commander Liu Houming of the Secret Service Company, Xitang Town is the location of the brigade headquarters of the No.30 Sixth Brigade of the Japanese Sixth Division. Stationed here, the Sixth Cavalry Regiment of the Japanese Army is also stationed in nearby Yueyang County." Xu Xun reported.

"This Xu Xun is really capable. He quickly figured out the situation of the Japanese army in the north, and he didn't go to great lengths to disturb a large number of Japanese troops." Zhang Tianhai nodded slightly, expressing his approval of Liu Houming's work.

"If we want to attack Yunkou Town, it is very likely that we will face reinforcements from the main forces of the four Japanese regiments." Xu Xun reminded.

"So what? The cowhide has been blown out, no matter what, it has to be rounded!" Zhang Tianhai sighed lightly. Even if he is an iron man, he will get tired sometimes, and the entire theater security force is currently relying on him. As the core, the entire six battalions are recruits. Those who can be used are barely ten battalions. If you break it down, it is barely three infantry regiments of the national army. If there is an alliance, if you are a little careless, you will be eaten to nothing.

Besides, these three regiments are the elite among the elite of the national army, and it is very likely that he will be Zhao Kuo by then.

"Forget it, let's take the test the day after tomorrow!" Zhang Tianhai sighed softly, looking extremely tired.

"Test?" Xu Xun was a little puzzled.

"Yes, it's the test. The entire engineering company will be called in the morning after tomorrow. Let's talk about the specific situation at that time!" Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"Okay, I understand." Xu Xun nodded.

After Xu Xun left, Zhang Tianhai fell into a deep sleep. He had a dream, a very tragic old dream.

In the dream, beacon smoke was everywhere, it was a big hillside, surrounded by dead bodies.

Zhang Tianhai stood at the top of the hillside, surrounded by dead bodies, some from the Central Army and some from the Japanese Army, but there was not even a single living person.

Zhang Tianhai felt a sense of collapse. He opened his throat and shouted: "Where are people! Where are my troops? Where's the banner of victory?!"

However, the surrounding area was empty. At this moment, Xu Xun came over crying, and said, "Tuan, take a quick look! Our theater guards are all gone, and the No. 30 Sixth Brigade of the Japanese Army is also gone. But there is no one in our army... ah!!!"

"The security forces in the theater... have all been dispatched?" Zhang Tianhai was in a trance, everything was real, but not too real.

"Yes! The Japanese army is about to encircle us, and we are all going to die for our country!" Xu Xun shouted, tears streaming down his face.


PS: To make up for the third update last night, I still owe 38 updates!

Thanks to Qidian book friend Yufengfang for the reward of 100 points!

(End of this chapter)

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