War of Resistance

Chapter 1175 Forming an army in the true sense!

Chapter 1175 Forming an army in the true sense!

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai fixed his eyes on the main military officers of the second and third security regiments. After all, he is the largest officer of the first security regiment, and his orders are everything.

Zhou Fangjie and Li Yinglun met each other, and gave a military salute to Zhang Tianhai: "I have no objection, I promise to obey the commander's command!"

As soon as the two expressed their views, all the officers on the field stood up and gave a military salute to Zhang Tianhai: "I promise to obey the commander's command!"

Looking at the statements of all the officers on the field, Zhang Tianhai nodded slightly. He also knew that from this moment on, more than half of his plan had been completed, and at the same time, this was the real formation of the guard force of the Ninth War Zone!

At this time, the security force of the Ninth War Zone is a whole. The fists of this force are already clenched, and they are just waiting for a punch to come out!

"Okay, since that's the case, our preliminary formation is complete. As for the command system, which regiment headquarters is with which commander will command which troops, let's just decide for the time being! The meeting is over! Drink!" Zhang Tianhai waved his hand very hearty.


This night was a rare occasion for drinking in the army, and it was Zhang Tianhai, the former commander in chief of the enemy, who took the lead in violating it.

Tonight's wine, in the words of Commander-in-Chief Zhang Tianhai and Zhang, is "this is a wine to celebrate the formation of our theater guards in the true sense. We now have the No.15 Army on the front line. You can rest assured to drink, you have to trust Guan Linzheng's commanding skills, after all, our old senior, commanding ability is not so good, the Second Army is quite elite..."

It was also because of Zhang Tianhai's persuasion and joy that the heads of the security forces in these theaters drank to their heart's content.

And in the middle of the night, the spy company sent intelligence that they found the No. 20 triple regiment, the main force of the Japanese army, in Matang Town...


The next morning, after waking up, Zhang Tianhai began to describe the next battle plan with great interest, and in the plan he wrote this time, there were two words "boatman" written impressively.

Zhang Tianhai handed over the task of finding the boatman to Li Yinglun. At the end, he also said: "We must believe in the power of the people. The power of the people must be endless."

Li Yinglun nodded and went to carry out the task with a vague understanding.


Twenty-eight days later, this is the final preparatory meeting before the mobilization of the Ninth Theater Guard Force, and the next time will be the mobilization meeting.

The host of the meeting was still Zhang Tianhai, the former commander-in-chief of the security force in the theater, and the main military officers of the security force in the theater were sitting in the audience.

"Everyone, the battle is about to start. The day after tomorrow, we will launch a lightning attack on the No. 40 Fifth Regiment of the Japanese Sixth Division hiding on the north bank, because there are four entire regiments behind our enemy." The main force, including their cavalry wing, if they want reinforcements, they must be very fast, so we must resolve the battle within a day, preferably before the Japanese army reacts. " Zhang Tianhai said slowly, his voice very loud.

"This time, our battle is to wade across the river, so we must cross the river quickly, preferably in one night, and at the same time, we must have some troops responsible for reinforcements. We will all face huge casualties. But fortunately, the area where the Japanese army is located is very small. We still have a certain chance of winning this battle, especially with the help of the Feilei Cannon, we will have many when attacking the Japanese army's bunkers and watchtowers. Advantages. In order to ensure that the battle can be fought quickly, it is planned to form ten flying mine cannon units, each unit is equipped with thirty flying mine cannons, and each attacking unit first carries a flying mine cannon unit to ensure that the Japanese army can suffer Our army's saturation attack!" Zhang Tianhai was already full of confidence at this moment.

At this moment, Zhou Fangjie got up and said: "Report to the commander-in-chief, I believe that we don't need reinforcements. As long as our army can find out the situation around the town of Yukou, we can launch a quick attack on them. As long as our troops target Accurate, we will be able to attack around the town of Yuankou in a short time, and this time can even be controlled within two hours, provided that our preparations must be adequate!"

After listening to Zhou Fangjie's words, Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "Okay, what the deputy commander said is reasonable. Two days ago, I ordered the reconnaissance troops to find out the situation of the enemy's camp on the north bank, and recorded it on the map. That's the only way. We can be prepared enough.”

The reconnaissance unit Zhang Tianhai mentioned was naturally the spy company of the first security regiment. After living on the north bank for more than a month, the spy company didn't fall into trouble, but instead had some elements of being at home.

For all this, as a witness, Su Jinzhi can't be said to admire it, he was completely conquered.

When the special agent company first landed on the north bank, it did not disturb the officers and soldiers of the No. 40 Fifth Regiment of the Japanese Army because of sufficient food and grass. But Liu Houming was different when he arrived near Xitang Town. In a warehouse in China, I finished all the cans and everything in it, leaving only a mess, and even touched it with a knife without even firing a shot.

Before leaving, Liu Houming didn't forget to pretend that there was nothing wrong with the outside of the warehouse. By the way, he set up a lot of booby traps in it, in order to give a "big meal" to the devils who came here to collect supplies.

The next day, Liu Houming, who was not satisfied with the status quo, frantically ambushed another Japanese transport convoy in the suburbs. In addition to seizing some food, he also seized a batch of cantaloupe grenades and ammunition for various types of active Japanese weapons.

This is not particularly surprising. The key point is that when Liu Houming "committed crimes" in the vicinity of Xitang Town, he also found out the details of the Japanese army by the way, and he even knew exactly where the wounded soldiers' hospital was.

Of course, due to the limited space in Yueyang County, the Japanese army put the hospital for wounded soldiers in Xitang Town. The Japanese army was confident that they had placed two teams here. Complete the call to rescue before the large forces assemble.

That night, Liu Houming commanded troops to launch a surprise attack on the wounded soldiers' hospital on the outskirts of Xitang Town. A fire ignited the wounded soldiers' hospital, resulting in nearly 400 casualties.

In this way, the secret agent's "do whatever they want" in Xitang Town completely angered Inaba Shiro, because Inaba Shiro really couldn't bear the fact that his elite and powerful first-class division could be played by a small Chinese guerrilla. Gotta go around.

So, when the Japanese army dispatched two regiments to carry out a carpet-like search near Xitang Town, Liu Houming led his troops, swayed, and swayed to Matang Town...

Hitting the east and the west, cheating the sky and crossing the sea, the golden cicada escapes its shell, taking the best plan...

All kinds of military tactics are used by Liu Houming with perfect proficiency, which is the reason why Su Jinzhi worships Liu Houming.

It's just that Liu Houming didn't know Su Jinzhi's thoughts, otherwise he would have to say: "How can it be so difficult? Isn't that like 'when the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy is stationed, we harass; when the enemy is tired, we attack; How nice it is to be alone."


PS: The first update is here!It's four o'clock in the morning, and I finally finished writing!

(End of this chapter)

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