War of Resistance

Chapter 1176: What People Want!cross the river!

Chapter 1176: What People Want!cross the river!

After the secret agents arrived in Matang Town, they kept a low profile. Basically, they only got rid of a transport team after finding out the general situation, and then went into hiding again.

The lightning-fast offensive of the secret service company made Inaba Shiro very angry. After all, this is still a Chinese land, and his troops are very unfamiliar with it, and the current strength should not be too scattered, otherwise Inaba Shiro wanted to carry out a large-scale suppression operation on the north bank of the Xinqiang River.

Why not disperse?I have to talk about the 10,000+ army of the National Army on the south bank of the Xinqiang River. If I do a cleanup operation at this time, a division will come from the opposite side, and my troops will not be able to gather at that time. In case Yueyang is lost, That's the big problem.

So, now Inaba Shiro is troubled, but there is no good solution - he can only mobilize a unit of troops to carry out pursuit and suppression operations, but so many troops are not very effective, and they are too scattered , Part of it will be eaten up, and if too large a force is mobilized, it will form a situation where the clearing and suppression positions are not enough.

Thinking of this, Inaba Shiro was not ordinary troubled.

If I had to make an analogy, it would be the mosquitoes at night in summer—the secret service company buzzed like this damned mosquito, stinging a big lump on the leg of the Sixth Division from time to time. The sting is very fast, even if Inaba Shiro wants to catch it, he faces a big problem, that is, if his eyes are smeared, he will disappear without a trace.

Ever since, under such circumstances, the officers and soldiers of the special agent company found out the situation of all the Japanese troops stationed on the north bank of the Xinqiang River in just one month.

Of course, for Su Jinzhi, who is new to the first regiment of security guards, this is the most exciting thing he has ever experienced in his life, almost all of which he has never experienced before.

Even Su Jinzhi has elevated the status of the spy company to "comparable to the existence of Chairman Jiang's guard".


Of course, the secret service company had been fighting and winning successively on the north bank of the Xinqiang River. Zhang Tianhai, as the head of the majestic regiment, naturally couldn't hold back his troops.

During this month, Zhang Tianhai fully mobilized the enthusiasm of the people, and even mobilized all the civilians in the area under his jurisdiction.

What are you mobilizing civilian husbands for?Of course it's for work, what exactly?In addition to making bamboo rafts, there is also the training of the engineering units of the theater security forces, including gunpowder loading, and calculation of upward shooting angles, etc. It is very busy anyway.

The main force is training to attack, the engineering unit is training to launch flying thunder cannons, the logistics and semi-logistics units are conducting, launching bamboo rafts, even pontoon bridges, and preparing various raw materials.

All in all, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

It is also behind this busyness that the theater security forces are full of enthusiasm for fighting. Even these civilians are full of confidence in the officers and soldiers of the theater security forces.

Anyway, the theater guards have already made all preparations at this stage, especially for all operations after crossing the Xinqiang River to the north.

The camera returns to the meeting.

"Then we should make all the preparations between the logistics supply and the operation of the Feilei cannon. We don't want to say that we only discovered this problem after we finished firing the shells. For specific questions, deputy commander-in-chief, you should discuss it with the general councilor. Alright, come up with a connection plan." Zhang Tianhai commanded directly from a high position.

For Zhang Tianhai, what he wants now is a perfect victory for the security forces in the theater.

"Yes! Commander!" Zhou Fangjie and Li Yinglun responded at the same time.

It was also the unconditional and strong support of these two regiment leaders that made the entire theater guard unit tightly embraced as a whole.

For a moment, time seemed to return to the time when there was only the first regiment of guards in the entire theater. At that time, Zhou Fangjie and Li Yinglun were both Zhang Tianhai's second-in-commands. Their cooperation was as smooth as ever, without any worries.


Two days later.

It was night, the moon was high in the sky, and the bright moonlight seemed to illuminate everything around, especially the direction in which the security forces of the Ninth Theater of the National Army were heading.

This night, when it was just dark, at a ferry without Japanese guards, dozens of bamboo rafts were quietly pushed down the Xinqiang River by civilian husbands. Taking advantage of the faint torchlight, these boatmen carried dozens of guards first. The soldiers of the regiment's engineering company and a batch of raw materials such as moso bamboo and long wood quietly went down the river, and they were slowly moving towards the established direction.

It was the dry season, and the water level was not high, so under such circumstances, Zhang Tianhai, the former enemy commander-in-chief of the National Army's Ninth War Zone Guard Force, made a very bold decision-to erect three pontoon bridges!
Zhang Tianhai also knows well that sharpening knives is not the same as chopping firewood, so he also knows that as long as these three pontoon bridges are erected, his thousands of vanguard troops will be able to spend the new year in just one night. wall river.

Thousands of vanguard troops, what kind of troops are these?These are the seven infantry battalions under Zhang Tianhai's direct command, among which five battalions belong to the first guard regiment and two battalions belong to the second guard regiment. The point is to make a quick decision.

At the same time, it was a gamble. He bet on his luck that the Japanese army would not find them after they crossed the river.

Due to the proper location of Zhang Tianhai crossing the river and the proper preparation of raw materials, it only took two hours to complete the construction of the three pontoon bridges.

The moonlight was still so bright and clean, and nearly 5000 troops from the National Army's Ninth War Zone Guard Force crossed the river.

What's more, Zhang Tianhai has already decided that if there is still time, even the cavalry battalion will cross the river together!
In order to ensure that there will be no problems in each part, Zhang Tianhai did not work together for these three regiment headquarters, but separated them - the regiment headquarters of the first guard regiment followed Zhang Tianhai into the north bank of the Xinqiang River, commanding the frontline troops to fight Zhou Fangjie's Second Guard Regiment stayed at the riverside and was in charge of commanding the logistics reinforcements and [-] civilians so that the troops on the north bank of the Xinqiang River would not be cut off. Supplies also include the [-] people who came to support.

Yes, the number of civilians who came to support the first security regiment reached an astonishing [-]. This was beyond the imagination of Zhou Fangjie, Li Yinglun and others: because in their view, fighting and defending the country are the most important thing. It's about the soldiers and has nothing to do with these ordinary people.However, they didn't expect that these peasants were also full of resentment towards the little devils, because the arrival of these little devils made them leave their homes, endure ups and downs, and even their families were destroyed.

It was also for this reason that upon hearing Zhang Tianhai's call to fight the devils, these civilian men all came out from the deep mountains to support the national army's anti-Japanese operations.

For Zhang Tianhai, the more civilians there are, the easier their logistical pressure will be. It is precisely because of this that the actions of the entire theater guard force have become much easier for a while, and even the transportation of weapons and ammunition is not difficult. It is no longer completely dependent on the few people in the three logistics battalions.

What is the aspiration of the people?This is what people want!

(End of this chapter)

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