Chapter 1200
Don't look at Zhang Tianhai's scolding in his heart, he said so, and he scolded like that, but in fact he acted not so fast.

As he himself said, Zhang Tianhai decided to write this report by himself.

Unlike the previous embarrassment in Shandong, Zhang Tianhai's current cultural level is "high" by more than 01:30.For example, there are no more "typos" throughout the text, at least most of them can be written in traditional Chinese.

"Hey, it's really troublesome to write these traditional characters. Both tubes of ink will run out. Simplified characters are more convenient, at least to save ink..." Zhang Tianhai complained alone while adding ink.

Since he wanted to write something, Zhang Tianhai must have written it by hiding in the office by himself, and the door was closed tightly to prevent other people from disturbing him.

So, how is it written?Probably Zhang Tianhai racked his brains, borrowing some classic battle examples from later generations and incorporating the strength of the Japanese army, etc., and wrote a report that even he himself did not believe. The key is that it looks very reasonable.

Cough cough cough... It's getting too far... The book returns to the main story.

For Zhang Tianhai, writing a [-]-word report was not a difficult task, so he finished it in just a few words.Yes, in terms of word count, he did choose to cut corners...

Soon, Zhang Tianhai sketched out a false report titled "Attack on Yuankou Town at Night" bit by bit.

Of course, when Zhang Tianhai wrote this report, he naturally erased all the fragments about the "Flying Thunder Cannon"-as for why so many explosives were used, it was of course used to blow up bunkers , and a large amount of guns, ammunition and shells were consumed during the battle. These are the foreshadowing for asking the logistics department in the theater for a lot of money.

The point is, this seems reasonable. As for why they can quickly suppress the enemy's firepower, they must rely on the magic weapon of the Soloton cannon. Of course, Zhang Tianhai also used the barrel of the Soloton cannon The loss is reported inside.

All in all, this victory came with one word, "expensive"!
The most outrageous thing is that Zhang Tianhai summed up the essence of this fake report on the combat troops as that he trained a troop that is good at night combat, and that the troop has achieved a high degree of consistency in the combination of offense and defense.

After racking his brains to write this report, Zhang Tianhai checked it repeatedly before handing it over to Zhou Fangjie, Li Yinglun, Guo Qiliang and others for review.

When Zhou Fangjie, Li Yinglun, Guo Qiliang and others saw Zhang Tianhai's report, they all said, "This is a model of military academy report." Regarding these, Zhang Tianhai just smiled and asked them to find some faults.

However, the rest of the people looked and looked again and felt that they couldn't find anything wrong.

Therefore, this falsified report quickly reached a consensus, and a copy was sent to the battalion-level cadres and other major military officers. The content has reached an agreement, and it cannot be a situation where there is a slip of the tongue.

This is just a job to do just in case.

Soon, Zhang Tianhai took the carefully crafted report in his hand to the No.15 Army General Headquarters.

"Report to Commander-in-Chief Guan, Zhang Tianhai, the former enemy commander-in-chief of the humble theater security force, is ordered to report to you!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted.

At this time, Guan Linzheng was sitting on an office chair and studying things. After seeing Zhang Tianhai, the displeasure flashed across his face, but he was still a little dissatisfied with Zhang Tianhai's answer last time. - Otherwise, he wouldn't have asked Zhang Tianhai to report on his work.

"Commander Zhang, welcome. You came this time, but you have brought the report?" Guan Linzheng stood up, feeling a little bit of a smile.

"Report to Commander-in-Chief Guan. The report on the first battle in Yunkou Town has already been written. Please read it to Commander-in-Chief Guan." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai strode up to Guan Linzheng with both hands. a fake report.

Guan Linzheng didn't even think about it, so he just took the fake report and read it. After reading it for a long time, he said: "Zhang Yulin, you can do it, you are good at writing, you can take this report. The Central Military Academy is a model. The point is, you won such a beautiful battle! It’s a pity that you are now a member of the commander’s department, otherwise I would have to get you to my No.15 Army to be a division commander!”

Regarding Guan Linzheng's behavior of painting big cakes, Zhang Tianhai just smiled and said haha: "Thank you for your trust, sir! If one day the humble official commits a crime, the superior will take the humble official..."

"You boy, you are really good at taking advantage of it... After the fifth phase of Whampoa, I have never seen you so cunning." Guan Linzheng scolded Zhang Tianhai with a smile.

"That's not true. After all, you are the old senior of our Whampoa Military Academy. We juniors want to learn from you." Zhang Tianhai said half against his will. After all, his admiration for Guan Linzheng was only in the "half of service" status.

"Haha, not bad, you've worked hard this battle. Our No.15 Army didn't seem to be of much help. As an old senior, I'm a little ashamed..." Guan Linzheng laughed, but there was no expression on his face. Ashamed, this is just a tentative word.

"Senior Guan, don't say these things. If it weren't for the No.15 Army as a strong backing, our theater guards would not dare to cross the Xinqiang River rashly. With our little people, the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army would eat us up. With more than 1 of us, it is easy to do. With seniors in the back, you can rest assured of humble positions...haha..." Zhang Tianhai also began to give some credit to Guan Linzheng. After all, sometimes these things are in the officialdom of China. The place still pays attention to some skills.

After hearing this sentence, Guan Linzheng's face turned a little better, at least it was no longer a smirk, and he said: "Yu Lin, I can see that you are a talented and talented person , especially in the aspect of worldly sophistication, you already have certain attainments, and the senior is also very happy about this. Young people, do whatever you want! I will send a copy of this report to the Ministry of Governors For the portion. Come on!"

When talking about the latter, Guan Linzheng took the initiative to pat Zhang Tianhai on the shoulder, which made the latter feel a little flattered.

"Thank you, senior, for your concern! Everything that Yulin saves is due to the senior!" Zhang Tianhai said very seriously. For him, he still wants to get some recognition and help. He doesn't want to learn from the past for Zhang Lingfu's future fate.

That's right, although Zhang Tianhai's current position is not as powerful and prestigious as the troops led by Zhang Lingfu later, the situation is actually very similar!

The so-called heights are too cold, that's it!

PS: Updates are coming! !
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(End of this chapter)

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