War of Resistance

Chapter 1201 Debate

Chapter 1201 Debate

Now that the two have exchanged pleasantries, Zhang Tianhai, who is currently acting as the acting chief of the theater security force, chatted with Guan Linzheng about many things, including the possible direction of the Japanese army's southward advance and so on.

It was already lunch time, and Guan Linzheng also knew that Zhang Tianhai's theater guard was a rare and elite force, so he wanted to keep Zhang Tianhai to eat in the canteen of the army headquarters.

"Senior, you are now stationed on the south bank of the Xinqiang River with [-] heavy troops. This position is not a place that ordinary people can sit securely." Sitting opposite Guan Linzheng, eating peanuts, Zhang Tianhai said, and he still had half a cup on hand. Liquor.

"Yu Lin, let's not talk about anything else. The troops in my hand are the elite of the Second Army, and the other troops can barely resist for a while... Hey, to be honest, I'm really I hope that your theater guards can stay here for a while, and if there is a war, we will have someone to take care of you." Guan Linzheng said with a wry smile, and only he knew how much pressure he was under.

Zhang Tianhai pondered for a while, picked up the wine glass and touched Guan Linzheng, and said: "Senior, our theater security force is under the direct management of the Chief's Department, and this thing is good or bad... Hey ... As long as the Commander's Department has an order to keep our theater guards on the south bank of the Xinqiang River, Yulin has nothing to say. Because the departure and stay of the theater guards are not in my hands. As long as the theater guards are still in the Xinqiang River One day on the shore, but wherever there is a student who can help, Yulin will never say anything."

"With Yulin's words, I feel more relieved." Guan Linzheng said after taking a sip of wine, "Now you have won the battle in the north, which is worthy of praise, but it will also cause a series of chain reactions. After that, the Japanese army will inevitably increase its troops to the north bank of the Xinqiang River to prevent us from advancing."

"Senior, don't worry! Even if they increase their troops, the range must be limited, because if they want to fight the new Qianghe River, they must clear away the main force of our army's fifth theater on the front line, otherwise Wuhan will be exposed at any time. We are under the threat of the main force from the Fifth War Zone. After all, they want to fight our Ninth War Zone, and it is impossible not to invest the main force, and we will definitely be a qualified opponent." Zhang Tianhai said very firmly.

Guan Linzheng nodded, and said: "Indeed, the front line of Little Japan is too long now. There are also a large number of our army's troops behind the enemy in Jiangxi and Jiangsu. The troops have held them back. Little Japan is in a bad situation now... If they go straight to Changsha rashly, I think they will suffer a lot."

"The idea of ​​the senior coincides with Yulin's. Yulin believes that if the Japanese army sends troops to follow the Zao area, it may not be too long. When the time comes, we will see how we can carry out the action." Although Zhang Tianhai drank a few He had a glass of wine, but he still looked very sober.

"Well, I think that should be the case. It's a pity that our current goal is still to defend Changsha. It would be great if we could give them a sap while they are sending troops." Guan Linzheng's expression All full of regret.

"Indeed it should be so." Zhang Tianhai nodded, "But I estimate that the additional troops sent by the Japanese army to Yueyang this time may be between a brigade and a division. On this occasion, it is extremely difficult for us to beat the sap again. Because our theater guards knocked their sap in Yuankou Town, it must have hurt them all. In this case, we want to go Knock them, they must have been alerted, so the loss outweighs the gain."

After hearing this, Guan Linzheng nodded and said, "Indeed, the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army is indeed very powerful. What do you think of their performance in this battle?"

Zhang Tianhai was slightly stunned, and thought for a while: "They are extremely strong in terms of teamwork and personal military quality, especially in terms of fighting will. This is the Japanese army with the strongest combat effectiveness I have ever encountered. Even Itagaki Seishiro's Fifth Division is also inferior. Their equipment may be worse than that of the Fifth Division, but their fighting will and military quality are stronger than that of the Fifth Division. They countercharged and killed me alone. Battalion troops, I can't imagine how many people will be left in our theater guard if we don't attack them at the right time, place and people."

Speaking of this time, Zhang Tianhai still looked a little palpitating—indeed, at that time, the little devil almost tore a hole and broke out. The key is that his fourth battalion still has a lot of veterans. The battalion almost let the little devil break out of the siege, one can imagine how powerful the troops of the Sixth Division are!
Of course, it does not mean that Zhang Tianhai has the so-called "Japanese-phobia", but that he has to determine the gap between his troops and the Japanese army through battle after battle. Bragging does not make him strong, only a clear understanding of his troops The strength of the enemy is the right way to strengthen the army.

"It seems that you really put a lot of thought into annihilating this Japanese army..." Guan Linzheng sighed softly. It was because he learned from Zhang Tianhai that he could understand more clearly. Just how tough their opponents are.

As the supreme commander of the No.15 Army, Guan Linzheng shoulders a heavy responsibility beyond what ordinary people can imagine. With such an opponent, it is undoubtedly very difficult to defend the south bank of the Xinqiang River.

"Indeed, it takes some thought. As long as we grasp the enemy's weaknesses, we might as well defeat them one by one." Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"So in your opinion, if the enemy is going to launch an attack on Xinqianghe, when and how will they attack, and what method should we use to counterattack properly?" Guan Linzheng is very serious I asked a question, because this can be regarded as another form of sand table warfare, barely considered a polemic!
"Senior, Yulin said before that the time for the Japanese army to attack the south bank of the Xinqiang River must be after the Battle of Suizao, and even after taking Nanchang. This is the first point; the second point, If they want to launch the Battle of Xinqianghe, the target of the operation must be Changsha. They will use no less than three divisions, and more than half, or even more than half, of the troops fighting in the direction of Xinqianghe. That is to say, they must We must occupy the south bank of the Xinqiang River before we can proceed to the next stage of operations, perhaps the target of this stage may be the No.15 Army?" Zhang Tianhai smiled and glanced at Guan Linzheng.

"Finally, how we should counterattack is to annihilate the outstanding part of the enemy army while preserving the strength of the existing troops. I believe that as long as this step is achieved, they will not continue to go south." Although Zhang Tianhai had already drunk He drank two or two small drinks, but his thinking logic was extremely clear, letting Guan Linzheng know that this kid didn't drink too much.


PS: The first update is here!There will be a second update later! !
Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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